Good day, my friend. Welcome to A Moment with Moj. Thank you so much for downloading this show. I am absolutely delighted to be here with you for episode 200!
Today's quote is by Oliver Wendell Holmes, I found a few different variations of it. So I'm going to do the un-gendered version, "The mind stretched to a new idea, never goes back to its original dimension."
It's been a great 200 episodes. I look forward to continuing the show with you after a break. I'm going to take six weeks off and when I come back, I'm changing the format a little. I'm going to take it from a daily show to a weekly show.
I'm finding that I really as much as I love doing this show. I'm spending a lot of time on it and I need to be able to spend some time focusing on that new goal of becoming a guitar teacher. I'm going to need to step back a little bit; like I said, I'm not going anywhere. Please stay subscribed, but if you don't, if you need to move along on your journey. I totally get it and I understand. And again, thank you for being part of my journey. Have a great April everybody. I'll talk to you in the second week of May.
Carpe Momentum!