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With this episode of Real Israel Talk Radio, I want to share a bit about my life's journey so that you can better understand the changes I have experienced over several decades and why I believe what I believe. In my decades-long search to find my true Jewish identity, I have come to embrace some closure in my understanding that “home” is not a place or a thing that can be found in this world. Difficult as it is sometimes hard to admit publicly, I know that home is not a land or a country on earth. It is not a birthplace, a birthright, a birth culture, and not even an aliyah, or going up to fulfill an inheritance entitlement to a piece of Middle East real estate called “The Land of Israel.” I will go so far as to say that coming home is not even in returning to hear and do the Torah – the Law. For some, this might come across as shocking. Yet, the truth is, all these concepts are essential living expressions and metaphors for everyday life that point us to our true home, which is in the King of all Kings, who rules in and from a divine government belonging to his kingdom - the Kingdom of Heaven. This is our true home in a different dimension of time and space, understood as Jerusalem above.
This is Episode 164 of Real Israel Talk Radio
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