Nate Krugman residing in Maineville, Ohio with his wife Sarah and their three children, is passionate about helping others discover their unique missions in life. As a cancer survivor turned thriver, he has undertaken incredible challenges like kayaking 470 miles along the Ohio River and cycling 3,000 miles from California to Florida to support cancer-related causes. Nate walked 337 miles from Cleveland to Cincinnati to raise awareness for EXO Ignite Discovery, providing free adventure therapy retreats for those battling burnout. With a robust professional background in nonprofit and sales management, Nate's mission is to empower individuals to embrace life’s challenges and discover their unique strengths and purpose.
During this episode Nate and I discuss:
- Endurance Adventures: Kayaking, Cycling, Walking
- Chasing impact & having breakthroughs (No Plan B)
- Cancer as a catalyst for change
- How to express your inner spirit in an outward way
- EXO Clarity Outdoor Adventures and Retreats - how to support and get involved
- Community Ruck Walks
- Being courageous & creating daily habits
- Walking through fear to discover your strengths; walking through pain to discover your purpose
- Healing in nature
- "Remembering" who we are - clarify, cultivate, conquer
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Article (The Role of Adventure in Personal Growth): Book - "How to Win Friends & Influence People" by Dale Carnegie: htt
Dappled Light (Adventures & Retreats):
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