• The Cherry Mine Disaster of 1909 | Episode 83
    Feb 6 2025
    We’re going to hell! Well, not hell exactly. We’re going to rural Illinois, but for the purposes of this introduction, we are going to be spending time today in hell.

    On today’s episode: you’re going to learn why fourth graders make such poor employees; you’ll learn how to properly panic like a professional; and you will learn how to tell people to “get out” using nothing but a shotgun and morse code.

    And if you were listening to this on Patreon… you would also learn the story of the Patron Saint who watches over people who explode; you'd learn why underground coal fires are the disaster you can tell your great, great, great, great, great grandchildren about; you would hear a quick anecdote about nicotine poisoning in the workplace and inappropriate banana usage; and you would find out who gets coal for Christmas.

    This was another bad-day-at-work episodes, but it was a good one, because it happened in such a small, unassuming place, but had safety ramifications that spread around the world. This is dedicated to everyone who loves mining and mining disasters. And on that note, most people don't think about mining very often - so this is my love letter to the industry. You love mining, you ask? No, not overly, but in my opinion, our entire evolution as a society and as a species would have been impossible without men willing to climb into the earth to do the work too frightening or dangerous for the masses. On the upside, at least it pays well, and we do get the occasional story out of it.

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    53 mins
  • The Dusseldorf Airport Disaster of 1996 | Episode 82
    Jan 23 2025
    Do you like fire but hate airports? Have we got the episode for you.

    On today’s episode: we’ll be pulling off the front of our skulls and spending some time fingering our limbic systems; we’ll learn why not all fire rescue services are created equal; and we’ll find out how hot it needs to be for your skin to melt off.

    And if you had beenlistening to this as a Patreon supporter, you get to enjoy an additional 8 minutes where we discuss: why calling Germans stoic clock-watching robots is considered so flattering; you’d find out if you’d be considered an idiot, moron or imbecile back in the day; and you’d learn how Dusseldorf compares to Hiroshima.

    I will also point out that at the end of the episode, there is a very special Book Giveaway contest! That’s right. I’m giving away the very first book/piece of research I ever used in the creation of the show. William McKeown’s "Idaho Falls: The Untold Story of America's First Nuclear Accident" using a once-in-a-lifetime Name That Tune style contest. You’ll just have to see for yourselves.

    I'll be doing a few listener shout-outs at the end of the episode, and also thanking you all for your kind encouragement during a time when I wanted to punch my own face off. I don't have a safety segment against that kind of thing, so your gentle intervention was appreciated. We ended last year with a bang and start the new year with a whoosh! I hope you all at least began 2025 in a better space, but even if you didn’t, we’re burning down an airport together, so forget about your worries for an hour or so.
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    52 mins
  • BONUS | The Doomsday Fifth Anniversary Meltdown of 2025
    Jan 8 2025
    Let's all blow our sad kazoos in honour of a milestone I didn't see coming. FIVE YEARS we've been doing this, and I know a lot of people were never able to make their way through the whole back catalogue, and for good reason. So I sat down and did the math:

    We've shared 3,489 minutes together! That's just episode time.

    That’s just over 58 hours of listening to me trying to make you throw up but then earning your respect back by teaching you how to sew your own arm back on. I tried to figure out how much production time went into that and if I'd started January first and never slept or blinked or ate, it would have taken till mid-April. Imagine screaming for three-and-a-half months straight.

    I added a little intro pointing out how great you've been, how helpful you've been, and how much I sincerely appreciate you all being there while I muddle my way through this as professionally as possible. And in this I had the thought to give away the book that started this whole podcast. William McKeown’s book “Idaho Falls, the Untold Story of America’s First Nuclear Accident". I thought it'd make a nice giveaway. Then I had the thought - do I do a charity auction of all my disaster books? Let me know what you guys think.

    All that said, we'll all be back for a new episode where we'll be burning down an airport together in no time. I'd say get your safety glasses ready, but they're just going the melt over your eyes.
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    42 mins
  • The Chernobyl Orthodox Christmasode Disaster of 1986 | Episode 81
    Jan 1 2025
    Hellooo! And welcome to a very special, extra girthy Orthodox Christmas Disastersode! It is a miracle this happened. I was deathly ill with a dying dog for eight magic days this holiday, and the master file was irretrievably destroyed mere days ago, and so the Christmasode becomes a New Years’ flavoured Orthodox Christmasode.This episode fulfills the wishes of more listeners than any other episode before. Together we will be visiting the hands-down most dangerous place on earth; you will learn why this is probably the worst bad day at work episode of all time; we’ll visit earth’s model post-apocalyptic suburb; and we’ll find out how much radiation it takes to melt your hands off.Also if you were listening to this on Patreon… you’d get hear the story of the most irradiated intern in history and his trusty axe; you’d take a side trip to Harrisburg Pennsylvania to find out how their local electric company nearly destroyed the planet; and you’d learn about the most lethal tourist photo opp anywhere on Earth.I was recently reminded I do this at the request – the literal deathbed request of my father who I lost this time last year. They weren’t his last words or nothing – but I’ve wanted to do this story to share just one of the stories from the homeland he was forced to flee as a child. And on that note, because my dad carried the DNA of Olga of Kiev in his veins, I remind you, your new year’s resolutions can be as petty as seeking revenge and disrespecting your enemies. Whatever you choose to do, I only want you to be safe.I thank you all for your patience and excitement over the last year. May you all have a happy new year and a better 2025.All older episodes can be found on any of your favorite channelsApple : https://tinyurl.com/5fnbumdw Spotify : https://tinyurl.com/73tb3uuw IHeartRadio : https://tinyurl.com/vwczpv5j Podchaser : https://tinyurl.com/263kda6w Stitcher : https://tinyurl.com/mcyxt6vw Google : https://tinyurl.com/3fjfxatt Spreaker : https://tinyurl.com/fm5y22su Podchaser : https://tinyurl.com/263kda6w RadioPublic : https://tinyurl.com/w67b4kec PocketCasts. : https://pca.st/ef1165v3 CastBox : https://tinyurl.com/4xjpptdr Breaker. : https://tinyurl.com/4cbpfayt Deezer. : https://tinyurl.com/5nmexvwt Follow us on the socials for more Facebook : www.facebook.com/doomsdaypodcast Instagram : www.instagram.com/doomsdaypodcast Twitter : www.twitter.com/doomsdaypodcast If you like the idea of your podcast hosts wearing more than duct tape and bits of old Halloween costumes for clothes and can spare a buck or two, you can now buy me a coffee at www.buymeacoffee.com/doomsday or join the patreon at www.funeralkazoo.com/doomsday
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    1 hr and 1 min
  • The Galveston Hurricane Disaster of 1900 | Episode 80
    Dec 13 2024
    We’ve made a lot of fun of meteorologists on this show. Nope, that’s it, that’s the whole intro. On this episode: you’ll hear about the biggest meteorological blunder in US history that went on to change US history by killing a major American city; you’ll hear the absolute saddest story about orphans of all time; and you’ll learn about the worst cadaver recovery and fatality management in the show’s history. Also, if you had been listening to this as a Patreon supporter, you would enjoy an additional 9 minutes where we discussed why Hurricane Gertrude and Fifi have to make room for Vince or Tupac; we talked about the biggest meteorological blunder in British history; PLUS you would learn about two tangentially related local-area disasters – The Great Mississippi Flood of 1927, and The Texas A&M Bonfire Disaster of 1999. I have a mild preference for stories where the actions of an individual become crucially linked to a disaster. Not because I like blaming people. Frankly, the idea of the responsibility for a colossal death toll resting in the hands of a single individual is horrifying. And this was an insane death toll. Very few of our stories ever kill into the thousands like this. And like most disasters, they result from a combination of factors all working together for the worst collective outcome. Oh, and Helen Keller makes an appearance in this episode!If the idea of getting episodes a little early and ad-free with ridiculously interesting extra material strikes you as a good thing, you can find out more at:www.patreon.com/funeralkazoo All older episodes can be found on any of your favorite channelsApple : https://tinyurl.com/5fnbumdw Spotify : https://tinyurl.com/73tb3uuw IHeartRadio : https://tinyurl.com/vwczpv5j Podchaser : https://tinyurl.com/263kda6w Stitcher : https://tinyurl.com/mcyxt6vw Google : https://tinyurl.com/3fjfxatt Spreaker : https://tinyurl.com/fm5y22su Podchaser : https://tinyurl.com/263kda6w RadioPublic : https://tinyurl.com/w67b4kec PocketCasts. : https://pca.st/ef1165v3 CastBox : https://tinyurl.com/4xjpptdr Breaker. : https://tinyurl.com/4cbpfayt Deezer. : https://tinyurl.com/5nmexvwt Follow us on the socials for moreFacebook : www.facebook.com/doomsdaypodcast Instagram : www.instagram.com/doomsdaypodcast Twitter : www.twitter.com/doomsdaypodcast If you like the idea of your podcast hosts wearing more than duct tape and bits of old Halloween costumes for clothes and can spare a buck or two, you can now buy me a coffee at www.buymeacoffee.com/doomsday or join the patreon at www.funeralkazoo.com/doomsday
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    47 mins
  • BONUS | Doomsday: History’s Most Interesting Updatasode of 2024
    Dec 2 2024
    Hello! And welcome to this very brief end-of-year update of Doomsday: History’s Most Dangerous podcast! Together we rediscover some of the most traumatic, bizarre and awe-inspiring but largely unheard-of or forgotten disasters from throughout human history and around the world.Let me begin today’s exciting episode by explaining the next episode will be late but I wanted to use this opportunity to quickly get you salivating over a few things coming up, and explain a few things that’ll make you all “say whaaat?”I want to do something reeeally big for December. I’ve been in discussion with a surprising number of you who’ve settled on a common and popular request: a Very Doomsday Christmas Chernobylsode! Hang the holly and take your iodide caplets – what’s more festive (and on-brand) than a little face-melting horror for the holidays?Not just that – a very unique and singular listener of the show asked, nay, begged to hear a minisode covering and explaining the Waffle House Index. And the request came from highly unusual origins. You ever do a DNA test? Well, I did a DNA test, and for my Patreons, I’m going to be sharing the very complicated, bittersweet, lightly tragic and dramatic story of my discovery. And whatever you're guessing – you're already wrong.When people find a flaw in the editing or sound production, or a week goes by without a show, I point out this show is created while the rest of you sleep, and I’m happy episodes release at all. And if it wasn’t for my Patreons, they would not – I can’t emphasize that enough. If not for the generosity of our Patreon supporters, I would move onto male stripping or pet theft or something really shady and there would not be a show. If you were lucky enough to live near a Waffle House or already know exactly how your family tree works, why not celebrate by considering becoming a supporter at Patreon.com/FuneralKazoo. Early episodes with no ad breaks and additional ridiculously interesting material in each new episode are up for grabs. If the spirit of the season moves, but only so much, you’re very welcome to visit buymeacoffee.com/doomsday and just buy a cup of coffee so to speak. You can reach out on twitter, instagram and facebook as DoomsdayPodcast or fire us an email to doomsdaypod@gmail.comOn the next episode: Sorry I had to blow you off for a week, but I’m confident that this new episode is going to blow you away. Maybe into a tree, or into a broken section of flying railroad track – who knows. Either way, we’re all going to drown! It’s the Galveston Hurricane Disaster of 1900!But until then, we’ll talk soon. Safety googles off. And thanks for listening. All older episodes can be found on any of your favorite channelsApple : https://tinyurl.com/5fnbumdw Spotify : https://tinyurl.com/73tb3uuw IHeartRadio : https://tinyurl.com/vwczpv5j Podchaser : https://tinyurl.com/263kda6w Stitcher : https://tinyurl.com/mcyxt6vw Google : https://tinyurl.com/3fjfxatt Spreaker : https://tinyurl.com/fm5y22su Podchaser : https://tinyurl.com/263kda6w RadioPublic : https://tinyurl.com/w67b4kec PocketCasts. : https://pca.st/ef1165v3 CastBox : https://tinyurl.com/4xjpptdr Breaker. : https://tinyurl.com/4cbpfayt Deezer. : https://tinyurl.com/5nmexvwt Follow us on the socials for moreFacebook : www.facebook.com/doomsdaypodcast Instagram : www.instagram.com/doomsdaypodcast Twitter : www.twitter.com/doomsdaypodcast If you like the idea of your podcast hosts wearing more than duct tape and bits of old Halloween costumes for clothes and can spare a buck or two, you can now buy me a coffee at www.buymeacoffee.com/doomsday or join the patreon at www.funeralkazoo.com/doomsday
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    7 mins
  • The Accra Stadium Disaster of 2001 | Episode 79
    Nov 6 2024
    If you’re like me, when it comes to sporting events, the only thing coming out of the stands should be cheers and chants, and the only thing leaving the field should be the occasional ball or a t-shirt fired from a canon. We’ll come back to that.On this episode: you’ll find out which sports fans tried to kill Santa Claus; we’ll find out what stadium security personnel and Acorn Cop have in common; and we’ll meet the very first person to ever come back to life after dying on the show.Also, if you had been listening to this as a Patreon supporter, you would enjoy an additional 9 minutes where we discussed the theatre of human pain that is professional soccer; you’d learn about the single worst fan over-reaction to the loss of a game in sports history; you’d take a listen through the incestuous, genital-laden world of European sports chants; and you’d learn why urine works better on tear gas than jellyfish stings. They say at its core, soccer transcends language, class, or background. It’s all about people coming together with nothing more than a ball and some open space. All that will be true about today’s episode, except for the part about space. A lot of disasters are the result of multiple preventable causes coming together in the worst way. Nowhere is that more true than in today’s episode - but for the most part, it was the police. The Ghana Institute of Architects may have called the setting for today’s story a death trap, which is why I have petitioned to change the name to the Ghana Institute of Architects and Psychic Predictions. You’ll just have to wait and find out for yourself.Celebrity guests include: multiple-injury lawsuit artist, Santa Claus; hot air balloon novice, the Easter Bunny; former wide receiver for the Dallas Cowboys, Michael Irvin; former Okaloosa County, Florida, Sheriff's Deputy, Jesse Hernandez, aka Acorn Cop; and President of Ghana, President John Kufuor.If the idea of getting episodes a little early and ad-free with ridiculously interesting extra material strikes you as a good thing, you can find out more at: www.patreon.com/funeralkazoo All older episodes can be found on any of your favorite channels Apple : https://tinyurl.com/5fnbumdw Spotify : https://tinyurl.com/73tb3uuw IHeartRadio : https://tinyurl.com/vwczpv5j Podchaser : https://tinyurl.com/263kda6w Stitcher : https://tinyurl.com/mcyxt6vw Google : https://tinyurl.com/3fjfxatt Spreaker : https://tinyurl.com/fm5y22su Podchaser : https://tinyurl.com/263kda6w RadioPublic : https://tinyurl.com/w67b4kec PocketCasts. : https://pca.st/ef1165v3 CastBox : https://tinyurl.com/4xjpptdr Breaker. : https://tinyurl.com/4cbpfayt Deezer. : https://tinyurl.com/5nmexvwt Follow us on the socials for more Facebook : www.facebook.com/doomsdaypodcast Instagram : www.instagram.com/doomsdaypodcast Twitter : www.twitter.com/doomsdaypodcast If you like the idea of your podcast hosts wearing more than duct tape and bits of old Halloween costumes for clothes and can spare a buck or two, you can now buy me a coffee at www.buymeacoffee.com/doomsday or join the patreon at www.funeralkazoo.com/doomsday
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    48 mins
  • BONUS | The William Rankin Weathersode Disaster of 1959
    Oct 22 2024
    Today I bring you the gift of horror, this time as told from a very personal level. Full disclosure, today’s story is a weird one, and you’re not going to believe the escalation of details, but that’s why we’re all here.Today will be an all weather-related disastersode, and the cast of characters won’t count in the hundreds or the thousands – it will be just one brave man, who – spoilers – survives everything I’m about to tell you. A single man, pitted against what I believe you will think of as the worst day at work we’ve ever covered on this show.I originally wanted to make this straight Patreon content during the recent Bangladesh Hail Disaster of 1986 episode, but at 40 minutes, you can understand why I spun it off into its own story – and I tried to keep it brief, but It could easily have been longer.I can’t honestly think of anyone in history with the kind of mental resilience of gumption to make it through an experience this insanely testing without losing their marbles, let alone their life. William H Rankin will forever live on in the imaginations of those who fear flight and all aspects of air-travel with awe and terror – and I hope you enjoy his tale. If the idea of getting episodes a little early and ad-free with ridiculously interesting extra material strikes you as a good thing, you can find out more at: www.patreon.com/funeralkazoo All older episodes can be found on any of your favorite channels Apple : https://tinyurl.com/5fnbumdw Spotify : https://tinyurl.com/73tb3uuw IHeartRadio : https://tinyurl.com/vwczpv5j Podchaser : https://tinyurl.com/263kda6w Stitcher : https://tinyurl.com/mcyxt6vw Google : https://tinyurl.com/3fjfxatt Spreaker : https://tinyurl.com/fm5y22su Podchaser : https://tinyurl.com/263kda6w RadioPublic : https://tinyurl.com/w67b4kec PocketCasts. : https://pca.st/ef1165v3 CastBox : https://tinyurl.com/4xjpptdr Breaker. : https://tinyurl.com/4cbpfayt Deezer. : https://tinyurl.com/5nmexvwt Follow us on the socials for more Facebook : www.facebook.com/doomsdaypodcast Instagram : www.instagram.com/doomsdaypodcast Twitter : www.twitter.com/doomsdaypodcast If you like the idea of your podcast hosts wearing more than duct tape and bits of old Halloween costumes for clothes and can spare a buck or two, you can now buy me a coffee at www.buymeacoffee.com/doomsday or join the patreon at www.funeralkazoo.com/doomsday
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    39 mins