Ever wondered how ESG standards might reshape the landscape of American businesses? Tune in to gain insights from Justin Haskins as he shares his perspectives at the ProFamily Legislators Conference. We'll take you through the transformative journey of the Great Reset Movement that gained momentum during the COVID-19 pandemic, leading to the birth of ESG practices. Emphasizing the ambitious goals of the European Union's Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive, we discuss its mandates for stringent ESG standards. American companies, especially those in the tech sector, are facing the challenge of adapting to climate transition plans, net-zero emission targets by 2050, and strict social justice provisions. While positive strides like bans on child and slave labor are acknowledged, we explore the potential challenges these regulations pose for businesses across the globe.
Join us as we assess the ripple effects of the EU's new ESG social credit scoring system on American industries, from local producers to major players like Sysco Foods. With insights from a July 2024 Rasmussen Reports survey, we highlight the opposition among American voters to these EU regulations and a call for legislative action. The geopolitical context is not to be missed, as we delve into the Biden-Harris administration's support of ESG and the economic ties between the US and Europe. This episode makes the case for assertive dialogue with the EU, a crucial step given the potential global economic reshaping these policies might bring about. Don't miss this critical discussion on the intersection of policy, business, and global economic trends.
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