Have you ever looked back at your life and thought, "if only I had more time", or "if only that one thing hadn't happened, I would have fulfilled my dream"? Delays, prohibitions, jobs, having kids, etc., all valid reasons why things get placed on the back burner, or get locked away, never to be considered again. There is a proverb that says, "delayed hope makes the heart sick, but fulfilled desire is a tree of life." Delayed and unfulfilled dreams, or circumstances that prevent us from fulfilling who we really are can have a profoundly negative affect on us.
What if I told you that neither time nor circumstance are powerful enough to stop us from fulfilling our dreams? While the end result may look different than we originally pictured it, as long as we hold onto those desires, there is a possibility for them to happen.
In this episode of Perpetual Good, we will look at 2 people who defied both time and circumstance to see the fulfillment of what was in their heart:
- Angela Alvarez, the most recent winner of the best new artist category at the Latin Grammy's, at 95 years old
- Jason Wang, who overcame a past marred by bad decisions and prison to create FreeWorld, an organization who helps former inmates escape the cycle of prison by providing training and employment with respect and dignity.
Theme Music: Wild & Windy - BledJon (Worth The Weight, 2020)
Transition Music: Soaring Above the Waves - RolikMusic
Additional Clips:
Living For the City - Stevie Wonder (Innervisions, 1973)
Time Has Come Today - The Chambers Brothers (The Time Has Come, 1967)
Media Graphics and Production: Imani Tahira