• Empowering Everyday Americans to Unlock Their Financial Potential Chris Britt, Chime
    May 29 2024

    In this episode of Breakthrough Labs, General Atlantic’s Head of Financial Services Paul Stamas speaks with Chris Britt, Founder and CEO of Chime. They discuss Chris’ early days in consulting and his time working at start-ups in San Francisco; his experience at Green Dot and working on teams that invented the retail distribution of credit and debit cards in traditional retail locations like Walmart and Walgreens; Chime's founding vision to cater to customers that were underserved by traditional banks; meeting his co-founder Ryan King and the importance of their complementary skillsets to scaling the business; establishing Chime after the Global Economic Crisis and the business’ approach to gaining customers by aligning with them on key values; the structural advantage that Chime benefits from compared to big money-center banks that it competes with; how the company has navigated operating in a highly regulated industry; how Chime puts user experience forward by partnering with banks; brand loyalty and how the business’ success is a reflection of its commitment to values and principles; the power of social media to engage and connect with members; measures Chime took during the pandemic to ease uncertainty for its members; how the company’s mission-driven approach has allowed it to recruit top talent; efforts Chris and the leadership team take in order to prioritize employee wellness; and the importance of surrounding yourself with the best people that represent diversity of thought and experience.

    Key Takeaways – “In this episode”

    • Chris discusses the impact of the Global Economic Crisis on the everyday consumer and how Chime grew out of a universal desire for more equitable banking services in the years to follow.
    • A look into Chris’ early days pitching Chime to investors— he explains his vision for unlocking scale while serving a societal need by creating a business for the two-thirds of working age Americans, or about 150 million people, who live paycheck-to-paycheck.
    • The initial difficulty that came with creating a fee-free business model and learning how to operate a company that could become profitable while still staying true to its core values.
    • Chime becoming the jersey partner of the Dallas Mavericks and the company’s continued devotion to giving back to its community of users.
    • Chris discusses how Chime has gone on to influence other incumbent banks to reduce consumer fees and offer more consumer-friendly policies, as well as banking innovations on the horizon.
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    39 mins
  • Accelerating Sustainability Goals with Actionable Intelligence Frédéric Trinel, EcoVadis
    May 15 2024

    In this episode of Breakthrough Labs, BeyondNetZero Managing Director Rhea Hamilton speaks with Frédéric Trinel, Co-Founder and Co-CEO of EcoVadis, the global provider of business sustainability ratings, intelligence, and collaborative performance tools servicing more than 130,000 companies across the globe. They discuss Frédéric’s long history as an entrepreneur, with EcoVadis marking his fifth business endeavor; deciding to start the Company in 2007 at a time when not many people were focused on sustainability; meeting his co-founder Pierre-Francois Thaler 32 years ago while working in Asia; identifying a need for sustainability ratings within supplier networks; his focus on profitability and decision to forgo outside capital until 10 years into the Company’s journey; the importance of managing data quality as a SaaS company and leveraging AI to achieve this; overcoming significant challenges when entering the US market, especially around hiring talent; establishing the Company around its core ratings product and evolving its suite of product offerings to meet customer demand; building upon EcoVadis’ proprietary ratings methodology to address new global sustainability regulations; the significant growth the Company experienced during the Covid pandemic; focuses for future growth, including beginning work with directly with banks on sustainable finance products like sustainability-linked loans; findings from an EcoVadis-led study demonstrating a correlation between a company’s financial performance and sustainability performance; and the benefits of having a co-founder and how he and Pierre-Francois have worked together as co-CEOs for nearly two decades.

    Key Takeaways – “In this episode”

    • Frédéric discusses his experience as an entrepreneur, founding four companies before he started EcoVadis, and the lessons learned that he continues to apply today.

    • EcoVadis’ role as a supplier of sustainability ratings at scale and how Frédéric and Pierre-Francois identified the market opening as an early mover in the space.

    • Frédéric outlines the opportunities and challenges that come with building an international company out of Europe with global talent, and how he navigated headwinds when entering new markets, including the US.

    • EcoVadis’ evolution beyond its core ratings product to meet the growing needs of customers and the shifting ESG and sustainability regulatory landscape.

    • Frédéric reflects on the company’s reach to over 130,000 customers as the importance of sustainability intelligence continues to increase.

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    27 mins
  • Laying the Foundation for Connectivity in Global Emerging Markets
    Nov 29 2023
    In this episode of Breakthrough Labs, General Atlantic’s Head of EMEA and Global Head of Climate, Gabriel Caillaux speaks with Vittorio Colao, Vice Chairman of EMEA at the firm. They discuss Vittorio’s interest in telecommunications before the industry had taken off; the entrepreneurial spirit that shaped his early days at Omnitel Pronto, an Italian telecom company; the yearslong succession process that led to his appointment as CEO of Vodafone; his views on launching one’s career and welcoming opportunities to level up even when not feeling fully prepared; the strategy behind Vodafone’s approach to strategic acquisitions that helped expand the company’s international footprint; navigating the challenges and opportunities of emerging markets, including the complexities of different regulatory regimes; how to assemble a company board that adds value for both investors and management teams; answering the call to advise the Italian government’s economic response to the pandemic as Minister of Technological Innovation and Digital Transition; closing the digital divide and improving access to tech in Italy; the universality concept that distinguishes the public sector from the private sector; the essential role of building a strong leadership team; the importance of listening more than you speak; and how great leaders know when to take time to recharge outside the office.     Key Takeaways – “In this episode”  Hear about how the book, “The Death of Distance” originally convinced Vittorio of the power and potential of digital connectivity.  Vittorio’s comparison of the benefits and drawbacks of running a so-called challenger versus an incumbent company.  A behind-the-scenes account of the succession planning process at Vodafone and Vittorio’s perspective on how to develop professionally.    Vittorio’s perspective on the enormous opportunities presented by emerging markets and the nuance of navigating regional and sectoral differences.   Vittorio being called to national service in Italy by former Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi to drive the pandemic response and his first-hand account of global crisis management, including how to find the best talent quickly.  
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    48 mins
  • Driving Financial Inclusion Through Digital Payments
    Oct 11 2023

    In this episode of Breakthrough Labs, General Atlantic Managing Director and Head of Mexico Office Luis Cervantes speaks with Adolfo Babatz, Founder and CEO of Clip, a multi-product, Mexico-based, commerce and digital payments platform for small and medium-sized businesses. They discuss Adolfo’s journey to founding Clip; the lessons he learned from fundraising with David Rubenstein while at Carlyle; his disciplined upbringing and how that led him to pursue an MBA; catching the entrepreneurial bug while taking part in an MIT-sponsored program in Turkey; his experience helping to set up PayPal’s operations in Mexico and witnessing the challenges merchants faced when trying to transact firsthand; the fragmented payments system in Mexico and the gap Clip is bridging to drive financial inclusion; building Clip into a multi-product company and core platform aimed at solving merchants’ most pressing business needs and pain points to drive efficiency; lessons learned in the early days of Clip and the importance of defining a strong company culture; the significance of partnering with investors that align with the founder’s mission and outlook personally, strategically and financially; and the importance of EQ as a founder and entrepreneur. 

    Key Takeaways

    • Hear about how Adolfo caught the “bug” for entrepreneurship and how this shaped his professional journey into building what Clip is today.
    • Adolfo discusses Mexico’s fragmented payments system in Mexico and the pain points this creates for small and medium-sized businesses. 
    • How Clip developed from a single-product company to a multi-product platform that promotes financial inclusion on a national scale
    • Adolfo reflects on critical leadership decisions to strengthen the company’s growth strategy and establish a distinguished workplace culture. 
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    51 mins
  • Putting the Pieces in Play for the Rise of Chess
    Sep 20 2023

    In this episode of Breakthrough Labs, General Atlantic Managing Director and Head of Consumer Internet and Technology Tanzeen Syed speaks with Erik Allebest, Co-Founder and CEO of Chess.com, one of the world’s largest platforms for playing, learning and watching chess, with over 100 million members. They discuss Erik’s mission-driven pursuit to build Chess.com, driven by his love of chess and passion for bringing the game to others; his earlier chess-related businesses and experience in e-commerce, starting when he was in college; his decision to take an unconventional path following his time at Stanford Graduate School of Business; the importance of community and authenticity in his core values and approach to building Chess.com; how personalization of the product and storytelling helped engage first time chess players, as well as those already familiar with the game; his commitment to focusing on Chess.com’s product and creating value for users to build its community organically; Erik’s perspective on what it means to be a mission-driven company and how this has contributed to Chess.com’s development; challenges the company overcame and Erik’s approach to navigating these alongside Co-Founder Jay Severson; pivotal moments that contributed to increased interest in chess globally and, in turn, Chess.com’s success, including the 2018 World Chess Championship, the rise in online gaming catalyzed by COVID-19 lockdowns and Netflix’s The Queen’s Gambit; and, Erik’s outlook on the future of chess.

    Key Takeaways – “In this episode” 

    • Learn how Erik’s love of chess and passion for sharing the game with others led to the creation of Chess.com. Erik discusses some of the unconventional, strategic decisions he made throughout the journey to build Chess.com into the global platform it is today. 
    • Hear about Chess.com’s commitment to developing products that add value for chess players of all levels and maintaining the integrity of the game.
    • Erik’s decision to partner with an outside investor and how he approached evaluating potential partners.
    • How Erik and Chess.com Co-Founder Jay Sevenson navigated pivotal moments and seized the moment of the global increase of the popularity of chess. 
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    38 mins
  • Building a community-driven brand
    Sep 6 2023

    In the premiere episode of Breakthrough Labs Season 2, General Atlantic Managing Director and Head of Consumer for EMEA Melis Kahya Akar sits down with Ben Francis, Founder and CEO of Gymshark, a leading online, direct-to-consumer, community-based fitness apparel brand. They discuss Ben’s entrepreneurial journey and the importance of taking risks; how he paired his love for building websites and apps with fitness to create Gymshark; why he dropped out of university to focus on Gymshark full time; how stepping down as CEO for four years allowed him to focus on learning more about business fundamentals and building Gymshark’s community-driven brand; the benefits of an offline strategy in building brand authenticity and community; Gymshark’s early mover position in influencer marketing and the importance of having a great product; the decision to open Gymshark’s first brick-and-mortar retail location and expanding the product’s customer base beyond men’s wear; Ben’s evolution as a leader and the importance of leveraging your network; how Ben’s UK heritage and admiration for UK brands has influenced Gymshark; and, how his job at Pizza Hut taught him about customer service.

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    36 mins
  • Creating Frictionless Experiences Powered by You
    Nov 9 2022

    In this episode of the podcast, General Atlantic Co-President, Managing Director and Chairman of the Global Technology Group Anton Levy sits down with Caryn Seidman-Becker, Chairman and CEO of CLEAR, a leading biometrics company that streamlines authentication and security as it strives to provide a safe, secure and frictionless way for people to live, work and travel, including solutions for airports, sports stadiums and anywhere else credentials need to be verified. They discuss Caryn’s first job on Wall Street working in risk arbitrage; her decision to start her own investment firm named Arience Capital; discovering Verified Identity Pass and buying the company at a bankruptcy sale; working alongside co-founder Ken Cornick and rebranding the company to CLEAR; Caryn’s personal goal to make flying safer and more efficient in a post-9/11 world; the importance of the customer experience and responding to constructive criticism; how one out of every ten US jobs has a travel-related association; why CLEAR’s ticker symbol is “YOU”; experiences of needing multiple forms of identification and finding a solution that is more productive; destigmatizing the word ‘biometrics’; launching solutions beyond CLEAR access at airports, including Health Pass, which was created during the pandemic; examples of Powered by CLEAR experiences, including frictionless verification at the Raiders’ stadium to help fans order a beer and a partnership with Avis to expedite the car rental check-in process; the Home to Gate app that calculates traffic to the airport and time to walk from the CLEAR line to your gate; why she believes digital trust online is the next great frontier; the launch of Reserve powered by CLEAR to make a reservation for your spot in the CLEAR line at the airport; CLEAR’s IPO listing and commemorating the occasion with a company-wide volunteering day; Caryn’s vision for the company in the next five to ten years; sharing her experience with other founders as a trailblazing female founder bringing her company from inception to IPO; operating during the pandemic and keeping the company connected; Caryn’s best travel tips; the power of partnership; CLEAR’s core value of being indefatigable; and other topics. 

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    38 mins
  • Powering Homes with Off-Grid Solar Solutions
    Oct 26 2022

    In this episode of the podcast, BeyondNetZero Managing Director Eli Aheto sits down with Patrick Walsh and Anish Thakkar, the Co-Founders of Sun King, one of the largest providers of solar energy products for off-grid homes in Africa and Asia, to discuss providing access to sustainable and affordable solar power for nearly 82 million people across 40 countries to date. They discuss how they bonded at the University of Illinois over a shared desire to use engineering to solve the world’s “existential problems”; their unique experiences traveling to India and other parts of the developing world, where they witnessed the needs of those living off the electric grid; working on the product throughout their undergraduate years in between classes; sleeping on friends’ couches while getting the product off the ground and navigating the difficulties securing fundraising at a time when ESG impact funds were few and far between; how Anish successfully pitched ZS Associates Co-Founder Prabha Sinha at a party on becoming an angel investor in Sun King; the decline in the cost of solar in the years following Sun King’s founding and its impact on democratizing access to clean energy solutions for consumers; the realization that retail was not a best environment for selling Sun King products and how they created a word-of-mouth network for direct-to-consumer sales to grow the business; Sun King’s impact on reducing emissions and how its products have enabled many communities in developing countries leapfrog the electrical grid entirely; the importance of pay-as-you-go financing and how they worked to minimize the problem of affordability by allowing users to pay down their solar assets incrementally over time; the potential future of Sun King and plans to build larger energy systems that can power a broader range of appliances; the additional steps they believe are needed to support people without consistent access to energy in a sustainable way; lessons learned from their collective journey and partnership, and how they prefer to be in the “mode of being students” and constantly learning; and other topics.

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    49 mins