
  • Literacy Endorsement Update
    May 28 2024

    IDOE sent out updates on the required literacy endorsement. I apologize for the delay in covering these changes. As we all know, the end of the school year gets a wee bit busy.

    I am going to read through the documents that were emailed and then share my thoughts. It is evident that legislators and IDOE members have acknowledged our concerns and are taking steps in response. I appreciate the changes they have made but would like to continue to work towards fully fixing the issues together.

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    43 mins
  • Update on Literacy Endorsement & KTL Course Overview
    May 9 2024

    I want to start off by apologizing for my last podcast episode. I wrote that content out of frustration and it did not align with my intentions for this podcast. My goal is to keep people aware of what is happening in the world of education and be part of the solution.

    So, it’s time for me to practice what I preach. Own it, fix it, and move on. Last week’s episode has been deleted. It is my goal moving forward to put out content that informs parents, educators, and legislators so that we can work together to give our children a quality education.

    I am sure we all have acted out of frustration and in hindsight went, ouch, I should have handled that better. I appreciate the grace that has been extended to me and for those that held me accountable. Now, let’s move on!

    The IDOE sent out an announcement on May 8, 2024 with and update on the required training provided by Keys to Literacy. There is a screenshot of this memo in the blog post for this episode, if you would like to read it yourself.

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    11 mins
  • Q and A On Literacy Endorsement
    Apr 24 2024

    I have received some answers from the IDOE to questions I sent to the Literacy Center. Hopefully, you find this helpful.

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    12 mins
  • Negotiating Better Contracts with a Local Union Involving Teachers in Decision-Making
    Apr 22 2024

    Paige Miller discusses the process of creating a local teachers union and the benefits it can provide. She shares her experience of transitioning from a union tied to ISTA and NEA to a local union in Carmel. She emphasizes the importance of teachers having a voice in decision-making and the need for a union that truly represents their interests. Paige also discusses the challenges and potential pushback that may arise when starting a local union. The lack of personnel is a major roadblock in education, with one aid having to share their support among multiple teachers. This leads to unqualified individuals working with low-performing students. More funding is needed to support the number of personnel required to meet students' needs. One solution proposed is to bring retired teachers back into the schools and pay them a stipend to provide support in K-3 classrooms. Another suggestion is to provide mentors for first and second-year teachers, offering them a life license and a financial incentive to mentor others. The conversation also highlights the importance of involving teachers in decision-making and highlighting successful teaching practices.


    · Creating a local teachers union allows teachers to have a stronger voice and representation in decision-making processes.

    · Local unions can negotiate better contracts and have a louder voice at the negotiations table.

    · Starting a local union may face pushback from ISTA and NEA, and there may be tension between the local union and the existing union.

    · Teachers should have conversations with each other and ensure they have over 50% support before filing paperwork to split from the existing union.

    · Teachers should be aware of potential scare tactics used by the existing union and consider the benefits of a local union, such as a defense fund and stronger representation.

    · Teachers need to be involved in the decision-making process and have a say in educational policies and curriculum choices. The lack of personnel in education is a major obstacle to meeting students' needs.

    · More funding is needed to support the hiring of additional personnel.

    · Retired teachers can be brought back into the schools to provide support in K-3 classrooms.

    · Mentors can be valuable for first and second-year teachers, and financial incentives can be offered to encourage experienced teachers to take on mentoring roles.

    · Teachers should be involved in decision-making processes and their successful teaching practices should be highlighted.

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    7 hrs and 56 mins
  • IDOE April 18th Webinar Recap
    Apr 19 2024

    Unfortunately, the IDOE’s live webinar on April 18th created more of a divide between the department and educators. I think the IDOE, and legislators would find that teachers would extend grace if they would come to the table and talk. Educators want this training, but on a more reasonable timeline and without the Praxis exam. As it is educators do not feel heard, while their career and lively hood are being threatened.

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    13 mins
  • Indiana Required Literacy Endorsement Update
    Apr 17 2024

    There have been some interesting developments surrounding SEA No. 1 and the literacy endorsement requirement. In this episode I will clarify who needs the endorsement, what your training options are, and address new information from the IDOE and ISTA. I believe all of you put enough heat on the IDOE and ISTA to have them backpedaling.

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    32 mins
  • SEA No. 1 Update from DOE on Endorsement Requirements
    Apr 9 2024

    On April 5, 2024 the DOE released more information on the training requirements for teachers who already completed training prior to the passing of SEA No.1. This update also covers how these teachers can receive a voucher for their Praxis exam and how to submit their records of completion.

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    24 mins
  • SEA No. 1 Updates & Keys to Literacy Overview
    Apr 3 2024

    Welcome to another Educational Awareness podcast. There has been a bit of confusion on the new requirements for renewing a teacher’s license in Indiana. I wanted to address some of those items and give an overview of the Keys to Literacy required training for all teachers.

    The first point of confusion is over which Praxis tests you must take. You only must take the Praxis 5205, not all the ones you took to get your initial teaching license. The Praxis Teaching Reading: Elementary test focuses on the knowledge and skills a beginning teacher must have to support reading and writing development in kindergarten through sixth-grade students. Built to assess the science of reading, the test is structured around the five essential components of effective reading instruction as identified by the National Reading Panel: phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension. You can learn more at the link provided in this blog post.


    The second point of confusion is if you already hold a teacher’s license, you do not need to complete the training and exam. I will read through the law again and share a document that was sent out from the DOE, but let me say everyone who holds a current Indiana teacher’s license must complete this training and pass the exam by July 1, 2027. I believe the confusion on whether this training is required or not is due to the law saying it is, but the DOE communication saying it is an option.

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    28 mins