• 7: DCU Access Student Stories: Nathan Murphy, Politics & Law student
    Oct 12 2021
    Nathan Murphy is a third year student, studying Politics and Law at DCU. 

    In this episode, he talks about his educational journey and the role of the DCU Access Programme.

    He talks about how the programme helped him to change course from Law and Media to Politics and Law in his first week at DCU, and how without this support and change, he doesn't think he would have continued studying in college.
    For more information, please got to dcu.ie/access
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    8 mins
  • 6: DCU Access Student Stories: Law & History student Nathan Burke
    Oct 12 2021
    Nathan Burke is a third year student, studying Law and History at DCU. 

    In this DCU Access Student Stories Podcast, he talks about his educational journey and the role of the DCU Access Programme in helping him to pursue his dream job in Law.

    This podcast series features students who are part of the DCU Access programme, and sees them discuss their educational journey and how the programme has assisted them in university.

    For more information, go to dcu.ie/access
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    9 mins
  • 5: Jason Carroll
    Jan 5 2021
    Question: Introduce yourself (0:15) 
    • Third year studying Religious Education and History
    Question: How did you come to the decision to choose the course you’re studying and did you face any barriers during this process? (0:30) 
    • In 6th year he was leaning towards Engineering
    • His offers were for Teaching and Engineering 
    • Ultimately chose teaching, because he wanted to give students the same support he received by teachers during his own schooling back
    • In primary school he was diagnosed with dyslexia 
    • His dad was diagnosed with cancer which affected his schooling life 
    Question: Have you received any support from the Access service, and if so, have they made a difference to your college experience? (3:40) 
    • Benefitted from one-on-one support from Access officers 
    • Received technological support and resources like Grammerly 
    • Received an Access scholarship 
    Question: Are there any skills you’ve developed over your time being an Access Ambassador? (4:35)
    • Enjoyed doing work in which he was able to help people 
    • Made friends and widened his social network 
    Question: How did you find the transition into college and adapt to social life? (5:25) 
    • He made friends with classmates in his lectures at the beginning of first year 
    Question: Do you have plans for after you graduate? (7:05) 
    • He plans to become a Religion History teacher
    • Later plans to study psychology or education psychology to help students who also have learning disabilities 
    Question: What advice would you give someone from your old school who is about to sit the Leaving Certificate and is considering going to college? (7:50) 
    • Don’t panic and be resilient 

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    9 mins
  • 4: Victoria O’Toole
    Jan 5 2021
    Question: Introduce yourself (0:10) 
    • Final year Law and Society student: 
    • Discusses degrees earned by different family members
    • Importance of education was instilled in her by her family
    • First person in her family to pursue level 8 degree
    Question: Have you faced any barriers on your journey to DCU or during your time in college? (1:10) 
    • Her dad died during 6th year---affected her ability to study
    • Felt overwhelmed when she came to DCU but got the help and resources she needed
    Her mom almost died during her first year in college  Question: Have you availed of any support from Access, and if so how has that impacted your college experience? (2:30) 
    • Worked as an Access Ambassador, which provided her a support network, friends, and fulfilling work to do 
    Question: What is your role in Access? (3:40) 
    • First started off as an Access Ambassador working on Outreach---travelled to schools in disadvantaged areas in North Dublin 
    • Now serves as an Access Coordinator and works with the Access staff on outreach programming
    Question: How did you find adapting to social life in college? (5:00) 
    • Made friends within her degree before college through Access, which helped with the transition and eased fears of a competitive and unfriendly academic environment 
    Question: Have you thought about your life after DCU yet? (6:15) 
    • Wants to get a masters and possibly pursue a Phd
    • Wants to make change with the law and sees herself doing that through Academia 
    • Seeing Access students who went on to do a Masters or Phd encouraged her to believe she could do the same despite financial barriers 
    Question: What advice would you give someone from your old school who is about to sit the Leaving Certificate and is considering going to college? (7:25)
    • Lectures are friendly and a good resource 
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    9 mins
  • 3: Eromonsele Clements
    Jan 5 2021
    Question: Introduce yourself (0:10)
    • Third year studying mechatronic engineering 
    Question: Have you experienced any personal barriers on your way to college or even during your time at DCU? (0:25) 
    • Faced financial barriers, but was encouraged by the financial resources provided by the HEAR  and Access routes 
    • At the start of first year he struggled with maths but improved after attending the maths learning center 
    Question: Have there been any resources you received from Access, specifically, and if so, how did that impact your college experience? (2:05) 
    • Met friends through Access program events
    • Feels supported by the Access officers 
    Question: What skills have you gained from your role as an Access Ambassador? (3:50) 
    • Engaged in meaningful work that gives back to students coming from backgrounds similar to himself 
    • Developed organizational and public speaking skills and built confidence 
    Question: How did you adapt to the social life at DCU? (4:45) 
    • Had difficulty approaching new people but eventually made friends and grew more comfortable in the social environment 
    Question: Have you thought about your life after DCU? (6:07) 
    • Considering doing a Masters in Robotics to open himself up to more career options 
    Question: What advice would you give someone from your old school who is about to sit the Leaving Certificate and is considering going to college? (7:05)
    • There will always be someone who is willing to help you overcome barriers and reach your goals 
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    9 mins
  • 2: Gemma Treacy
    Jan 5 2021
    Question: Introduce yourself (0:15)
    • Recent Multimedia graduate 
    Question: Have there been any personal barriers that have affected your journey to college or your time at DCU and how did you overcome those barriers? (0:35)
    • Had a daughter at 15 and was pregnant at the time she was taking her Junior Leaving Certificate
    • Faced a lot of stigma from being a young mother 
    • Internalized teachers’ low expectations for her educational future 
    • Ended up earning enough points on the Leaving Certificate exam to meet the Access requirement and was offered her first choice in Multimedia Studies 
    • Found the transition to DCU and social life difficult, particularly as a young parent
    • She never thought that she would go to college and finish her degree, so she wants younger students to believe in themselves no matter what teachers or other people tell them about their potential 
    Question: What kind of support did you receive from the Access program and how has that made a difference in your college experience?  (3:05)
    • Received an Access Scholarship 
    • Worked as an Access Ambassador and was able to earn some money, develop her self confidence, and meet new people 
    • Through the Access to the Workplace program, she did a paid internship with Irish Distillers which helped her develop new skills and develop professionally 
    Question: Can you tell us about the skills you developed from your role as an Access Ambassador? (4:10) 
    • Entered  first year with low self esteem but gained confidence and public speaking skills through her work as an Access Ambassador 
    • She finds it gratifying to speak to students about the Access route, because she went to a non-DEIS school where she was not exposed to information about Access programs. 
    • Got involved in mentoring secondary school students in multimedia studies. 
    Question: How did you make friends and adapt to the social life in DCU? (5:40) 
    • Found DCU to be a friendly, open environment 
    • Joined a committee in her final year 
    • Made friends with the students in that committee 
    Question: What are your plans now that you’ve graduated from DCU? (6:50) 
    • Primary goal is to buy a house with her daughter and boyfriend and to find a job that she enjoys
    • Hopes to work in illustration or graphic design 
    • Currently participating in a UX Design mentoring program 
    Question: What advice would you give someone from your old school who is about to sit the Leaving Certificate and is considering going to college? (8:10) 
    • Wants to empower students like herself, coming from disadvantaged backgrounds surrounded by wealthy students in their school, to overcome barriers and create a nice life for themselves.
    • Don’t be afraid to get help and use the Access resources. 
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    10 mins
  • 1: Eilis Hogbin
    Jan 5 2021
    Question: Introduce yourself (0:15) 
    • Third year studying Religious Education and English 
    Question: What is your education journey and how did you transition to college? (0:27)
    • Comes from a single parent income and is a student with learning disabilities 
    • Applied to Access HEAR and DARE 
    Question: What kind of supports did you receive from DCU Access? (1:35) 
    • Received on-campus accommodation for which the Access Program paid half the costs
    • Commuting to school prior to her on-campus accommodation negatively impacted her academic life and social life
    • In her second year she received a scholarship 
    • Access provided her with counseling services 
    Question: How did you adapt to life at DCU and make friends? (3:00) 
    • Made friends with the other Access students in her course 
    • Met friends through the Access orientation during first year 
    • Joined the rugby team at DCU and then her local rugby team
    Question: What are you plans for after DCU? (4:05) 
    • Hopes to become a fully qualified teacher 
    • Wants to go back to school and get a Masters in Educational Psychology to help students with learning disabilities 
    Question: What advice would you give someone from your old school who is about to sit the Leaving Certificate and is considering going to college? (4:43) 
    • She would encourage students to look into any resources and Access programs that would assist them with financial and other personal barriers. 
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    6 mins