• Episode 12: Communion with Nature and creating a N.E.S.T with Katharina Lindahl Gray
    Sep 30 2024
    Hello sweet soul, welcome. Katta shares about her deep connection with nature, trust and a download she received to create, New Earth School Teachings - N.E.S.T. (Birthed as Shine Like A Diamond, this podcast became, Earth - Body - Consciousness). BIO: Katta is a Swedish divine space holder for human ascension and living in a love vibration for the expansion of Gaia. She is in service in everyday life to humanity in her own unique ways, just by being and remembering the layers of multidimensional embodiments of her soul self, journeying the depths of her human experience and her galactic origins as a starseed, being in her heart with compassion and kindness. Always guided by love, always surrendering to what is, knowing she is in abundance and provided for with everything she needs for growth and evolutionary expansion, no matter how dark it might seem in the present moment. Trust and surrender no matter what is key. There is a blessing and a teaching in everything. Conscious awareness will lead us to the knowing. Mother Earth is omni present as within so without and nature provides us with everything we need for a deeper connection with a life in abundance and the divine. Nature is the divine expression of God. All is God, God is in All. Love is the glue that connects us! Mail: katta.lindahl@gmail.com Hemsida: www.sundshalsocoaching.com Summary Meeting Purpose Discussing Katharina's connection with nature, her journey of self-discovery, and her vision for creating a new nature-based school. Key Takeaways Katharina developed a deep reverence and connection with nature during a profound awakening over 20 years ago She surrendered to being guided by nature's energies, communicating with plants/trees, and using herbs for healing Katharina had a download for creating a "New Earth School Teachings" (NEST) nature school concept The school would provide an environment for children to express their gifts freely in nature, without rigid structures She believes in unconditional love as the highest vibration, living in allowance, and not judging oneself harshly Topics Profound Connection with Nature As a child, felt drawn to waters like the sea, lakes and rivers in Sweden During an awakening 20+ years ago, nature became her biggest support and assistance Felt guided by nature's energies - going to waters for energy, communicating with trees/plants Developed a reverence and was humbled by nature's strong yet soft energies Used herbs for healing, making teas/tinctures after learning about them Vision for Nature-Based School Had a download for a "New Earth School Teachings" (NEST) nature school concept in Sweden Envisions a school in nature where children can freely express their gifts without rigid structures Kids today carry a different frequency and can't thrive in traditional school environments Wants to provide a venue incorporating movement, being in nature's calming presence Already has interest from parents/kids in Ecuador where she's headed next Living from the Heart Believes unconditional love is the highest vibration that connects everything No longer searches for wisdom, just allows herself to be her true self Doesn't get affected by fears/chaos as she chooses to be in her heart where there is no fear Surrenders to life's flow, trusting she'll be provided for without income/possessions Encourages not judging oneself harshly, just being in allowance of what is Next Steps Continuing the journey of surrendering to how the NEST school will manifest Heading to Ecuador next where she has connections interested in the nature school Focusing on being, living from the heart, and spreading unconditional love Thank you all who have listened to this podcast. Grateful for you and for being here. Many blessings, love Jacob.
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    53 mins
  • Episode 11: Codes of Lemuria and Mu with Kacie Clawson
    Sep 23 2024
    Hello sweet soul, welcome. Kacie takes us on a journey of higher service through time and space. (This podcast morphed from Shine Like A Diamond to Earth - Body - Consciousness) Kacie Clawson is a New Earth Ancient One. A Cosmic Earth Channel and an Earth Galactic bridge. A Universal Light Guide and Activator Her roots are deeply connected to Gaia She works with the elements bringing her healing gifts and ancient codes from Lemuria, and MU. As part of her Earth work she is called to work directly with the Mountains and Volcanoes connected to the Ring of Fire, assisting them to activate as cosmic portals. Kacie works with the Dragons, and carries the Water Dragon Lineage of Sirius B. As part of her Starseed mission she is here to help activate others into their galactic codes of remembrance. She is a Oracle and sees future timelines and visions from her higher self and her guides As a Galactic channel she is able to bring forth information from the Universal and Source Fields. She Translates energy, light language and ancient languages both from light beings and humans. Kacie works 1:1 with clients in person and online, helping them to step back into Remembrance of who they really are. You can connect with Kacie Through Facebook, Instagram or her website: Kacie (@channelinglightwithkc) • Instagram photos and videos instagram.com https://www.facebook.com/share/HvoNPbZzpVNEGJ6E/?mibextid=LQQJ4d https://calendly.com/channelinglightkc https://www.channelinglight.net/ Summary Meeting Purpose Discuss Kacie's spiritual journey, gifts, and mission related to activating ancient codes and energies, particularly from the times of Lemuria and Mu. Key Takeaways Kacie had an awakening around 2012-2013 that activated her gifts of energy work, past life memories, and connection to the Earth She works with volcanoes as cosmic portals and activators, especially along the Pacific Ring of Fire which holds codes from Lemuria Kacie is part of a soul group of 12 masters from Lemuria tasked with reactivating ancient sun discs and codes to assist Gaia's shift She recently received profound "ocean codes" from another soul sister, enhancing her connection to the waters The journey involves finding her full soul group, activating volcanoes/portals together, and ushering in a new Earth vibration Topics Kacie's Awakening and Gifts In 2012-2013, an energetic shift occurred and Kacie's gifts turned on during a trip to Hawaii She began seeing visions, giving energy healing, and recalling past life memories of working with volcanoes in Lemuria Guides taught her to use her Lemurian gifts rather than needing modalities like Reiki Working with Volcanoes and the Ring of Fire Kacie works as an activator for volcanoes, especially along the Pacific Ring of Fire connected to Lemuria She checks if their cosmic connectors are open, clears blockages so they can communicate on a higher "electric grid" In Java and Bali, she helped the volcanoes sync up after a period of fragmented communication Remembering the End of Lemuria Kacie vividly recalls the ending days of Lemuria when the ocean flooded the area She has some residual trauma around deep ocean waters from that experience Part of her work is helping transition souls still stuck in that timeline to the light Reconnecting with Her Soul Group Kacie is part of a soul group of 12 masters from the time of Lemuria They are tasked with reactivating ancient sun discs containing codes for Earth/humanity As she finds each member, they activate collectively and exchange codes/gifts The final goal is activating all the sun discs together at a specific volcano Receiving the "Ocean Codes" Recently, a soul sister gave Kacie profound ocean codes she had been holding for 10 years This was an unexpected gift that deeply enhanced Kacie's connection to the waters She now receives new oceanic codes whenever she is near the ocean Timelines of Mu and Creation Bali holds some of the most ancient codes from before Lemuria, tied to the time of Mu Mu may have been an era of great creation when light beings, dragons, and dinosaurs co-existed Master crystals were likely seeded on Earth during this time before being worked with in Lemuria Next Steps Kacie will return home after her time in Bali, traveling on an auspicious day She will continue finding and reconnecting with the other members of her soul group The ultimate mission is gathering all 12 together to activate the sun discs at a specific volcano This will catalyze a major shift and reawakening of ancient Lemurian/Mu codes to birth the New Earth Thank you for listening in and journeying with us today. Take care and see you next time. In loving gratitude, Jacob.
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    44 mins
  • Episode 10: The Power of Voice for Navigating through Life with Heidi Turner
    Sep 16 2024
    Hello sweet soul, welcome. Heidi shares her deep connection with nature from a young age, a period of seizures to singing her song. Heidi takes us on a beautiful journey near the end of the podcast. (This podcast shifted from Shine Like A Diamond to Earth - Body - Consciousness). BIO: Heidi is an artist, creator, Sound Alchemist, coach/guide/mentor, as well as a practitioner of Kahuna Bodywork and teacher of Kahuna Arts. Trained in Counselling and Psychotherapy Heidi has had many experiences working with and in groups facilitating and holding space. Her earlier life's regular experiences of journeying out of her body as well as time spent with incredible teachers have enhanced her intuitive knowing and access to many different Realms. A mother and grandmother she brings a great capacity of safety and nurturing. It is Heidi's desire to facilitate many Souls return to knowing the full Magnificence of Self and to Fully Shine! Living in the Taranaki region Heidi enjoys nature, creating, singing, the ocean, precious/joyful time with family, friends and meeting new people. https://linktr.ee/expressionsofinfinity?utm_source=linktree_profile_share https://www.facebook.com/expressionsofinfinity?mibextid=ZbWKwL Summary Meeting Purpose Discussing Heidi Turner's journey of self-discovery, connection with nature, and using sound/voice as a healing modality. Key Takeaways Heidi has felt a deep connection to the land and nature from a young age, making sounds to express what was trapped in the land Her childhood sounds/vocalizations were likely her expressing her gift, though she was shut down as a child Heidi's epilepsy was possibly a way for her to access other realms and bring back information, rather than a disorder Her creative periods after seizures allowed her to channel information through art like mandalas Heidi now uses sound alchemy, voice/toning, bodywork, and other modalities to help people heal and reconnect with their true selves Topics Early Connection to Nature Born at Table Mountain in South Africa, a powerful energy vortex Felt a resonance with places on Earth from a young age Made unique vocalizations as a child to express the land's trapped energies Epilepsy as a Gift Developed epilepsy at age 8, was medicated for 30 years Seizures preceded by vocalizations, suggesting energy moving through her Rather than a disorder, it allowed access to other realms to gather information Extremely creative periods followed seizures, producing prolific art like mandalas Reclaiming Her Voice Shut down as a child for making "weird noises" Worked through doubts and conditioning to reclaim her voice in recent years Uses sound alchemy, light language, and voice transmissions in her work now Modalities and Offerings Canica bone release therapy to restore original blueprint Hawaiian Kahuna bodywork to release blocks/trauma in the body Mentoring to help people achieve greater freedom, health, happiness Sound alchemy journeys accessing other realms for clarity and healing Creating and sharing the healing frequencies of mandala art Next Steps Continue exploring and sharing her gifts of sound, voice, art, and bodywork Support others, especially those with epilepsy, in embracing their uniqueness as a gift Maintain sovereignty in how she structures her life to honor her needs Thank you for joining us today. Grateful to have you with us on this wonderful journey. In loving gratitude, Jacob.
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    52 mins
  • Episode 9: Extraordinary Entrance and the Subconscious with Yasamika Koombala
    Sep 9 2024
    Hello sweet soul, welcome. Yasa shares that he and his mum died when he was born. They both returned and Yasa had immediate contact with The Shinning Ones and other beings. Later in life he started helping people with their subconscious minds and programming. (My podcast birthed as Shine Like A Diamond and shifted to Earth - Body - Consciousness). BIO: Yasamika Koombala – Subconscious Pattern Decoder Ever since I was a young boy, I have been able to communicate with elevated consciousness - I thought everyone else did this too! We all have memories floating around in our head, like scattered pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. When something disruptive happens, fleeting glimpses of connected pieces are stirred up. I have discovered subconscious templates that these small mind pictures can be put on to, allowing the bigger picture to rise to the surface and become visible. From there something can be done with it. I make the invisible, visible. Everything is right there; we just need to know how to recognise it. I show people how to find their subconscious patterning and give them easy but profound steps to follow which will transform their lives. Summary Meeting Purpose Yasser (Being Hu-man) shares his extraordinary life journey and insights on consciousness, the subconscious mind, and manifestation Key Takeaways Yasser was born clinically dead but revived, giving him an early connection to higher realms He could see and communicate with golden light beings/ascended masters from a young age Our subconscious mind operates from 4D software/patterning established early in life Yasser helps people replace limiting 4D subconscious programs with expansive 5D soul programs Living from the 5D soul allows manifestation through soul gravity rather than subconscious striving Topics Birth Experience Born clinically dead after his mother hemorrhaged His mother briefly passed to the 4th dimension before being told to return for her son Yasser went to the 5th dimension before being pulled back into the 3rd dimension Childhood With Light Beings Communicated with golden light beings/ascended masters as a child, thinking it was normal They gave different perspectives but didn't judge right/wrong Subconscious Mind Patterns We operate from a 4D subconscious "hard drive" programmed in early years Patterns like having to "die" or be abandoned to move forward came from his birth To manifest something new, we default to these limiting 4D subconscious programs Replacing 4D With 5D Programs Yasser decodes the subconscious then helps replace 4D programs with 5D soul/light programs 5D is the level of the soul/holy spirit, containing our eternal flame and cosmic minds With 5D soul programs, the soul's gravity draws in aligned manifestations effortlessly Living From the Soul Living from the 5D soul is slower paced, allowing integration The soul brings what we need in divine timing rather than us striving for it Balancing the cosmic/electric and planetary/natural aspects of life Next Steps Explore Yasser's website to learn more about his work Consider booking a private session with Yasser for subconscious clearing Integrate the insights shared at one's own pace Thank you for listening in, really grateful for you. Take care and see you next time, Jacob.
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    1 hr
  • Episode 8: Rebel to Reiki and Beyond with Lynda Northcott
    Sep 2 2024

    Hello sweet soul, welcome. Lynda shares her journey as a sensitive, who indulges in the party life, that eventually brings her into service for others and speaks of her love of nature. Lynda shares a beautiful sound healing at the end (earphones are advised).

    'Lynda got the call in 2020 To step more fully into her calling. She created her Facebook group Energetic Be as I place for those to gather, learn and support each other. A Reiki practitioner for over 20 years. One of her greatest joys is bringing more Reiki practitioners into the world Her passion is in all of her Mahi is raising the vibration in others so that they love to lead from their own unique expression. Embracing their divinity and feeling empowered. Together contributing to achieving our heaven on Earth. Very heart centered, learning every day, loving this life with passion' https://linktr.ee/lynda.northcott Summary Meeting Purpose

    Discussing Lynda Northcott's spiritual journey and healing work

    Key Takeaways
    • Lynda had a sensitive childhood and rebellious teenage years involving drugs/alcohol

    • She has been a Reiki practitioner for 20 years, incorporating sound healing, crystals, and elemental work

    • Lynda shared a beautiful sound healing experience during the call

    • There is a deep soul connection between Lynda and the host despite limited in-person meetings

    Topics Early Life and Spiritual Awakening
    • Grew up on a farm, very sensitive child

    • Rebellious teenager with low self-esteem, did drugs/alcohol

    • Always had a deep love of nature and connection to trees

    • Studied massage therapy which led to Reiki and other healing modalities

    Reiki and Healing Work
    • Has been a Reiki practitioner for 20 years

    • Incorporates sound healing with voice, drums, bowls

    • Uses elemental energies like fire, water, air in her work

    • Visualizes organs/areas needing healing and repairs them energetically

    • Sometimes uses plants like kawakawa intuitively in sessions

    Spiritual Experiences
    • Works with dragon energy for protection and clearing

    • Channels light language and other high vibrational energies

    • Created a Facebook group to share energy work in a playful way

    Sound Healing Experience
    • Guided a grounding, connecting to source, and inviting healing

    • The host felt angelic wings caressing him during the experience

    Thank you dear ones for listening in and sharing this space with us today. May it touch your soul. Love and blessings, Jacob
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    41 mins
  • Heart Sharing 2: Fairytales are Real, my first Awakening with host Jacob RA Dodds
    Aug 28 2024

    Hello sweet soul, welcome. I share about shifting from an unconscious life to fully guided and supported. Saying Yes to the unfamiliar and unknown. In-joy.

    Summary Spiritual awakening and journey @ 0:01

    Jacob shares his personal story of spiritual awakening and transformation, starting with a major shift in his life 15-16 years ago when he was 38 years old. He describes how the loss of a close friend led him to explore numerology, connect with a spiritual retreat center, and have profound experiences with meditation, energy healing, and developing intuitive abilities.

    Synchronicities and divine guidance @ 5:00

    Jacob recounts a series of synchronistic events and experiences of divine guidance, including his car miraculously passing its warrant inspection after he prayed to Archangel Michael, and being led to a spiritual community where he felt called to stay and work. He emphasizes the importance of being open, trusting his intuition, and taking risks to follow the path unfolding before him.

    Navigating challenges and finding support @ 10:00

    Despite some initial struggles and doubts, Jacob describes how he was supported through his transition, including receiving government assistance, finding housing and work opportunities within the spiritual community, and developing meaningful connections with the people there. He highlights the role of synchronicity, divine intervention, and his own inner guidance in helping him navigate this period of change.

    Embracing a soul-led life @ 30:00

    Jacob concludes by reflecting on the profound lessons he has learned about the power of surrendering to a higher purpose, honoring one's intuition, and trusting in the unfolding of a soul-led life. He emphasizes the importance of balancing one's spiritual and human aspects, and the constant presence of miracles and divine support, even in the midst of life's challenges.

    Thank you for listening in. I am honoured to be sharing with you. So much love and blessings beloveds, Jacob.

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    39 mins
  • Episode 7: From Questioning to Embracing to Creating with Kirtideva Peruman
    Aug 26 2024

    Hello sweet soul, welcome. Deva will share his journey of questioning his families beliefs, becoming a psychologist and on to being co-founder of The Golden Temple. As well as having a co-hosted podcast show, The Divine Mess.

    Meet Your Cosmic Guide at Golden Temple Retreat! Embark on a transformative journey with Kirtideva (Deva), a bilingual (English and French) holistic life coach and co-founder of the Golden Temple. With over a decade in Counselling & Psychology and six years specializing in holistic life coaching, Deva is dedicated to unlocking your true potential for holistic well-being and personal growth. Holistic Mastery Beyond: As the Co-Founder of The Golden Temple, Deva merges ancient wisdom with modern techniques for personalized, robust healing. Explore realms of healing with Deva's expertise in Reiki, NLP, Chakras, Aura Cleansing, Mindfulness, and the elevation of Divine Masculine Energy. As a dragon master, Deva channels cosmic energies for a truly unique experience. Step into Your Power: Ready to embrace your true potential and create a purpose-driven life? Schedule a FREE 45-minute discovery call with Deva at https://calendly.com/deva8/45min. For more links, please visit: https://linktr.ee/kirtideva8 Author, Podcaster and Inspirational Guide: Connect with Deva on social media for transformative content and inspiration. Join Deva, your guide to holistic well-being and personal growth, and discover the author of the inspiring book "Inspired Creators" and the co-host of the podcast "Divine Mess." Golden Temple Retreat: Where Ancient Wisdom Meets Cosmic Guidance! 'Travel light, live light, spread light, be the light ' - Yogi Bhajan Summary Meeting Purpose

    Discuss Kirtideva Peruman's spiritual journey and his work as a holistic life coach and co-founder of the Golden Temple retreat.

    Key Takeaways
    • Kirtideva shared his spiritual awakening journey from questioning his religion as a youth to embracing spirituality through psychology and counseling

    • He co-founded the Golden Temple retreat to help people transmute fears into love and find their true calling

    • Kirtideva emphasized the importance of journaling, being present, and doing simple things that bring happiness to improve mental wellbeing

    • He advised utilizing counseling hotlines when struggling with mental health challenges

    Topics Kirtideva's Spiritual Journey The Golden Temple Retreat Improving Mental Wellbeing Thank you for joining with us in this container where its nice to have a divine masculine share his light. Go well and see you next time, Jacob.
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    1 hr and 3 mins
  • Heart Sharing 1: A souls walk, self reflection & playfulness with host Jacob RA Dodds
    Aug 22 2024

    Hello sweet soul, welcome. This is the first of many where I will be sharing from the heart, when and as I feel too. My sharing's and insights are reflective of the moment. Its a journey aye..






    Summary Perspective on podcasts and soul journey @ 0:06

    The speaker discusses insights from recent podcasts they have shared, emphasizing that the content comes from a soul perspective rather than just a human one. They explain that the discussions are not about hierarchy or competition, but about the shared experience of spiritual evolution and the importance of honoring both the human and divine aspects of our being.

    Embodiment and grounding higher frequencies @ 4:00

    The speaker highlights the importance of embodying higher frequencies and energies while remaining grounded in the physical body and connected to the Earth. They emphasize that the goal is not to escape the physical realm, but to integrate spiritual experiences and insights into our everyday lives.

    Releasing trauma and past conditioning @ 5:49

    The speaker discusses how past traumas and conditioning from childhood can shape our present-day experiences and reactions. They encourage self-inquiry and responsibility in order to heal these wounds and align more closely with our true, authentic selves.

    Openness to new perspectives and possibilities @ 13:04

    The speaker emphasizes the importance of being open-minded and receptive to new ideas, perspectives, and possibilities. They encourage asking questions, being curious, and allowing one's path to evolve and shift over time as new insights and experiences arise.

    Playfulness, joy, and self-expression @ 17:58

    The speaker reminds the listener to approach the spiritual journey with a sense of playfulness, curiosity, and joy, rather than taking it too seriously. They encourage embracing one's inner child and allowing for self-expression and creativity as part of the process of self-discovery and growth.

    Recap and closing thoughts @ 19:00

    The speaker wraps up the discussion by reiterating the key themes of the meeting, including the importance of self-acceptance, honoring one's unique path, and contributing to the collective shift happening on the planet. They express gratitude for the listener's participation and wish them well on their own journey.

    Thank you so much for listening in and joining me on this wonderful journey. Go well and see you next time. Loving gratitude, Jacob.

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    21 mins