• Is Practicing Meditation & Yoga Evil?
    Dec 28 2024

    The subjects of meditation and yoga are often covered in mystery and misunderstanding, both by those for and against the practices. Join as we discuss the complex history as well as whether or not it is impossible to ever "baptize" either.

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    59 mins
  • A Full Recovery of Our Scholastic Tradition
    Dec 23 2024

    Over 100 years ago, Pope Leo XIII called on Catholic intellectuals to rally and recover the wonderful treasure of our medieval schools. At the time, St Thomas Aquinas was the ready made answer to his clarion- he was precise, clear and systematically applicable. Some at the time and since have taken this to mean St Thomas is all that need be retrieved, yet here we will be making the case that this is not only lamentable, as it ignores the other giants of the period, but also possibly dangerous.

    From Ss Anselm and Bonaventure, to Thomas and Scotus, we want to see the rich heritage of the philosophical and theological insights these men gifted us restored to their place of eminence and prominence within the wider Catholic conversation.

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    1 hr and 13 mins
  • THIS is the Future of Catholicism
    Dec 16 2024

    So much of what we fret over in modern Western Christianity is, to quote Shakespeare, much ado about nothing. The future of Christianity is some entirely different than either Traditionalists or Progressives assume and war with each other about. This.... is the future of Christianity. It's exciting and promising. Join as we discuss what the future holds for the faith.

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    44 mins
  • What Happened to Catholic Ireland
    Dec 9 2024

    On January 1, 2019 abortions commenced being performed in Ireland after the passing of a landmark legislation. It's but one sign of just how far the island, known for centuries as the green jewel of Christendom, had fallen from its roots. But what happened? How did Ireland go from a place where monks worked tirelessly to preserve civilization, to a place where secularism and apathy was able to sink in its vicious teeth? Join as we discuss the 20th century, known in Ireland as: the Troubles.

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    42 mins
  • Margaret Sanger: Race, Contraceptives & Eugenics
    Dec 2 2024

    In this episode we continue our discussion on how the feminist movement worked with the eugenics movement. One woman in particular, the controversial Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, who helped to shape the modern cause of feminism, was herself a proponent of eliminating the "undesirables" in society. Join as we discuss her life and her cause for contraceptives and eugenics.

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    41 mins
  • Contraceptives , Eugenics, & The Feminist Movement
    Nov 18 2024

    As the eugenics movement was underway, a small group of radical women coopted ideological elements of it to help them advance the cause of "feminism" by manipulating uneducated women into sterilizing themselves. The effects of this on whole demographics of society have been devastating. In this episode we discuss the relations between these various movements and how they fed into and fueled each other's misinformation. Join as we discuss.

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    49 mins
  • Contraceptives and Eugenics: A Dark History in America
    Nov 4 2024

    Too often modern debates between religious and secular people are presented as the secular coming with all the reliable, empirical datum, and religious as appealing to only vague notions of metaphysics or objective morality. But is this so? Does secular society with it's god, science, actually have a history that offers mankind the best outcome? Join as we here discuss the dark history of secular science's attempts to exterminate whole classes of humans because of their perceived undesirability. We will also be specifically tracing the modern contraceptives movement to the eugenics movement, and how you don't get the former without the ideological roots of the latter.

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    47 mins
  • Scopes Monkey Trial: Great Battle of Science & Religion or Great Media Farce?
    Oct 21 2024

    H. L. Mencken said of it, "Let no one mistake it for comedy, farcical though it may be in all its details. It serves notice on the country that Neanderthal man is organizing in these forlorn backwaters of the land, led by a fanatic, rid of sense and devoid of conscience."

    The way it's been presented for decades is that in July 1925 Christian fundamentalist's put science and truth on trial. Their goal: to suppress the advancement of human knowledge and flourishing, to bring mankind back to the dark ages.

    Was this what really happened? Or have the irreligious Secularists once again manipulated history to fit a narrative that places themselves in a significantly better light than the truth? Join as we discuss the infamous Scopes Monkey Trial.

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    54 mins