Exploring the relationship between humans and autonomous technologies we created with the co-host, Nicholas Kenney, a national security expert and foreign policy scholar. In this episode, we discuss the work of Langdon Winner on social implications of autonomous tech and explore the big questions of control and human agency.
Chapter 1 - Reading "Autonomous Technology" by Langdon Winner
Chapter 2 - Technology as its own entity
Chapter 3 - Technology as power over nature
Chapter 4 - Technological ignorance in modern society
Chapter 5 - How much do we need to know to control technology?
Chapter 6 - Lack of language and sliding into polarities
Chapter 7 - Governance of autonomous technologies
Chapter 8 - Food for thought: What are we doing with the time freed by technology? What will occupy the time of children born into the fully automated world?
Chapter 9 - Takeaways
Check out:
- Autonomous Technology by Langdon Winner: https://www.amazon.com/Autonomous-Technology-Technics-out-Control-Political/dp/0262730499
- Different ways to think about political power: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19gpbZl4DpU