Have you ever faced a cash crisis in your business and realized the bank wasn’t there to help? Running a business can be a whirlwind of challenges, from equipment failures to unexpected personal emergencies—and sometimes, the traditional financial system won’t be there to back you up.
In this episode we dive into the essential strategies every business owner should know to safeguard their cash flow and avoid falling victim to predatory lending. You’ll hear real-life scenarios faced by gym owners who were hit with unexpected expenses, hacked ad accounts, and sudden team losses—all of which had serious financial consequences.
What You Will Learn:
- Why banks are unlikely to lend you money when you need it most and how to work around it.
- How to proactively prepare for cash flow crises before they arise.
- Lessons from business owners who faced $17,000 HVAC repairs, lost $6,000/month from key staff turnover, and paid $600/day in fees to exploitative lenders.
- The hidden dangers of predatory loans, especially in high-pressure moments.
- The steps you can take now to secure cash flow for future emergencies.
When you are ready… Here are 3 ways we can help you:
1. Subscribe to this podcast
2. Join our Facebook group: https://urlgeni.us/facebook/gymownerfreedom
3. Watch my free training on how I retired from my gyms in my 30’s: https://ptlegends.com/free-training-optin
4. Want to get there faster? Book a 15-min call to learn about working with me or joining our community (this is NOT a sales call- leave your credit card at home): https://ptlegends.com/schedule\