It goes without saying that most folks are feeling election anxiety and there’s lots of conversation around who to vote for. But here’s the thing: there’s only so much we can control. We can’t control the results; we can only control the choices we make. It’s important to make decisions that feel right for you, that sit well in your heart – and not one based on fear. It’s hard, I know. But if we focus on the big picture –like, Universe-level– then we can understand that our work does not stop with casting one vote. Liberation is a lifetime’s work. The question needs to be: what actions will I take (or not take) after the results of this election? And: what does liberation look like? Will my actions work towards realizing and manifesting that vision? This is a long game, folks. And the oracle card from the Starseed oracle deck, Perspective, reminds us of that. That we are but a speck in the vast Universe and that this current life we’re living is a blip in the timeline of our soul’s existence. With that perspective in mind, how can we really shake things up to break down oppressive systems and create a liberated world? Tune in to learn more! And if you want to continue the conversation, reach out via IG (@ leslieannhobayan) or email: leslieann (at)
Today’s poems/ Books mentioned:
Oracle Card: Perspective
“Spiced Mana” by Hafiz
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