
  • Christmas Show 2024 The Lia Fail Danny Houlihan's Irish Experience
    Jan 12 2025

    In this Special Christmas Show Danny Houlihan reflects on a past Christmas in North Kerry and its people he witnessed. This Podcast also covers the background of the famous Lia Fail or Stone of Destiny which has captivated historians in Ireland and Scotland for years. This is only an introduction to the Lia Fail The Stone of Destiny. Danny Houlihan's Irish Experience.

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    26 mins
  • Sheela Na Gigs Danny Houlihan's Irish Experience Show
    Dec 5 2024

    In this episode Danny Houlihan travelled out to a number of Historical Places in North Kerry Ireland where the famous Images can be found on stone secreted away in the forgotten Past Life Ways of North Kerry. The Sheela Na Gig or as they have been called fertility symbols dot the landscape of Ireland many are hidden away from the eyes of the public while others are found in museums. In this exploratory episode Danny examines the applications and the places where the famous Shell Na Gig are found.

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    14 mins
  • The Field Exchange Brookfield Farm 2024 Danny Houlihan's Irish Experience Show
    Nov 8 2024

    In this episode Danny Houlihan travels out from his Research Centre in North Kerry Ireland to the Banks of Loughderg to the famous Brookfield Farm with his friends in Brilliant Ballybunion and the 2024 Filed Exchange. This is the second in the outside broadcast series recorded live on location in Ireland by Danny Houlihan.

    The Field Exchange is pioneering the rebirth of our old Irish customs and and culture linking with the creative artistic talents with a strong emphasis on climate change and the re development of forestry and local food producers in Ireland and the relationship with our land and our agricultural sector who are developing a new strategy to become more eco based within their local area and being self sufficient in many aspects.

    This is being funded by Creative Ireland who are supporting many of these unique journeys. Danny Houlihan met some of the participants on the day and recorded just a sample of the event it was inspirational and this episode will give us all food for thought. so sit back and put on the kettle and enjoy another taste and it is just only a taste of a unique Irish Experience once more.

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    1 hr and 30 mins
  • The Hawthorn Tree Danny Houlihan's Irish Experience Show
    Oct 8 2024

    In this episode Danny Houlihan returns from the Summer break and the Journeys he and his friends have undertaken and the quest for more hidden places and Irish Experiences. The podcast series has just broke the 5,000 downloads World Wide a testament to Danny's hard work in researching history. The Hawthorn Tree in Ireland is one of the old sacred Trees which can trace its roots way back into antiquity A Rich Irish History.

    Today the Hawthorn Tree like other Irish trees are under threat due to modern land reclamation and modern mechanisation and pollution. The history and folklore attached to the hawthorn is vast and in this episode Danny introduces the tree to his series the tree he passes every day along the hedges that were planted by the native people under the orders of the landlords and absentee landlords from the years 1822 onwards from Ballybunion to Knockanore. The Hawthorn plays an important Roll in the eco-systems and the Bio Diversity of the area.

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    15 mins
  • Cashen History Talk National Heritage Week 2024 Danny Houlihan's Irish Experience Show
    Aug 22 2024

    In this short podcast Danny covers a brief history before the event which is The National Heritage Week Day on the 25 August 2024 at the Cashen organised by Ballybunion Tidy Towns at their Biodiversity Site near the famous Cashen River in North Kerry Ireland. This episode is for those who will not be able to attend the event and our people living abroad. There will be an update on this day in the near future this is truly Brilliant Ballybunion. Enjoy.

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    10 mins
  • Brilliant Ballybunion Sing for Your Supper 2024 Danny Houlihan's Irish Experience
    Aug 12 2024

    In this special episode Danny Houlihan travels into the Irish countryside to the Barna Way North Kerry Ireland for a special event produced by The Brilliant Ballybunion Team Entitled Sing for your Supper.

    This special Journey started from the Grotto Aghafona in Ballybunion and traveled into the beautiful Irish Country side surrounded with the sounds of the birds and the natural areas of The Barna Way. The area of focus was the Barna Way a special place adorned with tress and a lovely woodland walk and Organic Farm.

    In the old days in Ireland people rambled from house to house at night for a chat a song a bit of music or a tale that was told, a custom now on the decline in Ireland this coupled with locally grown food was always on the table and the kettle was always on the fire A welcome to All was always given.

    On the evening singers sang musicians played and there was poem in Irish to honour our people, everyone sang for their supper and the food was excellent.

    Danny Houlihan in this live recorded episode captured a taste of what happened on the evening and what did happen in North Kerry many decades ago. Enjoy this episode this is Brilliant Ballybunion.

    Special Thanks to Karen and Bruce in the USA who are supporting my research.

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    53 mins
  • The Hungry Grass and the Fear Ghorta the man of the Famine Danny Houlihan's Irish Experience
    Jul 1 2024

    In this episode, I travel back to a period in Ireland when there were no lights TV videos, around the Great Irish Famine or Holocaust 1846 and Black 1847, This history relates to a time when the landscape and its people were laid waste by the local landlords along with the Irish Language and all artistic heritage which was lost.

    Many stories conjure up the mythological side of our Great Irish culture one of which to this period are the Fear Ghota or The Hungry Grass and the Fear Ghorta and the fear ghorta The Man of Hunger both connected and interwoven into a tapestry that is interwoven into the history of many county in Ireland.

    If you would like to support my research which is ongoing and podcast episodes, why not Buy Me a Coffee this will be used to update my research and equipment, I will give everyone who contribute a shout out in my series. Just click on the link below to support in any way big or small thank you.buymeacoffee.com/yxqdanny

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    16 mins
  • The Gold Box of Ballinclemesig Killury Causeway Danny Houlihan's Irish Experience Show
    Jun 27 2024

    In this episode Danny Houlihan highlights an aspect of our ancient culture Goldsmitting in the area of North Kerry and a taste of areas beyond the County of Kerry.

    On the 28 day of May 2023 I visited the old Killury Cemetery near the lovely village of Causeway County Kerry Ireland which is a mine of information and the Ring fort in the Village which is in great condition and well worth a mention and indeed a visit when you are here in Ireland on holiday or have an interest in our past.

    This is a fine example of a univaette fort which is under the protection of the National Monuments Act.

    Its only fitting that the old town land and civil parish of Killury be mentioned and the famous Ballinclemesig where buried deep within a reclaimed bog of Balinclemisig in the old parish of Killury near Causeway County Kerry in the year 1975 Sean Egan of Ballyheigue uncoverd after days tilling the land by a plough a unique artefact of the late Bronze Age The Gold Box of Ballinclemisig or the Causeway Gold Box.

    This episode is dedicated to the memory of my late Uncle Gerard Houlihan who sadly passed away last month.

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    18 mins