
  • #2.2 About the end of traditional consulting
    Mar 12 2024
    Traditional consulting is at its end... What lies behind this statement and what kind of consulting is more in demand today than ever before is the topic of this DigiPodcast episode. Juergen Reiner, CEO of Siemens Advanta Consulting, discusses with moderator Thomas Holzner what makes his team unique in this respect and what is done differently and in keeping with the times: the aim is to achieve results and goals not just for the customer but together as partners. Tune in for more insights into Siemens Advanta Consulting!
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    12 mins
  • #2.2 Über das Ende der klassischen Beratung
    Mar 12 2024
    Die klassische Beratung ist am Ende... Was sich hinter dieser Aussage verbirgt und welche Art von Beratung heute mehr denn je gefragt ist, ist Thema dieser DigiPodcast-Folge. Juergen Reiner, CEO von Siemens Advanta Consulting, spricht mit Moderator Thomas Holzner darüber, was sein Team in dieser Hinsicht einzigartig macht und was anders und zeitgemäß gemacht wird: Es geht darum, Ergebnisse und Ziele nicht nur für den Kunden, sondern gemeinsam als Partner zu erreichen. Schalten Sie ein für weitere Einblicke in Siemens Advanta Consulting!
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    13 mins
  • #2.1 Siemens Advanta - the hidden champion
    Feb 13 2024
    What is Siemens Advanta all about? Consulting? Yes, but there is so much more! In this episode, Siemens Advanta CFO Gerlinde Sturm and moderator Thomas Holzner shine light on the whole portfolio Siemens Advanta has to offer: end-to-end services for digital and sustainability transformation combined with the finest Siemens technologies. Gerlinde also shares insights into her path as CFO at Siemens Advanta and has some career tips as well.
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    9 mins
  • #2.1 Siemens Advanta - der hidden champion
    Feb 12 2024
    Um was geht es eigentlich bei Siemens Advanta? Beratung? Ja, aber da steckt noch so viel mehr dahinter! In dieser Episode des DigiPodcast, geben Siemens Advanta CFO Gerlinde Sturm und Moderator Thomas Holzner Einblicke in das gesamte Portoflio, das Siemens Advanta anzubieten hat: end-to-end Services für digitale und nachhaltige Transformation in Verbindung mit den besten Technologien aus dem Hause Siemens. Gerlinde teilt zusätzliche Einblicke in ihre spannende Karriere als CFO und hat den ein oder anderen Tipp für junge Nachwuchstalente.
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    10 mins
  • #30: AI attack(s) @ Siemens EN
    Oct 9 2023
    Currently, it seems that only one topic is being discussed: ChatGPT, DALL-E, Adobe Firefly, and so on – Generative AI is fascinating the entire world. But what about in our Siemens universe? What possibilities does generative AI offer us? Moderator Thomas Holzner explores this topic in this episode of the DigiPodcast with his guest Fabian Tinkl-Hennighausen. Fabian heads the Value Center Analytics Lab & AI, and his team of AI experts has made chatGPT available for Siemens based on the internally developed Siemens AI attack platform. Now, every Siemens employee can safely and Siemens-compliantly use chatGPT internally.Are you ready to join the conversation about current developments and applications in generative AI? Then tune in now!
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    21 mins
  • #30 DigiPodcast: AI attack(s) @ Siemens DE
    Oct 9 2023
    Aktuell scheint nur noch von einem Thema die Rede zu sein: ChatGPT, DALL-E, Adobe Firefly und so weiter – Generative AI fasziniert die ganze Welt. Doch wie sieht es da in unserem Siemens Kosmos aus? Welche Möglichkeiten bietet uns generative AI? Diesem Thema widmet sich Moderator Thomas Holzner in dieser Episode des DigiPodcast mit seinem Gast Fabian Tinkl-Hennighausen. Fabian leitet das Value Center Analytics Lab & AI und sein Team von AI-Experten haben auf Basis der selbstentwickelten Siemens-internen ai attack Plattform chatGPT für Siemens verfügbar gemacht. Sp kann jetzt jeder Mitarbeitende sicher und Siemens-compliant den chatGPT intern nutzen.Bereit bei aktuellen Entwicklungen und Anwendungen rund um generative AI mitzureden? Dann hört jetzt rein!
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    18 mins
  • #29 DigiPodcast: The Global Development Program as a stepping stone for young talents
    Aug 7 2023
    At Siemens, there are numerous diverse and exciting development programs available. In this DigiPodcast episode, we add to our series on the Global Development Program (GDP) designed for young talents at Siemens SCM. Accordingly, this episode particularly highlights the global and crossfunctional aspect of the GDP, as our guest, Cyrus Irani, joined moderator Thomas Holzner from his workplace in Japan. The Head of Siemens Healthineers Enterprise Services Finance for Japan and GDP alumni shares his experiences, personal development and benefits that the program had to offer.
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    12 mins
  • #28 DigiPodcast: ALMA - Upscaling innovative ideas with the DigiNetwork
    Jun 27 2023
    This Episode of the DigiPodcast is al about ALMA. ALMA is not only a pretty first name, but also a new helpful tool within the supply chain management to escalate critical shortages. The Mendix based platform provides an efficient and direct communication and crisis management with suppliers. This episode’s guest and developer of ALMA, Claus Grabinger, talks with moderator Thomas Holzner about the motivation behind ALMA, emphasizing the need for a shared platform approach to eliminate misunderstandings and to streamline operations for both manufacturers and Siemens colleagues. The Corporate Commodity Engineer especially highlights the crucial role played by the DigiNetwork in turning ALMA from an idea into reality. Tune in now!
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    8 mins