• Reflection 293- Reduced to Nothingness
    Oct 19 2023
    Do you see value in being reduced to nothingness in your own eyes? Perhaps not. The reason this language is difficult to accept is that humility is only fully understood by a special gift of God’s grace. Some ancient philosophers even hold up pride as a great virtue, discounting humility as weakness. Sadly, there are few souls that obtain the actual virtue of humility. Some may obtain a certain semblance of this virtue, but few actually become humble to a great degree. Again, humility can only be understood and embraced by a special grace of God. Naturally speaking, we are drawn to those things we deem to be beneficial to us. Therefore, the first step in growing in humility is to see it for what it is and to discover its true value. When we understand humility, we will desire it. And when we desire it, we will be drawn to it. And when drawn to it, we will more easily embrace it (See Diary #1436).

    Do you understand humility? Do you understand the value of being reduced to nothingness in your own eyes? If not, ponder this idea for some time. Don’t give up on it thinking it is out of date, weak or misguided. You must become reduced to nothingness in your eyes if you are to discover grace in the Heart of Christ. Only by the discovery of your nothingness will you understand that God is everything and provides everything you need. You will find, in this discovery, that you begin to choose God over yourself and, thus, you become transformed into God’s grace rather than living by your own strength. God must possess you completely, live within you and live through you. In this way, your humble soul becomes Christ to the world.

    Lord, make me humble. Help me to see my nothingness and to see Your greatness. I choose You, dear Lord, over myself and invite You to possess me completely, transforming me into Your grace. Jesus, I trust in You.

    Source of content: www.divinemercy.life
    Copyright © 2023 My Catholic Life! Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission via RSS feed.
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    3 mins
  • Reflection 292- The Value of Special Vocations
    Oct 18 2023
    Some people are called to a unique life of prayer and solitude within the context of religious life. In particular, there are those called to the eremitical life or the cloister. These holy souls are separated from the world and spend their days in quiet prayer and work. But what value does this life have to the world? This is an important question to understand. From a worldly point of view, they add little to society. They may be looked upon with curiosity and intrigue, offering inspiration and admiration, but little more is rarely understood of their life. Never underestimate the incredible value of these holy vocations. Their life of hidden prayer and sacrifice brings delight to the Heart of our Lord and is a constant source of His Mercy in the world. In fact, without these holy souls, the world would be in grave danger. Through their lives of prayer and sacrifice the Lord withholds much of His judgment and issues Mercy in its place (See Diary #1434).

    What is your understanding of the value of the hidden vocation of religious? Seek to understand the great value of their vocation. Look to them for a deepening understanding of the spiritual life and trust that their prayers are a source of much Mercy in your life. Additionally, reflect upon the fact that you are called to imitate their lives of prayer to one extent or another. Though you may not be called to the cloister or to live as a hermit, you are called to a deep interior life of prayer. Allow these holy souls to teach you by their writings, their witness and their unique vocation. They are an abundant source of Mercy in our world; seek God’s Mercy through them.

    Lord, I thank you for the gift of those holy souls called to lives of solitude and prayer. Please sanctify them in their vocation and help them to win many souls for Your Kingdom. I pray that their witness and vocation will inspire many in an interior life of prayer. Jesus, I trust in You.

    Source of content: www.divinemercy.life
    Copyright © 2023 My Catholic Life! Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission via RSS feed.
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    3 mins
  • Reflection 291- The Value of Silent and Hidden Suffering
    Oct 17 2023
    When something burdens us we often seek consolation from others regarding our suffering by speaking about them openly. Though it may be beneficial to share our burdens with another to an extent, there is also great value in embracing them silently in a hidden way. It may always be wise to share your burdens with a certain person such as a spouse, confidant, spiritual director or confessor, but be aware of the value of hidden sufferings. The danger of speaking of your suffering openly to everyone is that it tempts you toward self-pity, lessening the opportunity to offer your sacrifice to God. Keeping your sufferings hidden enables you to offer them to God in a more pure fashion. Offering them in silence will win much Mercy from the Heart of Christ. He alone sees all you endure and will be your greatest confidant through it all (See Diary #1430).

    Reflect upon those burdens you carry that you can reasonably keep silent about and offer to God. If you are overwhelmed, do not hesitate to speak to another for their assistance. But if it is something that you can silently suffer with, try to make it a holy offering to our Lord. Suffering and sacrifice do not always make sense to us immediately. But if you seek to understand the value of your silent sacrifices, you will most likely obtain insight into the blessings they can become. Silent sufferings, offered to God, become a source of Mercy for your good and for the good of others. They make you more like Christ in that the greatest suffering He endured was known only by the Father in Heaven.

    Lord, there are many things in my life that are difficult at times. Some seem small and trivial and others can be quite heavy. Help me to always sort through the burdens of life and to rely upon the help and consolation of others when needed. Help me to also discern when I can offer these sufferings to You as a silent source of Your Mercy. Jesus, I trust in You.

    Source of content: www.divinemercy.life
    Copyright © 2023 My Catholic Life! Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission via RSS feed.
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    3 mins
  • Reflection 290- Bodily Sufferings Redeemed
    Oct 16 2023
    Many people enjoy excellent health while others do not. Some experience great physical discomfort in life due to infirmity or old age. Though many look for ways to alleviate this physical discomfort, it must be said that these pains offer an opportunity for grace. First, much grace is won in the life of the person suffering when that suffering is freely embraced. Grace can also be won for the lives of others when physical suffering is offered as a prayer for their good. The way this grace is won is not so much by the suffering itself; rather, it is won through the free choice to embrace that suffering as a sacrifice. This denial of one’s own will becomes an open door to the storehouse of Mercy in Heaven. God smiles upon these physical sacrifices and especially upon the free choice of their embrace. Do not hesitate to allow your physical pains and discomfort to be turned into the Mercy of God for you and for others (See Diary #1428).

    Do you have physical pain or discomfort in your life? If so, it is normal to look for ways to alleviate it. But reflect upon this deep spiritual truth that your suffering can be transformed into grace. If you doubt this, just look at the Cross. The physical pain our Lord endured may not have matched His interior suffering, but it was part of His perfect Will to offer His physical pain to the Father for the redemption of the world. Do not doubt the value of your free embrace of every pain and discomfort. Give it to God and you will be blessed as others are blessed through this offering.

    Lord, I do offer to You, this day, all the pain and discomfort I feel now and will feel in the future. Help me to embrace this suffering with a free embrace. I choose it, dear Lord, and make it my offering to You so that You can transform it into Your Mercy. Jesus, I trust in You.

    Source of content: www.divinemercy.life
    Copyright © 2023 My Catholic Life! Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission via RSS feed.
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    3 mins
  • Reflection 289- The Desire for Souls
    Oct 15 2023
    When you look at the desire in your heart, what stands out the most? Certainly there are many things that draw you. Many worldly rewards and pleasures can easily occupy your longings. A desire for physical pleasure, money and worldly success are among the strongest desires for many. The single desire you should have is a desire to Love God. From that desire you will also love others and you will find that your love of God is fulfilled by a deep longing to bring other souls to God’s Mercy. Do you desire this? Do you long to help others experience the tender Heart of our Lord, to know His compassion and to experience His Mercy? If you have completely given yourself to the love of God then God will accept you and send you forth as His missionary of Mercy, searching for souls who are hungry for His love. Allow yourself to be consumed with this passion and the Lord will use you in marvelous ways (See Diary #1426).

    Reflect upon the desires of your heart this day. Do not be afraid to admit to what is there. Whatever you see you must confront and place in the hands of God. His Mercy must become a consuming fire in your soul, burning away all that is not of Him. When this happens, you will find a new desire placed in your heart by God. It will be a desire for the salvation of many souls. Let yourself receive this desire from our Lord and allow this desire to direct you in the Lord’s work of Divine Mercy.

    Lord, I burn with a desire for many things. Most of them I must humbly admit are not from You. Please purify my heart, dear Lord, and make me holy. Help me to love You with a perfect passion and from that love may I have a great desire for the souls of others. I love You, dear Lord, please increase that love. Jesus, I trust in You.

    Source of content: www.divinemercy.life
    Copyright © 2023 My Catholic Life! Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission via RSS feed.
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    3 mins
  • Reflection 288- Silence in the Face of Ridicule
    Oct 14 2023
    If you are given the glorious gift of a deep faith, many will see this and rejoice in it. But it may be the occasion for some to have jealousy. This is a sad and painful experience. Know that the jealousy of another is not caused by you or by your faith, it is caused by their sin. Therefore, if you experience the jealousy or ridicule of another stemming from their jealousy, do not be alarmed. Certainly it is appropriate to feel holy sorrow over their action, but that sorrow must not turn into a wound. Instead, pay no attention to the mistreatment of another other than this holy sorrow that leads to silent surrender to God. Pray for this person and have great hope that their sin will be realized by them and that they will repent. Your hope, your silent suffering, and your holy sorrow will become an act of Mercy to them allowing them to see the effects of their sin (See Diary #1422).

    Accepting the darts of another’s sins can be difficult. Reflect upon how you react when one of these arrows is sent your way. Though it is easy to react with vengeance, your mistreatment by another offers you an opportunity for much grace. Mercy, silence and holy sorrow provide you with the tools you need to help bring conversion to those who mistreat you. This is difficult to do and can only be done when you have fully surrendered to the Mercy of God. God loves you and He loves every sinner with a burning love. Reflect upon that love God has for those who have hurt you and reflect upon the fact that you are in a unique situation to help them experience God’s love. Do not shy away from this duty and the Lord will bless you more than you could ever imagine.

    Lord, I pray that Your Mercy floods my heart, especially for those who have hurt me. May I love them with Your Heart and become a source of grace in their lives. I love You, dear Lord. Jesus, I trust in You.

    Source of content: www.divinemercy.life
    Copyright © 2023 My Catholic Life! Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission via RSS feed.
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    3 mins
  • Reflection 287- The Cloak of Ignominy
    Oct 13 2023
    “Ignominy” could mean public shame, disgrace, humiliation and embarrassment. But it takes on special meaning when applied to Jesus. The “cloak of ignominy” refers to the public humiliation that Jesus endured as a result of His Cross. He was condemned as a sinner and liar. He was charged with deceiving the people and attempting to undermine the civil authorities. He was the object of extreme hate and ultimate persecution by the religious leaders of His day. This was a brutal blow. If Jesus would have had the sin of pride He would clearly not have been able to endure their scorn and mistreatment. He would have brought forth a myriad of angels to destroy His persecutors. But He didn’t. Instead, He endured every humiliation with confidence and integrity. The sufferings Jesus endured never evoked in Him even a single feeling of hatred or revenge. In fact, from the Cross itself He cried out, “Father, forgive them, they know not what they do.” This powerful witness must influence you and strengthen you to pay no attention whatsoever to the false judgment of others. God has no concern about false judgments and the public humiliation that these judgments impose. Embracing the “cloak of ignominy” means you ultimately allow every worldly humiliation to dissipate before the Mercy and truth of God (See Diary 1418).

    Reflect upon this struggle within you. It requires great humility to ignore false opinions. Seek to embrace that humility and allow the truth to make you free. Jesus’ “cloak” must cover you since it is ultimately a cloak of His grace and Mercy.

    Lord, I take upon myself Your cloak of ignominy. I wear it with confidence and trust. Help my only care to be Your truth and to shed all other opinions that are contrary. My happiness rests in You alone, dear Lord, and all my hope is in You. Jesus, I trust in You.

    Source of content: www.divinemercy.life
    Copyright © 2023 My Catholic Life! Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission via RSS feed.
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    3 mins
  • Reflection 286- Humility, Purity & the Love of God
    Oct 11 2024
    What is it that is most dear to the heart of our Blessed Mother? If she were to appear to you and offer you her greatest desire for you, what would it be? Perhaps there would be some specific need that she has been made aware of by God for your life, but in addition to this she would most certainly call you to the virtues of humility, purity and love of God. We especially see these holy virtues alive in her life. Our Blessed Mother was humble in many ways. She was The Immaculate Conception, freed from all sin and the most glorious creation of God, yet while on Earth she was hidden and even thought to be a sinner on account of Jesus being conceived before she was married. However, she lived perfect purity in her life which was the source of her most perfect love for Jesus, Joseph and everyone else she encountered. Her purity enabled her to love others with the utmost dignity and respect. Her love of God was also perfect in every way and was made manifest by her total submission to His holy Will. She said, “Let it be done to me according to Your Will.” She meant that and lived it. Allow this witness of our Blessed Mother to call you to embrace these holy virtues so as to imitate and share in her glory and holiness (See Diary #1415).

    Reflect upon these three virtues in your life. How well do you manifest them? Think about how they would have been lived in the life of our Blessed Mother and seek her powerful intercession so that you may imitate these virtues which she lived to perfection.

    Dearest Mother, I gaze upon your beauty and upon the virtues that radiate from your life. I especially rejoice in your humility, purity and love of God. Help me to imitate these virtues in my own life so that I may imitate your beauty and holiness. Mother Mary, pray for me. Jesus, I trust in You.

    Source of content: www.divinemercy.life
    Copyright © 2024 My Catholic Life! Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission via RSS feed.

    Featured image above: Magnificat Madonna by Botticelli, via Wikimedia Commons
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