• We are the System - Evolution of slavery by Dawid Snowden
    Jun 2 2024

    Yes, dear friends,

    today we want to talk about the human breeders, known in specialist circles as the governments, politicians or simply dystopian, end-time cults, who operate in the background and who now rule the whole world.

    Many will be interested to know, what strategies these psychopaths have developed in the evolution of slavery, in order to control and manage their property better.

    What have they written on their to-do list, to control and change people, so that they do not longer question their captivity and their loss of freedom and almost see their captivity as God-given?

    Where it is as natural to them, like the air that they breathe; they are treated like cows or sheeps surrounded by borders and not fences, where they do not want to go beyond their fences under any circumstances, if a shepherd and his dogs forbid it.

    What strategies had to be used to influence the slaves so much, that they were prepared to sacrifice most of their freedom for a few colorful scraps of paper, of which they themselves had to give up a large part in order to continue financing the prison they had built for themselves - without ever having the opportunity to leave it or take control of their own lives?

    Of course, these are questions that hardly anyone in the world who was born into slavery asks themselves, because they interpret the captivity in which they live as freedom.

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    45 mins
  • The child slaves of the state Matrix - By Dawid Snowden
    May 29 2024

    When we are born, we are like an unformatted hard drive.

    We have no idea who we are, what potential we have and what we could do with all the hardware that is stuck to us.

    We live every day without thinking, that one day we might fall, fall ill or die.

    Our sensors are focused on what happens to us immediately, whether we fall, injure ourselves, are afraid - or go into a state of euphoria, because we have found out how the water tap works.

    There is nothing that we can be forced or blackmailed into in advance, just as a plant cannot be blackmailed into growing faster or producing more fruit in an orchard.

    It is only with the increasing influence of our parents that we are increasingly robbed of our self-determination and freedom from birth, with every breath, from day to day, from month to month, from year to year.

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    25 mins
  • Deutschland zur Vernichtung freigegeben - Der Wunsch nach Krieg wird der Wunsch des Volkes sein!
    May 22 2024

    ⚠️ Der Wunsch nach (Krieg, Digitalisierung, 15 Min Städte, Sozialkreditpunkte, CO2 Budgets, Steuerraub) wird der Wunsch des Volkes sein! Was du heute tust, hat Auswirkungen auf deine Zukunft❗️@dawidsnowden

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    20 mins
  • KLAUS SCHWAB TRITT ZURÜCK • digitale Vollzugsanstalt • Wo bleibt der Widerstand? Dawid Snowden
    May 21 2024

    KLAUS SCHWAB TRITT ZURÜCK • digitale Vollzugsanstalt • Wo bleibt der Widerstand? Dawid Snowden

    #Freiheit, #Lebensfreiheit, #Selbstbestimmung, #Unabhängigkeit, #Lebensqualität, #Selbstverwirklichung, #Freiheitsgefühl, #Freiheitsliebe, #Freiheitskampf, #Lebensfreude, #Hamsterrad, #Alltagsstress, #Arbeitstrubel, #Routineleben, #Arbeitsmühle, #Burnoutgefahr, #Ausbrechen, #Zeitfürmich, #Selbstfindung, #Alltagstrott, #Gefangenschaft, #Eingesperrt, #Freiheitsverlust, #Isolation, #Gefangensein, #Freiheitsentzug, #InnererFreiheit, #Gedankenfreiheit, #FreiheitimKopf, #Gefängnis, #Flucht, #Befreiung, #Selbstfreiheit, #WegausdemHamsterrad, #LebenohneKetten, #Selbstverwirklichung, #Freiheitspionier, #Lebensvision, #Freiheitsrevolution, #Freigeist, #Ungebunden, #Lebenswandel, #Neuanfang, #Grenzenlos, #Freiheitsdrang

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    26 mins
  • Neue Infinity Schleife - Gefangen im Hamsterrad! Dawid Snowden
    May 21 2024

    Neue Infinity Schleife - Gefangen im Hamsterrad! Dawid Snowden

    #Freiheit, #Lebensfreiheit, #Selbstbestimmung, #Unabhängigkeit, #Lebensqualität, #Selbstverwirklichung, #Freiheitsgefühl, #Freiheitsliebe, #Freiheitskampf, #Lebensfreude, #Hamsterrad, #Alltagsstress, #Arbeitstrubel, #Routineleben, #Arbeitsmühle, #Burnoutgefahr, #Ausbrechen, #Zeitfürmich, #Selbstfindung, #Alltagstrott, #Gefangenschaft, #Eingesperrt, #Freiheitsverlust, #Isolation, #Gefangensein, #Freiheitsentzug, #InnererFreiheit, #Gedankenfreiheit, #FreiheitimKopf, #Gefängnis, #Flucht, #Befreiung, #Selbstfreiheit, #WegausdemHamsterrad, #LebenohneKetten, #Selbstverwirklichung, #Freiheitspionier, #Lebensvision, #Freiheitsrevolution, #Freigeist, #Ungebunden, #Lebenswandel, #Neuanfang, #Grenzenlos, #Freiheitsdrang

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    17 mins
  • What is Freedom? by Dawid Snowden
    May 19 2024

    What is freedom?

    Freedom is having the choice to shape your own life.

    Freedom is, when you are born and can decide for yourself.

    Where you go and do, what you want to.

    Where there is no higher authority that forbids you from shaping your own life; or punishes you for wanting to live your very own life.

    This is freedom. Where you alone are allowed to decide about yourself, no one else.

    Freedom, however, is not having the freedom to mug someone on the street, to impose one's will on.

    Someone, to rob, blackmail, terrorize, judge, imprison or kill someone in order to impose one's will on another person.

    Because that is violence.

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    10 mins
  • Wo möchtest Du hin?
    May 19 2024

    Was steckt in dir, was möchtest du? Hast du dich schon einmal in Ruhe hingesetzt und über dein Leben nachgedacht? Hast du überhaupt versucht, dein Leben und alles, was du bisher erlebt hast, in Frage zu stellen? Oder war die Unruhe so groß, dass die Aufmerksamkeitsspanne von 5 Minuten schon zu viel war, um sich auf etwas zu konzentrieren? Warum bist du unglücklich oder krank? Warum bist du unzufrieden? Liegt es vielleicht daran, dass du dich zu sehr von den dunklen Seiten abhängig gemacht hast, dass du das Leben lebst, das andere von dir erwarten, und dass du, dich darin, nicht wohl fühlst? Kommt es dir so vor, als ob du in einer Zwangsjacke steckem würdest? Warum gibst du dich, mit etwas zufrieden, das dich, in deiner Entwicklung hemmt, warum fängst du nicht an, dein Leben, deine Träume, deine Wünsche zu leben? Wäre es nicht an der Zeit, erwachsen zu werden? Und die Sturzräder vom Fahrrad abzumontieren? Und zu schauen, was sich hinter jeder Ecke deines Lebens noch verbirgt, welche Potenziale noch in dir stecken, von denen du gar nicht wusstest, dass du sie hast? Wenn du nicht allein gehen willst, dann suche dir Gleichgesinnte, die dich auf deinem Weg begleiten. Du bist nicht allein, warst es noch nie, es gibt andere, die das gleiche Schicksal mit dir teilen würden. Mache auf dich aufmerksam, zeige anderen, dass du auf der Suche bist. Das Leben ist viel zu kurz, um es zu verschwenden, um auf Retter oder Befreier zu hoffen. Niemand wird uns diese Arbeit abnehmen, wir müssen sie leider selbst tun. Wir müssen uns selbst befreien.

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    6 mins
  • Revolution of consciousness - By Dawid Snowden
    May 16 2024

    We know how important it is to do something positive in the human consciousness. To the mind that has been fed bullshit for generations to prevent us from thinking and understanding. To make us more docile to these sick creatures in positions of power who have bled us dry in their wars and raids and continue to do so.

    Where they don't even blink an eye when it comes to investing our money in wars for death and murder, where our children, sons, sisters and brothers in their sacrificial rituals, be carried to their graves so that they can enjoy every dead, people who are compassionate.

    We need a revolution of consciousness.

    We need to realize that we are not the ones causing the wars and suffering on this planet, but these mindless psychopaths who want to impose their sick dystopian world on us, to keep us down all our lives, chained like animals to their digital chains of immaturity, bondage and constant fear.

    The old cowardly patterns must be thrown off, we must once again become the people who shape a new world with courage, pride and strength, and not take a step back when things get uncomfortable or complicated.

    We must rediscover the potential within us and join forces to take the helm so that these power-obsessed creatures will never again in human history rob, blackmail, poison, threaten or deprive us of the freedom to which each of us is entitled.

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    4 mins