Join Clint, Top Lobster, Toad, Cole, and Jose for a no-holds-barred descent into the absurd, the offensive, and the downright unhinged. From Jamaican rap riffs to conspiracy-fueled rants about Elon Musk’s breeding program, this crew tackles everything—black humor, cultural superiority, horse pussy phases, and gay furry news anchors—with zero fucks given. Expect crude takes, wild tangents, and a middle finger to the "pores" who won’t pay for the good stuff. It’s raw, it’s reckless, and it’s the Tower Gang—conservative chaos meets libertarian lunacy. New episodes drop weekly, with premium insanity behind the paywall.JOIN THE PATREON FOR AD FREE & BONUS CONTENT (PRE AND POST SHOW)Tower Gang | The REAL most offfensive podcast on the internet! | PatreonNEW RACIST MERCH WEEKLY!Tower Gang | Racist Merch - TopLobsta.comFOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA:TOWER GANG POD:Tower Gang / PatreonTower Gang / YouTubeTower Gang / Rumble(@TowerGangPod) / X(@towergangpodcast) / InstagramTowerGangLayneEdits / RumbleCLINT RUSSELL:(@LibertyLockPod) / X(@libertylockdown) / InstagramLiberty Lockdown / YouTubeLiberty Lockdown / Merch - TopLobsta.comTOPLOBSTA:TopLobsta / Merch(@TopLobsta) / X(@TopLobsta) / InstagramNephilim Death Squad / YouTubeNephilimDeathSquad / RumbleJOSE GALISON:(@TowerGangJose) / X(@jose.galison) / InstagramNo Way, Jose! / YouTubeNo Way, Jose! / RumbleTOAD:(@TowerGangToad) / XBettor Off Dead - YouTubeToad | All LinksCOLE: (@TowerGangCole) / XTYLER:LPR / YouTubeLibertarian Podcast Review / Rumblepod review (@tylerjanke) / XWEBSITES: towergangpod.comOUR SPONSORS:Nadeau Shave Co. - The Affordable, Sustainable, Heathly ShavePROMO CODE : TOWERGANG FOR 15% OFF Become a supporter of this podcast: