
  • EmacsCast 10 - Obsession, small tweaks and Hyper key
    Nov 8 2019

    After a long break, let's get back into Emacs and talk about obsessions, small tweaks and improvements in my config, arrows and an additional modal key which could help with long, hard-to-remember Emacs key combinations.

    Shownotes Intro
    • Dreaming of obsession
    • My new podcast about Computer science, programming and math
    Config news
    • Abbrev mode
    • YAsnippet
    • avy
    • Episode 5: Blogging with Org mode and Emacs
    Hyper key
    • Karabiner Elements
    • Configure a Hyper Key on OSX
    • Karabiner God Mode

    You can support EmacsCast on Patreon! There are perks + that wonderful feeling of helping the project you like :-)

    Find out more at http://emacscast.org

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    33 mins
  • EmacsCast 9 - Writing in Org and Emacs, part 2
    Apr 22 2019
    • My talk Decentralized evolutionary computation with Clojure and ClojureScript
    Config news
    • fritzgrabo's helpful comment
    • Make counsel-git see untracked files: (setq counsel-git-cmd "git ls-files --full-name --exclude-standard --others --cached --")
    • My Emacs workflow video
    • celeritasCelery's project.el + counsel.git solution to project navigation
    • Nikita Prokopov
    • grumpy.website
    • Consider supporting Oleh Krehel (abo-abo) on Patreon. He created and maintains swiper, hydra, lispy, avy and many other awesome extensions.
    • Episode 5 of EmacsCast that includes the description of my move from Helm to Ivy
    • Visual Line Mode
    • Swiper-isearch - a more isearch-like swiper
    • Structure editing in org (including narrowing and widening)
    • ox-slimhtml
    • Snippet: copy org as html into clipboard
    • Markdown mode
    • Snipper: copy Markdown as html into clipboard
    • Checking and Correcting Spelling
    • Powerthesaurus integration

    You can support EmacsCast on Patreon! There are perks + that wonderful feeling of helping the project you like :-)

    Find out more on the EmacsCast website.

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    23 mins
  • EmacsCast 8 - Writing in Org and Emacs, part 1
    Mar 13 2019
    Config news
    • Display line numbers natively
    • Highlight current line
    • Background color for current line number

    • Projectile docs

    • Counsel Projectile
    • Indirect Buffers
    • Org LaTeX export
    • Example of default Org->LaTeX->PDF export
    • Auto-export to HTML on save
    • EmacsCast Episode 5: Blogging with Org mode and Emacs
    Long-form writing
    • Pandoc: a universal document converter
    • Pandoc conversion diagram
    • ox-pandoc: an exporter that translates Org-mode files to other formats via Pandoc

    You can support EmacsCast on Patreon! There are perks and this wonderful feeling of helping the project you like :-)

    Find out more on the EmacsCast website.

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    26 mins
  • EmacsCast 7 - QA: Evil, Speed and Matt
    Jan 29 2019
    • Edit indirect
    • "25 years of coding, and I'm just beginning"
    • My Twitch page
    • Opening Large Files
    • How is Doom’s startup so fast?
    • nlinum

    You can now support EmacsCast on Patreon! There are perks and this wonderful feeling of helping the project you like :-)

    Find out more on the EmacsCast website.

    Show More Show Less
    39 mins
  • EmacsCast 6 - Back to basics
    Oct 20 2018

    You can now support EmacsCast on Patreon! There are perks and this wonderful feeling of helping the project you like :-)

    • org-support-shift-select
    • worf.el: org speed keys with a bit of vi flavor
    • Org Speed Keys
    • How Emacs undo works (reddit)
    • Undo (Emacs manual)
    • My webcomic Honestly Undefined
    • Section of my config with a capture template for 'new comic'
    Back to basics
    • Emacs as daemon + Emacs client
    • Software disenchantment by Nikita Prokopov
    • RE: Software disenchantment (my answer to Nikita)
    • Grumpy Website
    • Why I’m done with Chrome by Matthew Green
    • Smartparens
    • Moving in the Parenthesis Structure (Emacs manual)
    • Mastering Emacs book
    Show More Show Less
    42 mins
  • EmacsCast 5 - Blogging with Org mode and ox-hugo
    Sep 24 2018
    • Updated config with Ivy instead of Helm
    • Shackle a way to control window creation
    • Castlemacs: modern, minimalist Emacs for macOS ⌘
    Exporting HTML with Org mode
    • Some HTML templates for Org exporter
    • Another very nice theme (I'm going to set this as default for my setup)
    • Wordpress
    • Aegea, the blogging engine
    • My blog in Russian that uses Jekyll
    Blogging with ox-hugo
    • My main blog in English powered by Hugo, ox-hugo and Org mode
    • Hugo, another static website generator
    • Ox-hugo: a carefully crafted Org exporter back-end for Hugo
    • Section of ox-hugo documentation on LaTeX
    Some of my articles produced with Mathjax
    • A Simple Introduction to Proof by Contradiction
    • A Simple Introduction to Proof by Induction

    Send feedback to emacscast@rakhim.org or via twitter @freetonik


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    38 mins
  • EmacsCast 4 - Spacemacs vs Doom vs Emacs
    Sep 5 2018
    • New Emacscast.org website (source)
    • Hugo static website generator
    • Ox-Hugo: A carefully crafted Org exporter back-end for Hugo
    • Emacs.el podcast
    • My personal blog, powered by ox-hugo as well
    • Netlify
    • My current config
    Support Emacs community developers
    • List of ways to support Emacs community developers
    • Bastien Guerry's tweet
    • Helm development is stalled for now
    • Spacemacs homepage
    • Layers
    • Doom homepage
    • Doom themes
    • Doom modeline (very pretty!)
    Modal editing in Emacs
    • Evil-mode
    • God mode
    • Modalka
    • Boon
    • RYO modal mode!
    • Fingers.el
    • Xah Fly Keys
    Show More Show Less
    36 mins
  • EmacsCast 3 - Org mode
    Aug 10 2018

    Fresh "Config News" and an overview of Org mode, a powerful Emacs package for keeping notes, maintaining TODO lists, planning projects, and authoring documents with a fast and effective plain-text system.

    • My current config
    • Org-mode
    • Workflowy, a simple outliner
    • Nice looking PDF version of my config. Generated by Org LaTex->PDF exporter. Note that some code blocks are too wide and don't with on the page. That's my fault, not Org's :)
    • Org capture video tutorial by Mike Zamansky. Part 2.
    • David O'Toole Org tutorial
    • Getting Started With Org Mode (YouTube) by Harry Schwartz.
    • Getting yourself organized with OrgMode (YouTube playlist) by Rainer König

    Complete shownotes with links on Github

    Please, send feedback, suggestions and ideas to emacscast@rakhim.org.

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    29 mins