Episode 56 - Afraid To Talk To/About Your Volleyball Coach?
Fear of retribution. That’s why so many parents & players are afraid to - even politely - voice concerns with coaches who hold all the power. While a lot of coaches would say that kids should learn to advocate for themselves (and this is absolutely true) - it’s also true that there is an imbalance of power and so many coaches use this power to punish those who question their decisions. Of course, the BEST and most knowledgeable coaches have an open atmosphere around their teams because they know the WHYS behind their philosophies extremely well, but many less knowledgeable and more insecure coaches hide behind the ‘self-advocacy’ line in order to keep communication lines closed and punish the parents or players who challenge their ‘authority.’ Listen in as the guys talk about this all-to-common ‘power play’ problem and how parents, coaches, and players can actually work together to ensure that no one feels threatened or disrespected - and that THE GAME & ALL PARTICIPANTS are the beneficiaries in the end.
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