Episode 67: The Golden Era Begins
In Episode 67 of Greg Klein's Old School Rasslin Talk, Jenny's Episode, Greg:
Welcomes Winter Place podcast host and IWC friend Mark Coale to the show for the first time.
Greg and Mark:
Take a broad view of what Greg calls the Golden Era of the Mid South Wrestling Association, from the day Jim Cornette and the Midnight Express arrive until the day Bob Sweeten returns, or Nov. 83 to summer 1985.
Discuss the exit of the Junkyard Dog, the various and amazing take team matches and the star turns of Hacksaw Duggan, Terry Taylor and Jake Roberts.
Play the "who's your secret favorite awful JYD replacement" game and discuss who might have worked in that spot.
Look at the WWF invasion of Texas in December 1984.
Take a side trip into Dallas wrestling and politics in 1984/85.
Check out Greg's column about Morris Sigel on Slam Wrestling. https://slamwrestling.net/index.php/2024/10/11/guest-column-elect-morris-sigel-to-the-observer-hall-of-fame/
Greg Klein's Old School Rasslin Talk is sponsored by Greg and his written work. His newest release, "Sunset Painting & The Sun, Two Plays by Greg Klein," is on Amazon.com and Barnesandnoble.com, as are his previous books: The Junkyard Dog biography, "The King of New Orleans" and the historic fiction, sports novel, "The Paper Tigers, How Eight Guys from the Streets of Philadelphia Became Professional Baseball Players for One Day."