Jesus, we thank you for this time together. We celebrate you this Easter. We pursue you with our lives each and every day. Amen.
We hope that you discovered something new about God. We’d love to hear your feedback! You can email We’d also love to invite you to check out worship at HOPE or learn more at! We’ll see you next time!
Welcome to ENCOUNTER, an audio devotional podcast from HOPE Church. We’re so glad you’re here. For the season of Lent, new episodes will release on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays from February 27 - April 7, 2023.
We’re praying that you ‘ENCOUNTER’ God in a new way through this podcast.
Be sure to subscribe so you get each new episode in your podcast player! You're invited to learn more about HOPE at
A very special thank you to every person from the HOPE community that made these devotions possible! Kris Walters, Ashley Black Jason Shinn, Rick Court, Josh Cooper, Randy Peterson, Hope Furlow, Lindsay Tomlinson, Scott Crews, Ken Wright, Talena Ra, Heather Mandala, Jeff Bills, and Libby Baumann.
Music Credits:
Better Life - Instrumental Version by Humans Win
Down to Get Up Again - Instrumental Version by Humans Win
We're Gonna Be Alright - Instrumental Version by Humans Win
You Are Joy - Instrumental Version by Humans Win
Image Credit: "Her Yellow Jacket" by Ronaldo Santos via Unsplash