Diese Episode ist ausnahmsweise auf Englisch!"Stay true to yourself." – Emelie ForsbergIn this special English episode, I’m joined by the incredible Emelie Forsberg, a true trail running icon. We dive into her journey—from her first race in 2009 to today—and how the sport has evolved over the years. Emelie shares her thoughts on the growing competition, the joy of pushing her limits, and what keeps her motivated.Beyond running, Emelie is an entrepreneur, co-founding Moonvalley, a brand dedicated to healthy, sustainable food. She opens up about the challenges of building a business, balancing professional sports, motherhood, and life on a farm. With the arrival of her third child, she reflects on the importance of prioritization, self-care, and being present in the moment.We also discuss nutrition, recovery, changes in pace during pregnancy, cycle-based training for women, and gender equality in sports. Emelie shares valuable insights on fueling properly, avoiding depletion, and listening to your body’s unique needs.Emelie reveals the one question that interviewers rarely dare to ask: Will she return to high-level competition? Her answer might surprise you!❓Her absolute must-have on race day – something she never competes without!❓The dream destination she still wants to explore.❓Who’s more patient: her or her husband Kilian Jornet?A truly inspiring conversation about passion, perseverance, and balance—on and off the trails.THANK YOU, dear Emelie, for your time, your inspiration, and your openness in our conversation!🎧 Tune in now!Emelie Forsberg - Social Media & InterviewsInstagram von Emelie ForsbergEmelie Forsberg auf nNormalInterview „A Change of Pace“ mit Emelie ForsbergMoonvalley – Co-Founderin Emelie ForsbergDas von Emelie empfohlene BuchA Word for the Day – 365 texts for power & peace of mind von Sofia SivertsdotterWeitere Angebote und RessourcenLauf-Camps 2025Alle Infos zu den kommenden Lauf-Camps findest du hier:Lauf-Camps 2025 – Runventure1:1 & B2B CoachingMehr über mein individuelles Coaching und Business-Angebote:Florian Reiter Coaching & B2B ServicesStarke Teams: Das neue Angebot für FührungskräfteEin exklusives Angebot von Ursula Rakowetz und Florian Reiter für Führungskräfte und Teams:Starke Teams: Entwicklungsraum RunventurePodcast: „PAARadigmenwechsel“Höre den Podcast von Kathrin und Florian auf verschiedenen Plattformen:Apple Podcasts: PAARadigmenwechselSpotify: PAARadigmenwechselInstagram des PodcastsRetreat von Kathrin & Florian – TAKE A BREAKDetails und Anmeldung zum ersten gemeinsamen Retreat von Kathrin & Florian:TAKE A BREAK Retreat – RunventureSocial Media & Weitere KanäleInstagram von Florian ReiterFacebook-Profil von Florian ReiterPersönliches Facebook-Profil von Florian ReiterTikTok von Florian ReiterYouTube-Kanal „Running Free“LinkedIn-Profil von Florian ReiterPodcast-FeedbackGib mir dein Feedback zum Podcast: Podcast-Feedback-Formular