In this episode, we take on the sour lies that are holding missionaries back from building a partnership team and replace them with sweet truths from God’s Word. As we expose the bondages that have resulted from those lies, we are set free to follow God’s call. Special guest trainer Terry Sherman of Relational Fundraising from YWAM Heidebeek shares about the spirit of Mammon and not letting money or the fear of the lack of money control us. We highlight the YWAM Value, Function In Teams as we discuss how all missionaries must be team builders in all areas of ministry.
Special tools and documents:
-Budget planner
-Namestorming worksheet
-Contact information sheet
-Sample vision letter
-Tracking appointments worksheet
-Sample slide presentations
-Sample texts to set up appointments
Teaching notes and media slides
Use this free content to train your team on how to build a missionary partnership team!
Support Raising Solutions- Fundraising boot camp
Relational Fundraising- Free online YWAM course in 14 languages
Fully Funded Missionary- Online training videos and teaching
The God Ask: A Fresh, Biblical Approach to Personal Support Raising by Steve Shadrach
Funding Your Ministry, A Field Guide For Raising Personal Support by Scott Morton
Daring To Live On The Edge, The Adventure Of Faith And Finances by Loren Cunningham
Friendraising, Building A Missionary Support Team That Lasts by Betty Barnett
Values Matter, Stories of the Beliefs & Values that Shaped Youth With A Mission by Darlene Cunningham
Partnership Development for the Fully Funded Missionary: Training Manual by Rob Parker
Permission for music donated by Jimmy Clifton. Enjoy his music on Apple Music or Spotify.