🎧Day 322 Emotional Training (Know This) Torrie Slaughter “Dear friends, As we navigate the digital landscape, may James 1:21 serve as a compass for our hearts. Let us be intentional about what we scroll through on our phones, the websites we visit, and the physical and virtual spaces we frequent. In this intentional heart gardening, may our digital existence become a testimony to the transformative power of the Word planted in us.” ~ Torrie Slaughter 🖊 Bible Study & Devotional Day 322 Emotional Training (Know This) by Torrie Slaughter A Daily Purpose is Available on all Major Podcasting Platforms 📖Visit http://www.ourgivenpurpose.com/ ======== A Daily Purpose is Available on all Major Podcasting Platforms 📖Visit http://www.ourgivenpurpose.com/ #adailypurpose #Biblestudy #christianity #ourgivenpurpose ====== Here's how you can listen: • Visit http://www.ourgivenpurpose.com/ and find the episode under the "PODS" section. • Tune in on your favorite podcasting platforms such as Apple Podcasts, Spotify,Pandora or Google Podcasts. Thank you for being a part of our community. We're excited to embark on this journey of growth and transformation with you. Happy listening! https://linktr.ee/ourgivenpurpose ========== Torrie is a media ministry consultant who works with churches and faith driven organizations to build their ministry team. She is the Blueprint Specialist uncovering root problems to construct solutions. Want to hear more? Tune in and listen to https://linktr.ee/ourgivenpurpose