You don’t need anything strategy, trick or tactic to make more money in your business, you may need to better your relationship with money. Start dating money so that more of it comes into your life's experience. When you realize what money really is your ability to call it in is easy… doesn't that sound better than the hustle and grind culture?
How many times have you heard that money doesn't grow on trees and that you have to work hard for it? Well, we did our whole lives and it has shaped the way we handled or thought about money as we grew into these adults. We had to work on our money consciousness we had to unlearn what we were taught so that we could make more of it abundantly.
If you’re ready to truly make money we mean make multiply and manifest more money in your life's experience then …
Grab your Made Herself A Boss podcast journal, pen or pencil, and tune in to discover:
- Shift Selling to serving
- Money myths keeping you from more money
- How to date money
- And so much more
Pillar: Foundation
Journal prompts
- What is your relationship with money like?
- What can you start doing to have a better relationship with money?
- What we’re you told or taught about money growing up?
- The desired amount of money I want to make, do I feel like that's too much to obtain?
Important links
Growth Without Grind Guide
Madeherselfaboss mixer
The Bossy Picnic Sept 7, 2024
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