This podcast episode delves into the chilling story of the Hillside Stranglers, a duo of serial killers, Angelo Buono and Kenneth Bianchi, who terrorized Los Angeles in the late 1970s. The host explores their backgrounds, the formation of their deadly partnership, the victims they targeted, the investigation that led to their capture, and the subsequent trial and sentencing. The episode highlights the disturbing nature of their crimes and the impact on the victims' families, as well as the legacy of their actions.
The Hillside Stranglers were a duo of serial killers.
Angelo Buono was known for his abusive behavior towards women.
Kenneth Bianchi had a troubled childhood and violent tendencies.
The killers used fake police badges to lure victims.
The investigation faced challenges due to multiple active serial killers.
Victims included sex workers and young girls.
The trial of Angelo Buono was one of the longest in American history.
Kenny Bianchi attempted to use an insanity defense during his trial.
Both killers received life sentences but not the death penalty.
The legacy of their crimes continues to haunt the families of the victims.
Sound Bites
"Evil runs in the family."
"This guy is just vile."
"It's just disgusting."
00:00 Introduction to the Hillside Stranglers
05:57 The Background of Angelo Buono Kenneth Bianchi
12:06 The Hillside Stranglers' Victims
33:59 Kenny's 2 victims
36:44 The Capture of Kenneth Bianchi
41:26 The Aftermath and Legacy of the Stranglers