Hello and welcome to A Bit Of A Boost with me, George Anderson
I’m a wellbeing and performance coach, speaker and author and this podcast brings together guest experts, inspirational stories and ideas that I hope will you a bit of a boost.
Today we discuss strengths... not the 'strengths and weaknesses' where you should 'work on your weaknesses to turn them into your strengths', but the elements of your character that you may or not already be aware of are something of a super power.
I talk a lot about strengths with my clients and in presentations, and there's a free tool you can use to identify your top 5 'Signature Strengths'.
If you head over to https://viacharacter.org you can take the free survey and I encourage you to do so (after listening to today's episode of course!)
The 24 Character Strengths are grouped into 6 categories:
1) Creativity
2) Curiosity
3) Open-mindedness
4) Love of learning
5) Perspective
6) Honesty
7) Bravery
8) Persistence
9) Zest
10) Kindness
11) Love
12) Social intelligence
13) Fairness
14) Leadership
15) Teamwork
16) Forgiveness
17) Humility
18) Prudence
19) Self-regulation
20) Appreciation of beauty
21) Gratitude
22) Hope
23) Humor
24) Spirituality
We all have all of these strengths, but some come more naturally to us than others and it's the top 5 that we're really interested in.
If you can find ways to harness and use these strengths more, you can elevate your wellbeing, performance and impact in almost any aspect of your life.