Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: Blossoms of Trust: Lihua's Hidden Past Revealed Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/zh/episode/2025-03-12-22-34-02-zh Story Transcript:Zh: 丽华是一位精致且低调的女士。En: Lihua is an elegant and low-key lady.Zh: 她住在一个安静的小区里。En: She lives in a quiet neighborhood.Zh: 这个小区四周都是高高的围墙,里面的环境非常整洁。有修剪得当的花草和盛开的樱花树。En: This community is surrounded by tall walls, and the environment inside is very tidy, with well-manicured flowers and blooming cherry blossom trees.Zh: 在小区中央,还有一个宁静的公共花园。En: In the center of the neighborhood, there is a tranquil public garden.Zh: 春天到了,樱花在风中轻轻飘散。En: Spring has arrived, and the cherry blossoms gently float in the wind.Zh: 丽华经常在早晨来到花园,打理自己的花草。En: Lihua often comes to the garden in the morning to tend to her flowers.Zh: 她很享受这种独自的时光。En: She enjoys these moments of solitude.Zh: 小区的居民大多互不打扰,但是邻居敏却是个例外。En: Most residents in the community do not disturb each other, but the neighbor Min is an exception.Zh: 敏是个好奇心很强的人,她总觉得丽华似乎藏着什么秘密。En: Min is a very curious person and always feels that Lihua seems to be keeping some secrets.Zh: 一天,敏在整理自家杂物时,无意中找到了一张老照片。En: One day, while tidying up her own house, Min accidentally found an old photograph.Zh: 照片上的人很像丽华,但背景却是一个完全不同的地方。En: The person in the photo looked a lot like Lihua, but the background was a completely different place.Zh: 敏很好奇,于是试探着对丽华说:“丽华,你对过去有什么特别的回忆吗?”En: Intrigued, Min cautiously said to Lihua, "Lihua, do you have any special memories about the past?"Zh: 丽华心中一震,知道敏发现了什么。En: Lihua's heart skipped a beat, knowing that Min had discovered something.Zh: 然而,她很快镇定下来,微笑着说:“哦,过去的事都过去了,现在的生活就很好。”En: However, she quickly regained her composure and smiled, saying, "Oh, the past is in the past; the current life is just fine."Zh: 但敏并不想就此作罢,她继续追问:“可是,我觉得了解彼此的过去,可以让我们成为更好的朋友。”En: But Min did not want to let it go, and she continued to probe, "But I feel that understanding each other's past can make us better friends."Zh: 丽华犹豫了,心里在想,她究竟该不该把这些年深藏的秘密告诉敏呢?En: Lihua hesitated, wondering whether or not to reveal the secrets she had kept hidden all these years to Min.Zh: 一天傍晚,丽华再次在花园遇到了敏。En: One evening, Lihua encountered Min again in the garden.Zh: 樱花飘落在她们之间,空气中弥漫着花香。En: Cherry blossoms were falling between them, and the air was filled with the fragrance of flowers.Zh: 丽华深吸一口气,鼓起勇气对敏说:“其实,那张照片上的人确实是我。”En: Lihua took a deep breath and summoned the courage to say to Min, "Actually, the person in that photo is indeed me."Zh: 于是,丽华缓缓地把自己的故事告诉了敏。En: Lihua then slowly shared her story with Min.Zh: 原来,丽华年轻时曾有一段不为人知的生活,充满了勇气和挑战。En: It turned out that there was a part of Lihua's youth that was unknown to others, filled with courage and challenges.Zh: 她从没对任何人说起过这些事,因为她害怕打破现在的安静生活。En: She had never mentioned these things to anyone because she was afraid of disrupting her current peaceful life.Zh: 敏安静地听完,说:“丽华,谢谢你告诉我这个秘密。En: Min listened quietly and said, "Lihua, thank you for telling me this secret.Zh: 我会尊重你的选择,我相信这也是我们之间友谊的开始。”En: I will respect your choice, and I believe this is the beginning of our friendship."Zh: 丽华心里感到从未有过的轻松。En: Lihua felt a great sense of relief.Zh: 她发现,信任别人是一件美好的事。En: She realized that trusting others is a wonderful thing.Zh: 自那以后,她慢慢开始信任周围的人,再也不畏惧过去的影子。En: From then on, she slowly began to trust those around her and no longer feared the shadows of the past.Zh: 在樱花树下,她和敏成为了真正的朋友。En: Under the cherry blossom trees, she and Min became true friends. Vocabulary Words:elegant: 精致low-key: 低调neighborhood: 小区surrounded: 四周都是manicured: 修剪得当tranquil: 宁静solitude: 独自的时光disturb: 打扰curious: 好奇心secrets: 秘密intrigued: 好奇cautiously: ...