Our guest for this episode is Mike Vardal from Connecticut. Mike is a father of 4 and the mind behind the YouTube channel Vardalia Onions. What started as a TikTok parody, turns into a full-time, family YouTube video production. From acting, shooting, editing and marketing. Vardalia Onions produces child and family-friendly videos on YouTube.
By the end of 2020, Mike and his wife realized that some of their kids started having anxiety issues. It was their doctor that encouraged them to be on their dad’s show and act. Acting and making these videos has helped them conquer their anxieties, be comfortable with themselves, and has brought them closer as a family.
Connect with Mike:
Instagram: @vardalia_onions
Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/VardaliaOnions/
YouTube Channels: https://www.youtube.com/c/VardaliaOnions
Merch: Dogs of Town Hall Merch
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