Cat Bonney has lived in Oregon most of her life, with a brief stint in Texas, So Cal and a year overseas. She’s had her own commercial/graphic arts business since college — which she started out of a desire to NOT remain at the college-assigned job in the kitchen, having to wake early to make breakfast for all of her college peers… After college, she came home for a two-week vacation, expecting to return to Texas, but during that time, her plans changed due to a health crisis with her boss. Liking the climate here and her mom living close, she decided to make Southern Oregon her permanent home. Cat and her wife live on the family ranch with a dog and a couple of cats, not to mention the neighborly sheep, cows and llama for security. Along with their marketing business, Webb Mountain Arts, and her contract as the Executive Director of a local non-profit, Common Connections, Cat is using her years of real estate appraisal experience to help Common Connections and Mid Rogue Foundation (another local non-profit) to manage the Housing Repair & Rehabilitation Program for low and moderate income homeowners in Josephine County. She is also an avid volunteer in various community programs, and as a business owner, she’s involved in the Grants Pass & Josephine County Chamber of Commerce. Cat truly believe’s that to make our community the way we want it, we must be involved at a personal level. For more on Cat’s work, checkout the links below! Common Connections – Webb Mountain Arts –