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Can we ever hope to solve the problem of nearly 2,000 years of calendar wars regarding when to keep the weekly Sabbath and the biblical feasts?
In this PART 3 episode of decoding the Dead Sea Scrolls Calendrical Documents belonging to the 24 Zadokite priestly families of 1 Chronicles chapter 24, we will learn about 18 years of research into the biblical concept of "intercalation." This is a mathematical system to reconcile the divinely timed cycles of the Sun and the Moon and how both testify as two witnesses to the proper doing of the weekly seventh-day Sabbath and all the biblical festivals. The 364-day cycle of the Sun and the 354-day cycle of the Moon each have programmed and assigned time cycles that are governed by the mathematics of intercalation. Appropriately applied in tandem with the precision rotations of the 24 Zadokite priestly families and their assigned schedules from 1 Chronicles 24, this guarantees that the seventh-day weekly Sabbath and all the biblical festivals of the Bible never shift away or drift out from their eternally appointed days and seasons.
From all this, we will discover one thing: DO NOT intercalate and add 7 days at the Spring Equinox of 2025 to celebrate the Hebrew Bible's biblical new year on Wednesday, March 26th, 2025. Fresh, irrefutable research will now prove to us from the two witnesses of Heaven and Earth—the Sun and the Moon—that the biblical Hebrew Covenant New Year should be observed on Wednesday, March 19, 2025. Learn and discover why this is vital information to know.
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