You've never heard of a divorce coach? Marriage is not a game. Neither is divorce - although the divorce process does involve strategy and could pull a few ideas from the sports world. Forming a team to help you through a divorce is actually a great idea. It makes sense you would come up with a game plan. Hiring a coach to motivate and guide the team members to top performance can make a huge difference in how you (and your children) experience personal breakup. Sharri Freedman has the experience to coach anyone's Dream Team. A Certified Divorce Coach (CDC) and co-parenting expert, Sharri also has 24 years of experience working in family law. She formed Potomac Coaching to change the way families experience divorce. She uses her legal wisdom, divorce coaching and mindset tools to empower women and men to create a plan, improve communication and begin to heal. Hear her share some best practices for expressing yourself and co-parenting with your ex. Oona Metz returns to the show to offer insight into the process. A licensed social worker and divorce support group leader, Oona knows the roller coaster of emotions people experience during a breakup. In her groups, she helps participants gain clarity, strengthen connections to other people, and take greater control in making future decisions. Tune in to hear these two thought leaders share key concepts in forming your team.