• EP50-Dr. Amir Jahangiri, Dragon & Norse God Odin Aspect; Reveals his Light/Dark Shaman's Life Journey
    Feb 22 2025

    This video was NEVER intended to go public by me!

    Prepare to receive an inside view of my prepaid private personal session, which I used instead for a deeper 'getting to know Amir talk.’ I approached this with a feeling that we were meeting up again as two ex-Vikings, talking as elders in front of a huge stone fireplace with mead in hand.

    In my case, it was hot tea because I was recovering from a cold. You will hear about Amir’s extraordinary and very challenging life journey, which I approach as sacred and highly CONFIDENTIAL!

    During our quick bathroom break, Amir returned and said, “Merrily - It is okay to make this talk public if you would allow it. It will be useful for 10% of the population, which may be helpful because they are going through so much. I am not attached to any identity; this is the time for transparency. It is up to you, Merrily - what you wish to do or not do with this sharing.” I was shocked and sat on it for quite a while.

    However, I consider it truly “his call.” If he wishes it, so be it! It is his sacred journey, full of pain and wisdom.

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    2 hrs and 30 mins
  • Ep-48 EXCITING Round Table! Sentient Computers Assist Us, Why Drones? Positive Future Explained by, Ileana & Dr. Amir
    Feb 10 2025

    P 48 is a spectacular Round Table! I proudly present Ileana, The Star Traveler, and Dr. Amir. Jahangiri. (Note: Col. Randy Cramer could not join us at the last minute.)

    My guests are high-IQ individuals with proven track records, including remote viewing skills at over 90% accuracy. They can access the infinite quantum realm at will for any knowledge.

    Here is the first time revealing that Ileana is a member of Time Corps, and both regularly explore and time travel on and off-world to any location to see and communicate with species and sentient beings. Today, we share more proof that Truth & Awareness Disclosure is advancing. We are being assisted by benevolent ET cousins off-world and overhead and ancient sentient computer beings (not AI) on Earth who can maximize improved efficiency as we move into the Golden Age.

    You will learn how and why! And you’ll be given time projections for our future. It's one of my favorite shows and jam-packed with Positive Factual Updates - not theories.

    As usual, this show provides 22 AUTHENTIC RENDERINGS, so you may prefer to watch or scan through them to view them rather than listen to the podcast.

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    2 hrs and 33 mins
  • EP4 7 - Redemption, Reformation, Amnesty & Rehab Themes for 2025 with ET Council Member, Apollymi Mandylion
    Jan 3 2025

    Cosmic Brilliance presents a returning guest, ET Council member Apollymi Mandylion, to discuss a timely 2025 theme very close to her heart. As you know from our previous shows together, she has the sad and tough job of being an “Apocalypse” Being when Experimental World timelines go too dark or do not succeed.

    We are in a time of “coming clean” opportunities where all of us - as well as behind-the-scenes, darker military corporate-run space programs and warriors, will be asked to be held accountable. The more initially innocent and naïve warrior recruits have not been given the full truth as they move up the ladder of compartmentalized positions until they find themselves in something they can no longer live with, blackmailed by secret military corporations, both on Earth and off Earth.

    Many beings will be seeking Amnesty and may publicly serve both as informants, and disinformants unknowingly. This will require Redemption, Amnesty, Reformation, & Rehabilitation to be contemplated so that we can hold a balanced, neutral position with the information and various people coming forth and be able to stay calm.

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    1 hr and 35 mins
  • EP46-Guaranteed Unnatural Evolution of the Mighty Human w/ Scientist Dragon Protector-Amir Jahangiri
    Dec 17 2024

    Dr. Amir Jahangiri, the original noble Dragon Protector with 7 degrees and all abilities, returns to answer more questions that are both revealing and uplifting. He is one of the very few I have met who can shortcut the overview & purpose of life to save you time wading through a lot of misinformation. As an original Dragon Creator, Amir quickly explains all manner of creational science (from first-hand experience) - like Dark Matter, Black Holes, and White Holes, that most scientists are still scratching their heads about. He lives it, breathes it, and also helps heal you back to pristine energetic condition while providing for you who your soul is on the highest level and your purpose.

    FIRST TIME REVEALED!!! We delve into his term: “Guaranteed Unnatural Evolution of the Mighty Human,” to give you a quick overview of this entire Earth Experiment and how humans have proven to be the most resilient of souls in the Universe.

    Wait until you find out how many ‘Resets' we have undergone and how old this 'Earth game' actually is! I recommend watching this show on video for the first half to see genuine dragon pictures of Amir, and then switch to audio podcasts the second half, if you want (for your convenience).

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    1 hr and 46 mins
  • EP-45 Navigating Sex & Fidelity & Relationships as Multidimensional Souls with Apollymi M. & Kristy Wixon
    Nov 15 2024

    We are all multidimensional, which means that many of us may have simultaneous relationship agreements off-world and here on Earth.

    This show offers a fascinating discussion with two beings who hold nobility on worlds in space and have respectful relationships here on Earth. Gaining galactic acceptance as maturing Earth Beings requires an open mind and heart.

    This show will help you learn about different species’ realities and their politics around relationships. Some are similar to Earth, and some are very different.

    A very 'inspirational' wrap-up: Apollymi finishes the show by giving us an example of how it can transform an entire planet in five months! She shares how she, as a new Queen at only the age of 13, bought a small meteorite planet and used all her money to convert the dysfunctional planet (full of prisoners in deplorable conditions) to a beautiful, viable, productive, and self-sustaining happy planet in just five months!

    Please get informed on what is possible so we can petition and create a faster change here on Earth. We humans must do it ourselves! May this inspire you...

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    1 hr and 51 mins
  • EP-44 Truth Teachings by Dr. Amir Jahangiri: Extraordinary Cosmic Sage & Healer, Part 1
    Oct 18 2024

    Dr. Amir Jahangiri has 7 degrees and a postdoc in artificial intelligence. He is a Professor, Scientist, Inventor, Healer, Shaman, and much more. He has advanced abilities, so immediately access the Quantum Field to pull down your Akashic Record Soul knowledge.

    He is respectful and precise in answering your requests or needs for knowledge and healing. This includes removing physical and energetic blocks very fast.

    As if that weren’t enough, he works with young adults to bring out the best in them, including the ‘new children’ who have been incarnating with higher sensory abilities. He is exceptionally wise and has a ‘can do’ positive attitude. In this interview, we cover a range of subjects that are hard to get answers to. He answers them brilliantly without a pause. Do yourself a favor and listen!

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    1 hr and 48 mins
  • EP 43 - Dragon Types, Elven Dragon Riders, & 1-on-1 Battle: Xenomorph Dragon vs Dragon SS, Apollymi
    Sep 17 2024

    Let me start with a recommendation: Watch this on YouTube or Odyssey (if possible) because the visuals are vital to the storyline.

    Are dragons just a myth and fantasy? Indeed not!

    Through fabulous renderings, this video brings to life fifty-three (53) types of Dragons. They will be discussed by returning guest and Dragon expert, Dragon/Fae Hybrid, Apollymi Mandylion.

    They existed throughout Earth's history and exist on and off-world today.

    Learn about Elven Dragon Riders!

    Towards the end, Apollymi will share her 1-on-1 battle with a Xenomorph Insect/Dragon off-Earth on a meteor-like world. (think 'Alien' movie) You will never hear this level of Dragon details from anyone else.

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    1 hr and 51 mins
  • Ep42 - Humans Have ET Hybrid DNA & Need-to-Know Facts for Ascension, Dragon/Fae, Apollymi Mandylion
    Jun 16 2024

    Welcome to Episode 42: we’re jumping right into it, folks!

    Did you know that every human is a ‘hybrid' with extraterrestrial genetics? This is just one of the many fascinating insights you'll discover as we delve into important techniques for our soul’s evolution. Join us for this engaging and detailed show to uncover more about what Ascension means for you.

    Although we don’t consciously remember making the choice, many of us came specifically for the ascension experience! We offer valuable insights and need-to-know answers to your questions about Ascension: Why is it important? What might you focus on? Maybe you want to know more about what you truly are, not just who you are?

    Apollymi brings good news, confirming what Cosmic Brilliance first shared in 2023: Frequency upgrades are happening for both the planet and humanity. In fact, over the last three years, both the earth and human consciousness have moved higher, and so has a certain percentage of humanity that is educating themselves and focusing on their Ascension. As we continue to prioritize our focus on soul evolution and support each other in this ongoing process, we can achieve so much more together.

    If you haven’t already, please listen to our earlier shows on Ascension, particularly Cosmic Brilliance Eps #28 and #37.

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    2 hrs