
  • Help a Brother Out | James #15
    Nov 10 2021

    In the season one finale, Ryan and Steph wrap up their conversation on the book of James. James concludes his letter with a challenge to come alongside and restore those who have drifted off course. Ryan and Steph also turn to the words of Paul in Galatians 6 and Jesus in Matthew 18 to better understand how to help the wanderer in a loving, biblical way.


    1. (0:00) Introduction
    2. (5:54) Bad Spiritual B.O.
    3. (12:23) Bear One Another’s Burdens
    4. (19:34) Church Discipline
    5. (34:06) Leave the Ninety-Nine


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    45 mins
  • The Power of Prayer | James #14
    Nov 3 2021

    In this episode, Ryan and Steph discuss three truths about prayer from the book of James. First, prayer is more than a monologue or a wish list; it is communion with our Creator. Second, prayer is not meaningless or trivial; it has great power that moves the heart of God. And third, prayer is not reserved for the spiritual elite or the ultra righteous; it is equally accessible to each one of us.


    1. (0:00) Introduction
    2. (5:43) Prayer Is Relational
    3. (11:27) Prayer Is Powerful
    4. (23:21) Prayer Is Accessible


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    37 mins
  • One Degree of Glory | James #13
    Oct 27 2021

    We are immersed in a culture of instant gratification. We want quick and easy results in every arena of life, including our spiritual growth. But, following Jesus is a lifelong journey of being transformed into His image, as the Apostle Paul puts it, "from one degree of glory to the next." This is why James instructs us to look at the patient farmer. Cultivating genuine faith takes a lot of patience and work, and there are no immediate results.


    1. (0:00) Do We Even Need Patience?
    2. (14:57) FarmVille Christianity
    3. (29:30) Two Examples of Patience
    4. (35:19) Two Hindrances of Patience


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    48 mins
  • The Misery of Materialism | James #12
    Oct 20 2021

    Money is a tricky thing. It's necessary to pay the bills, it's nice to have a little extra, and there's nothing inherently evil about it. And yet, the biblical authors repeatedly warn us of the dangers of accumulating wealth. The big question Ryan and Steph consider is whether or not money, in and of itself, is the problem, or, as with everything else, is money an issue of the heart?


    1. (0:00) Introduction
    2. (1:56) Unquenchable Thirst
    3. (19:47) The Love of Money
    4. (33:11) Follow the Money


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    49 mins
  • Living with an Asterisk | James #11
    Oct 13 2021

    In this episode, Ryan and Steph reflect on James' sobering reminder that we could die at any moment. "Your life is a vapor," James writes. "It's gone in a flash!" James points out the arrogance of living our lives under the assumption that we will see tomorrow. However, James is not suggesting we throw our hands up and live hopeless, futureless lives. Instead, James challenges us to make our plans and set our schedules while humbly submitting to the will of our God.


    1. (0:00) *If the Lord Wills
    2. (14:32) Trust God
    3. (26:45) Enjoy Life


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    40 mins
  • Don't Judge Me! | James #10
    Oct 6 2021

    James echos the words of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount by telling us to not bring false accusations or judgment against one another. Does this mean that we are never allowed to "point out the speck in someone's eye?" How should we respond if someone brings a charge against us? Ryan and Steph explore these questions and more as they continue their study of the book of James.


    1. (0:00) Introduction
    2. (5:15) Do Not Judge
    3. (16:25) Splinters and Logs
    4. (32:39) Defense Attorney


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    41 mins
  • A Gospel Reminder | James #9
    Sep 29 2021

    The Gospel is lightly peppered throughout James' letter, but he gives a strong Gospel reminder in the center. In order for the Gospel (which means "good news") to be good news, it must follow bad news. So first, James presents the problem of sin in our broken hearts. Then, James reminds us of the good news of God's abundant grace to heal our hearts.


    1. (0:00) Introduction
    2. (5:09) The Bad News
    3. (18:57) The Good News


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    36 mins
  • Show Your Work | James #8
    Sep 22 2021

    One of the key themes in James' letter is wisdom, and according to James, there is false wisdom and true wisdom. False wisdom is the prevailing perspective that "I am the center of the universe and everything revolves around me." In stark contrast, true wisdom is the perspective that "God is the center of the universe and everything revolves around Him." If we truly have true wisdom, it will be evident by what our lives revolve around.


    1. (0:00) Introduction
    2. (3:00) Are You Wise?
    3. (7:28) False Wisdom
    4. (23:20) True Wisdom
    5. (31:27) How to Gain Wisdom


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    43 mins