• The Unexpected Twists of the Evolution of Education
    Jul 9 2024

    Are we being too rough on the new guys?

    Welcome back to Crying In My Car, a podcast for teachers! Join our hosts Devin Siebold and James Yon as they ask the question, what are these older teachers' problems with the new guys? We also have a secret technique that teachers can use to destroy the competition on field day. Finally how did a couple of teachers just get cheated out of 2,000 bucks just because the school board didn't send out an email?

    We all hope for a warm reception whenever we start a new job, unfortunately not all veteran teachers are as welcoming to new teachers as others. We’ve had plenty of experience with this, but luckily they're not all bad stories, for every crotchety educator there is an obi wan esque teacher ready to share their lessons and stories. However, it's more funny to talk about the former rather than the latter right?

    We all know about field day right? We look forward to it every year, and let us tell you what, those kids aren't ready for the competition. Devin shares a hilarious story on how he used underhanded tactics to sweep the competition. Tune in to find out exactly how he did it and maybe you can use it in your next field day.

    Now us teachers don’t get enough credit and sometimes we really need some good news. Well one school district gave a whopping 2,000 dollar bonus to any teachers who returned to their classroom in the fall! Which is awesome news, however they neglected to let anyone know, therefore taking away any initiative to actually come back in the fall. We don't know about you but we feel like writing an email would have been a pretty decent idea to make this initiative work.

    Jump right in!

    3:25 Teacher Bonuses Revealed

    11:40 Classroom Controversy: The Hair Debate

    20:15 Generational Differences in Teaching

    29:00 Special Guest Insights

    35:45 Teachers' Struggles & Triumphs

    42:10 Unexpected Rewards of Teaching

    So do your stretches, make sure you sent that email and tune in to this week's episode of Crying In My Car, a podcast for teachers.


    Crying In My Car Podcast: Presented By Bored Teachers

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    44 mins
  • Where is the line for sending students home?!
    Jul 2 2024

    There's no way he can fail all of us… right?

    Welcome back to Crying In My Car, a podcast for teachers! Join our hosts Devin Siebold and James Yon as they ask the question, can teachers fail a whole class? And we can’t help but notice that people who hang out with the principal after work gets special treatment, is that fair? Finally, should we believe kids when they say their sick? Or are they just trying to get out of the spelling test for this week?

    We’ve all heard the old excuse of “well they can’t fail all of us”, but according to admin, teachers definitely could. At the end of the day, if everyone is failing, is it actually on the students, or is the teacher not covering material well enough? Do the kids deserve a curve, or do they need to lay in the bed they've made? Tune in to find out what we think!

    We feel like we’ve all been in the situation where you find out your boss is actually a pretty cool person, but is it moral to go grab a beer with them after work? I mean yeah sure, when I'm hanging out with our principal I get a better schedule, and smaller classroom sizes, but that's not favoritism right?

    Sick students are such a common occurrence in the classroom, but why haven't we gotten a better system for sending them home? Have we learned nothing from the pandemic? Why do we send sick students back into the classroom after visiting the nurse? Is it our job to clean up after a student blows chunks, or should their parents have listened to them when they said they weren’t feeling good?

    Jump right in!

    04:22 - Classroom Failure Debate

    10:45 - Admin Role Controversy

    15:30 - African-American Teacher Exodus

    21:58 - Favoritism Fallout

    29:15 - Teacher-Administrator Dynamics

    33:40 - Peer Pressure Tactics

    So grab a bucket and a mop because our teachers might have to clean up a bit of barf on this week's episode of Crying In My Car, a podcast for teachers.


    Crying In My Car Podcast: Presented By Bored Teachers

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    39 mins
  • Gaming: Your Child's New Career?
    Jun 25 2024

    They’re giving scholarships to influencers!?

    Welcome back to Crying In My Car, a podcast for teachers! Join our hosts Devin Siebold and James Yon as they consider changing their careers to become pro gamers. Is posting on instagram a real job? Of course it is! And apparently colleges are starting to catch on by giving social media influencers scholarships. They also found out this week that private schools are finally starting to become more obtainable for families in Florida, but is that even a good thing?

    You know, when we were kids video games were a lot simpler, but we've come a long way from cheating by picking Bo Jackson in Tecmo bowl. When you think about it, the gaming industry has grown almost enough to be bigger than the movie industry, so why aren't we encouraging students from pursuing a career in pro gaming?

    Being an influencer is the newest and best form of marketing today, and people are starting to catch on. They are now apparently giving scholarships to influencers at Western Government University to study how to become a better influencer. Seriously, where was this when we were going to college!?

    This week we have some great news for our listeners in Florida! Governor DeSantis passed a new bill that's going to award $8,000 to anyone who wants to put their kids into private schools! This is great news for parents, almost a little too great, what's the catch here? Tune in to find out more!

    Jump right in!

    5:22 $8,000 Private School Debate

    11:39 Teacher-Turned-Comedian's Journey

    18:15 Gaming in the Job Market

    25:47 Social Media Degree Viability

    33:02 Gaming: Education vs. Career

    40:59 Private vs. Public School

    So log onto steam and get your twitch stream ready, but first go ahead and check out this week's episode of Crying In My Car, a podcast for teachers.


    Crying In My Car Podcast: Presented By Bored Teachers

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    37 mins
  • Sometimes Gold Just Isn’t Worth It
    Jun 18 2024

    What did they say about us on the hit show Big Time RV?

    Welcome back to Crying In My Car, a podcast for teachers! Join our hosts Devin Siebold and James Yon as they share their exciting summer plans that may just involve them reprising one of their classic roles. Have you guys heard about the newest controversy over the Olympics being held in Paris? We got the inside scoop and were going to be breaking it down for you today.

    So it's about that time, summer is coming up, and we are counting down the days until school is out. We have some big plans, a lot of trips we want to go on, we’re even thinking about reprising our roles from Big Time RV. If you haven't seen Big Time RV, then where have you been? We made an appearance on that show a couple years ago, and it was funny because the editors made some… interesting choices.

    Did you know that apparently the Olympics are held at impoverished places on purpose? Well apparently it's being done because of the low cost of hosting it there and despite the billions of dollars being spent on stadiums, there is no money going into the schools to give basic facilities for students. What's being done about this? What can we do? Tune in to find out!

    Jump right in!

    08:45 Teacher Dress Code Discussion

    15:20 Classroom Generation Gap

    22:35 Pregnancy Disclosure Dilemma

    29:50 Summer Stress Stories

    So get your polish ready because we're shooting for gold on this week's episode of Crying In My Car, a podcast for teachers.

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    46 mins
  • Duck Masters are Paid How Much?!
    Jun 11 2024

    We Think We’ve Found a New Career path…

    Welcome back to Crying In My Car, a podcast for teachers! Join our hosts Devin Siebold and James Yon as they discover their new found calling as a Duck Master. They’re not the only ones looking to diversify their portfolio, a group of teachers also decided to change careers into making their own coffee company! Our hosts also ramble on about how fun it is to help their favorite charity, St. Jude Children's Hospital.

    On a recent trip to Memphis, we saw probably the coolest thing ever, a hotel with a daily duck parade through the lobby and into a fountain! Now while this is probably the most interesting thing to happen in a hotel since getting slimed at the Nickelodeon hotel in the early 2000s, what's even more interesting is the guy in charge of the ducks, who is called the Duck Master. You won’t believe how much this man is paid to parade ducks around a hotel, however with this salary, we can't help but wonder what it would take to become a Duck Master.

    We recently found out about a group of teachers in Nebraska who quit teaching to follow their dreams of owning a coffee shop, River Mill Coffee Company. Talk about a real 180 in career path, however it's been met with great success! Hopefully they make their coffee extra strong for their fellow teachers because they know that we need it.

    Finally Devin is getting really swole by doing a pushup contest for St. Jude Children's Hospital. All for a great cause of course, St. Jude does so much amazing work he’s happy to help them out. As a long time supporter of St. Jude, it's always fun to help out however we can!

    Jump right in!

    2:30 St. Jude Journey Explained

    7:45 Special Treatment Debate

    13:20 Coffee Brand Success Story

    19:00 Fitness Fundraiser Insights

    24:40 Combating Bullying with Compassion

    30:15 Analyzing Teacher Recruitment Trends

    So grab your coffee and make sure your ducks are in a row, and tune in to this week's episode of Crying In My Car, a podcast for teachers.


    Crying In My Car Podcast: Presented By Bored Teachers

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    42 mins
  • We’re Having a Midlife Crisis…
    Jun 4 2024

    Lamination day: The teacher's newest unsung holiday.

    Welcome back to Crying In My Car, a podcast for teachers! Join our hosts Devin Siebold and James Yon as they celebrate their new favorite unofficial teacher holiday, lamination day. They will also come to terms with a hard truth, they're getting older, but is that really a bad thing? Finally they reveal the hidden battle that is happening right under our noses, in our school libraries.

    We all know how important our laminations are, from posters to dry-erase works sheets, us teachers can't get enough of them. But what do we do when the librarian has a choke hold on the lamination machine? Well that's where lamination day comes into play. It's truly the newest unofficial teachers holiday; and what happens when Devin commits sacrilege by bringing something to be laminated after this day? Tune in to find out!

    Let's face the facts, we're getting old… There is nothing that induces a midlife crisis like seeing your previous students with lines under their eyes and receding hairlines. When you last saw them they were struggling with long division, now they’re struggling with taxes. But you know what they say, with age comes wisdom, so we're going to share our wisdom on how we’re navigating these changes.

    Did you guys know about the cultural battle that's going on in our libraries? Well apparently there is legislation putting huge restrictions on what kind of books are deemed appropriate to be on their shelves, with the librarians being its first line of defense. So not only do they need to know the dewey decimal system and how to laminate, but now they have to screen every book in their collection!

    3:20 Louisiana Library Guardians

    7:45 Celebrating Lamination Day

    12:30 Devin's Midlife Crisis

    17:05 The Streaming Service Scandal

    22:40 Pronoun Policy in Florida

    28:15 Decor Teaching Tips

    So warm up that laminating machine, grab your bifocals and tune in to this week’s episode of Crying in my Car, a podcast for teachers!


    Crying In My Car Podcast: Presented By Bored Teachers

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    37 mins
  • Taking a test has never been this easy…
    May 28 2024

    They’re giving new teachers $10,000 just for starting!?

    Welcome back to Crying In My Car, a podcast for teachers! Join our hosts Devin Siebold and James Yon as they reveal the best news student teachers have gotten since the invention of the scantron! Speaking of scantrons, apparently in the modern day of social media and AI, it’s easier than ever to pass your test with flying colors. And finally they break through the red tape of education and finally get their official teaching badge.

    How would you like to have 10,000 dollars? Well apparently in Pennsylvania, because of a teacher shortage, they are paying student teachers a minimum 10,000 dollars stipend! Where was that when I was a student teacher?

    You know what's more frustrating than going to the DMV? Getting your official teaching badge apparently! In some districts, just to get a plastic badge, you need to fill out a pile of paperwork, take fingerprints, make a blood sacrifice, and give up your left kidney. All for something that could literally be given to you when you walk in for work.

    Finally we follow up with the latest Tik Tok trend, how to cheat on an exam. We're officially past the days of writing test answers on your palm, nowadays students share exam answers and essay prompts on social media, and use Chat GPT to write their essays for them! What are teachers doing in response to this? Tune in to find out!

    So change up that answer key, and don't forget your well earned educators badge, and tune in to this week’s episode of Crying in my Car, a podcast for teachers!


    Crying In My Car Podcast: Presented By Bored Teachers

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    38 mins
  • These Teachers are Really Testing my Patience…
    May 21 2024

    Teachers know exactly what annoying buttons to push!

    Welcome back to Crying In My Car, a podcast for teachers! Join our hosts Devin Siebold and James Yon as they redefine the stereotypical teacher, are they really a tweed-jacket-wearing bookworm, or are they much more? What’s the worst way to spend your morning? The answer is usually having to attend a staff meeting with admin. Finally, don't miss the top best ways to irritate any teacher in 3 seconds!

    We all know that sometimes students can get on a teacher's nerves, but what if we told you the people who irritate teachers the easiest are actually other teachers! From bragging about test scores to back-handed compliments, us teachers can really get on eachothers nerves, and we're going to talk about the worse ones!

    This week, we’re going to debunk the stereotypes of teachers and dive into what really happens when the bell rings. Some people call teachers lazy and tired, but let us give you a peek behind the curtain and show off that it's simply not true (because we're not lazy at least).

    Someone give us a Nobel Prize! We found the cure to insomnia… Our morning staff meetings! There is nothing worse than trying to stay awake in a never ending admin meeting, it truly bores us to tears. These meetings seem to drag on for so long, almost as long as grading papers.

    So prepare your game face for the staff meeting, grab your venti iced brown sugar shaken espresso (because you're going to need it) and tune in to this week’s episode of Crying in my Car, a podcast for teachers!


    Crying In My Car Podcast: Presented By Bored Teachers

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    42 mins