• 6: 3 Steps to Forgiveness
    Sep 15 2024

    Forgiveness is often associated with negativity. You don’t want to forgive. You don’t believe someone who has hurt you deserves forgiveness. Why is it so hard?

    I understand those feelings. When someone abandons you as a child, it isn’t easy to forgive. When betrayed, it’s difficult to even say the word. You may even want them to suffer in the same way you have.

    What if I told you that’s a natural response and one shared by millions of women just like you? Our innate reaction when hurt is to retreat and hope the same befalls our offender.

    But I am living proof that will not get you where you want to be. Holding on to bitterness and refusing to forgive is a poison that will eventually destroy you.

    Listen in today to learn 3 steps for forgiveness and how working through these can yield you the peace you so desperately seek.

    Find the full transcript for this episode plus resources for women at Estrangement: Turning Pain into Peace at beckykolb.com/6.

    Becky Kolb helps women with estranged relationships find peace and the ability to move forward from guilt & shame, a shredded self-esteem and develop boundaries and non-negotiables for healthy relationships. Contact Becky at www.beckykolb.com/contact

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    8 mins
  • 5: Should You Avoid Conflict to Keep Peace?
    Sep 2 2024

    You want to avoid conflict that may lead to further estrangement, but should you? And what will that decision cost you? Should you learn to keep your mouth shut or speak up?

    Whether you are in an estranged relationship or not, that is a dilemma many women face daily. And with compelling cause. There is a right and wrong way to express yourself and it takes some navigation to do communicate in a healthy manner.

    You may be in a relationship that is contentious, and the other person knows exactly how to trigger you. Boy, I’ve been there. And my natural reaction was to respond now and deal with the consequences later. I’m sure I don’t have to tell you that doesn’t work well.

    Conversely, some women have been brought up to avoid conflict at all costs. That will eat you alive. Conflict is a part of life. Unfortunately, when you’re in an estranged relationship or one that is a constant battle, it isn’t easy.

    Stay with me as I talk about conflict and how to manage it for optimal mental health for you.

    Find the full transcript for this episode plus resources for women at Estrangement: Turning Pain into Peace at beckykolb.com/5.

    Becky Kolb helps women with estranged relationships find peace and the ability to move forward from guilt & shame, a shredded self-esteem and develop boundaries and non-negotiables for healthy relationships. Contact Becky at www.beckykolb.com/contact

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    8 mins
  • 4: The Quality of Relationships Affect the Quality of Your Life
    Aug 30 2024

    The quality of your relationships impacts the quality of your life. You may feel that you must maintain a relationship, good or bad, with certain people – family members or otherwise.

    Your upbringing and other factors are ingrained into your mind. Your worldview may include staying in a toxic or otherwise unhealthy relationship because that’s what you were brought up to believe.

    One lady recently recounted a crazy story about things a family member had done. As she told the shocking story she stated, “well, we have to get along because we’re family.” Does that situation ring true for you?

    I am a big believer in keeping relationships intact as much as possible. But there are instances in my life where I had to simply hit pause. Does that resonate? I’m hopeful it isn’t permanent, but I’ve learned to shift my mindset to deal with the outcome in a healthy way and you can too.

    Listen in to today’s episode for tips on improving the quality of your relationships and learning when to let go if necessary.

    Find the full transcript for this episode plus resources for women at Estrangement: Turning Pain into Peace at beckykolb.com/4.

    Becky Kolb helps women with estranged relationships find peace and the ability to move forward from guilt & shame, a shredded self-esteem and develop boundaries and non-negotiables for healthy relationships. Contact Becky at www.beckykolb.com/contact

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    11 mins
  • 3: 3 Proven Strategies for Estrangement Healing
    Jul 25 2024

    Estrangement healing is something that every woman I speak with desires more than anything. And yet, it seems so elusive.

    · Do you feel frustrated when a trigger or memory threatens to undo all the demanding work you’ve done?

    · Are you wondering if healing is even attainable?

    · Do you wonder if emotional pain is just something you’ll have to live with forever?

    I understand those thoughts because I’ve had them too. And my friend, I want to encourage you today with 3 hard truths that will open the flood gates to lasting healing from your pain.

    Find the full transcript for this episode plus resources for women at Estrangement: Turning Pain into Peace at beckykolb.com/3.

    Becky Kolb helps women with estranged relationships find peace and the ability to move forward from guilt & shame, a shredded self-esteem and develop boundaries and non-negotiables for healthy relationships. Contact Becky at www.beckykolb.com/contact

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    9 mins
  • 2: Letting Go of An Estranged Relationship
    Jul 5 2024

    Letting go of an estranged relationship seems so permanent. Is it even possible? And what does it mean to let go?

    You may think it means the end of any hope of reconciliation and restoration. I thought that by hanging on, I was keeping all options open and the only thing that was open was sadness and pain.

    Are you one of the over 70 million Americans with an estranged relationship? Then you know the emotional pain that wreaks havoc in your life. Whether you’re responsible or not, the rejection is painful and can leave your self-esteem in pieces.

    You wonder if you can ever be whole again. Are you really a terrible person? How could someone who is supposed to love and care for you not?

    Listen in today to learn when to stop reaching out and accept the relationship for what it is today. It’s not easy, but you’ll be glad you listened.

    Find the full transcript for this episode plus resources for women at Estrangement: Turning Pain into Peace at beckykolb.com/2.

    Becky Kolb helps women with estranged relationships find peace and the ability to move forward from guilt & shame, a shredded self-esteem and develop boundaries and non-negotiables for healthy relationships. Contact Becky at www.beckykolb.com/contact

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    11 mins
  • 1: How to Silence the Inner Critic and Bring Peace to Your Life
    Jul 5 2024

    Estrangement ushers in an inner critic that can wreak havoc with your mind. What if I told you that you could change that voice? As one who has experienced a considerable amount of estrangement, I know the inner critic and its ability to ruin a perfectly good day.

    Should is a favorite word in its vocabulary. Its voice is powerful enough to reduce a grown woman to tears in seconds.

    What if I told you how you can deflate the power of that inner critic faster than air leaves a balloon when popped? You have that power inside you, and I’ll help you discover exactly how to find it and reclaim the voice of truth and affirmation.

    Find the full transcript for this episode plus resources for women at Estrangement: Turning Pain into Peace at beckykolb.com/1.

    Becky Kolb helps women with estranged relationships find peace and the ability to move forward from guilt & shame, a shredded self-esteem and develop boundaries and non-negotiables for healthy relationships. Contact Becky at www.beckykolb.com/contact

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    10 mins
  • What is the Estrangement: Turning Pain into Peace all about?
    Jul 1 2024

    Becky Kolb helps women with estranged relationships find peace and the ability to move forward from guilt & shame, a shredded self-esteem and develop boundaries and non-negotiables for healthy relationships. Contact Becky at www.beckykolb.com/contact

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    1 min