Did You know that the average person can gain 5 – 7 pounds from Thanksgiving to New Years? And according to the CDC 42% of Americans are obese; and by 2030, that number will rise to 50%. In this video, I’m going give you 6 tips on how to stay happy and healthy during the Thanksgiving Holiday, so you don’t have to be one of them. Let’s talk about it! Thanksgiving is the time of the year when we all come together and give thanks to God for family, friends, health and so much more. If you dread this time of the year, you’re not alone. Over 53% of Americans visit their families during the holiday season, and many say that though they love their family, sometimes it can be stressful and overwhelming. Another part of Thanksgiving that people look forward to is the food. If you’re trying to lose weight, it can be hard to make it through Thanksgiving, but don’t fret, I am going to provide you with some tips on how to survive this year’s Thanksgiving holiday. 1. Move your body Create a calorie deficit by exercising to burn off extra calories before you even indulge in your favorite foods. Take a walk early in the day and then again after dinner. It is a wonderful way for families to get in some physical activity and enjoy the holiday together. I usually go to the gym first thing on Thanksgiving morning. It’s usually not crowded and it will make room for that Thanksgiving dinner later in the day. 2. Lighten Up The Food Whether you are hosting Thanksgiving dinner or bringing a few dishes to share, make your recipes healthier with less saturated fat, sugar, and salt. In other words, less calories. There is more sugar and fat in most recipes than is needed, and no one will notice the difference if you skim calories by using lower-calorie ingredients, and if you’re asked to bring a dish, why not bring a fruit salad? Your family will thank you later. 3. Portion Control It’s always a challenge to watch how you’re filling up your plate, and during Thanksgiving, it’s even harder to control how much you put on your plate and how much food you consume. Controlling your portions can help ensure that you’re not overeating. You can use a smaller plate or fill half your plate with vegetables to avoid filling your plate will unhealthy choices. Also, before heading out to Thanksgiving dinner, consider eating something light and healthy such as a fruit. This way you won’t feel the need to over indulge later in the day. 4. Eat Slowly The entire digestive process starts in your mouth, with chewing. Take your time and chew your food as much as possible. When you chew your food, it gets broken down into smaller pieces which are easier to digest. When mixed with saliva, chewing allows your body to extract the greatest possible amount of nutrients from the food you eat. Depending on the food, it is recommended that we chew at least 32 times, much less for certain fruits. It’s important to remember that it takes 20 minutes for our brains to receive a message from our stomach that we’re full, eating slowly will ensure that we do not overeat. 5. Limit Alcohol Consumption The more popular you are, the more invitations you will receive from family and friends to attend social events, and as you know, most of these events come with more opportunities to consume alcohol. Increased alcohol intake during the holidays can contribute to weight gain due to its high sugar content. Because of my Navy background, most people assume that I drink. Sailors are known for their drinking. I’m more the exception than the rule. My favorite response when offered a drink is “I don’t drink anything stronger than me.” Meaning, I may be in control of the alcohol in the beginning, but if I keep drinking, the alcohol would be in control. To each his own, but I find abstaining from alcohol works for me. 6. Forgive Yourself If you still overeat, it’s not the end of the world. Forgive yourself and keep moving forward. You’re human and it’s almost inevitable that you will make a mistake. I know, I make mistakes every day. What matters the most is how you rebound and overcome. It’s not the end of the world if you get off course for a day, so make sure you forgive yourself and get right back on the wagon the next day. Gyms are open, parks are open, you have your health so at the very least go for a walk, jog, jump rope, dance, and get your body moving again. So let’s recap: To stay in shape during the Thanksgiving holiday, you should 1. Move Your body; 2. Lighten Up the Food; 3. Remember, Portion Control; 4. Eat Slowly; 5. Limit Alcohol Consumption; and 6. Forgive Yourself If you found these tips helpful or if you can think of any other tips to help you stay healthy during the Thanksgiving holiday, please leave them in the comment section. Get a copy of my Six Weeks to A Flatter Stomach ...