Pastor Alain directs us through the passage today asking us the same question that Jesus asked His disciples...
"When he had washed their feet and put on his outer garments and resumed his place, he said to them, “Do you understand what I have done to you?" John 13:12
Do you understand?
Do you understand that he came down to Earth, with a purpose? Do you understand that he resurrected and then ascend back to heaven? Do you understand that all this was done to save us from the condemnation of our sins? Do you understand that he is the truth, the life and the way to heaven?
Maybe you do, but others need to understand that his example of servanthood, is what needs to be done to share love to your neighbor? Do you understand that without that there’s no an actual expression of humbleness? Do you understand that if you don’t do this, there is no evidence that you are an actual disciple? Do you understand that?
How can your life change if you turn this sermon into actions? If you start showing this kind of servant leadership in your work or at home with you family? What happens if you don’t change your conduct? Do you understand what’s in stake?
Lots of questions. Lets just jump in!
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