• Restoring the American Dream is very possible with God
    Sep 17 2024

    All things through Christ -- and that applies to the fight to restore the American Dream, as well. America may be facing attacks from communists and socialists and collectivists and secularists who want to turn this nation's government and culture into something it's not -- who want to rebuild the country by ripping out its very roots. But the demise of America isn't set in stone. It's not a done deal. As Tim Goeglein with Focus on the Family says -- the 1960s may have ushered in a time of cultural upheaval and moral degradation. But a nation rooted on godly principles can recover and emerge in unity. This is the fight before us, he says.

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    33 mins
  • America's growing separation from God
    Sep 12 2024

    If America is to keep intact its God-given rights and liberties, then America must keep God at the helm -- it's just common sense. Remove God from "God-given" and there's a void. What happens is government steps in and takes over God's domain. Government becomes a sort of god to the people. God-given morphs into Government-given. And what government gives -- government can take. This is the root of all that ails in America right now. Rob Pacienza, faith leader and public speaker, has much to say about the need to keep God at the helm of society.

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    35 mins
  • Repairing America, one relationship at a time
    Sep 10 2024

    America's divided, that's true. But it doesn't have to be that way. If Americans would return to the time when political opposition didn't bring out the daggers and knives, and instead, could solve differences with courteous rhetoric -- well, then, half of the divisions in this nation would go by the wayside. But with a most contested presidential election on the horizon -- and coming as it does on the heels of an attempted assassination on a former U.S. president -- the chances of cooler heads prevailing is slim to none. Dr. Warren Farrell has some ideas on getting along with others, though. And it's well worth the while to listen and heed his advice.

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    35 mins
  • Democrats are the real war mongers
    Sep 5 2024

    The endless war that seems to be taking shape between Ukraine and Russia is born of the Democrat Party. And isn't that interesting because it's always the Republican Party that's called the party of war-mongers? If Kamala Harris is elected president, count on more tax dollars being spent in Ukraine. If Donald Trump is elected president, count on the war coming to a speedy end. The question, in the meanwhile, persists: What is America's real interest in this war? Shea Bradley-Farrell, president of Counterpoint Institute, sheds some light.

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    30 mins
  • The battle for truth heats as election draws close
    Sep 3 2024

    It's not enough to watch the news and read the newspaper and listen to talk radio to get the truth -- today's voters have to be discerning about which outlets are purposely stifling truth to advance an agenda. The Democrats have made entire campaigns out of changing realities by advancing perceptions, by advancing lies, by repeating lies enough times so voters are confused. That's really how the left wins elections; by disguising their communist and socialist agendas. But voter manipulation has reached all-time highs in America, and this November is crucial for Americans to beware the lies. Craig Huey weighs in with words of wisdom to see the truth from the lies.

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    31 mins
  • China is the dragon America must slay
    Aug 27 2024
    Time is ticking on America's ability to beat back the evil of communism that China wants to spread around the world. Political leaders don't have much longer to take serious and dramatic action to reel in the CCP. But with the right commander-in-chief, and the right policies put forth, and the right level of determination, America can keep communism at bay, says Dennis Unkovic, author of "The Fragility of China." The CCP has several weaknesses, namely its economy, and America could take advantage -- if only politicians awaken and resolve to win this fight.
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    34 mins
  • Abuse that God turns to His glory
    Aug 22 2024
    One of the harshest questions for those who've suffered some sort of terrible and undeserved tragedy to ponder is the one that plagues believers and nonbelievers alike -- and it goes like this: Why does God let bad things happen to good people? Such is the stuff of daily struggle for those seeking to understand why there's so much suffering in the world -- or maybe, more personally, why they themselves are suffering. Ben Locke was well on his way to having a star-like life, when tragedy struck. He struggled for a long time to understand why. And now he's written the book, "In Our Suffering, Lord Be Near."
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    30 mins
  • Back to school means back to campus chaos
    Aug 20 2024

    Summer's at an end and the college campuses are starting to fill with students again. But they're not all there to learn. Many have been taking a page from last spring's pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel, anti-semitic protesters on college campuses around the nation, and vowing more of the same this year. Yes, they've been organizing over the summer months to double down efforts for more protests this fall. Get ready for the mayhem. Ken Tashjy with Campus Reform weighs in on what's going on and why and more importantly, perhaps, what can be done to stop the insanity.

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    28 mins