Tune in to this installment of Bible Answers Live and you'll learn about when the Ten Commandments were written, and what happened to the sea animals during the Flood ! Pastor Doug and Pastor Ross will also touch on free will, the "once saved, always saved" concept and abortion. Don't miss this episode of Bible Answers Live ! 1.- In John 2 verses 14 and 15, is Christ beating the animals and people with the whip ? 2.- Regarding Exodus 16 verses 22 through 26, if our Friday cooking spills over into the Sabbath hours should we stop cooking? also, is it a sin if I eat food cooked by a close relative on the Sabbath ? 3.- When was Exodus chapter 20 written, specifically the Ten Commandments ? 4.- Why did the Romans mistreat Paul after his conversion ? 5.- Did the animals in the ocean die during the flood ? if so, did God re-create all of the fish and sea creatures ? 6.- Is there any Biblical evidence of God breaking a covenant with His people ? 7.- When Jonah chose not to obey God, why didn’t God allow him to make his own choice if we have free will ? 8.- Is it a sin to take prescribed medication if it makes you feel woozy ? 9.- In James 5 verse 16 it says, Confess your sins to one another and pray for one another. Does this mean that we should share our deepest wrongdoings to our fellow brethren ? 10.- If Satan can turn himself into an angel of light, how do we know if it is him or a real angel ? 11.- John the Baptist knew what Jesus’ real mission was and prepared the way for Him. Why then, in Matthew 11, did he seem to express doubt and send his disciples to confirm that Jesus was the Coming One ? 12.- How many people need to be praying for God to hear and answer for the healing of the nation, such as found in 2 Chronicles 7 verse 13 ? 13.- Can I get baptized before finishing my Bible studies ? when is it best to get baptized ? 14.- Why is one person described as drunk in 1 Corinthians 11 verse 21 ? 15.- Is abortion unbiblical ? 16.- Once you are saved, are you always saved ? 17.- What is Jesus telling us in John 14 verse 12 ? 18.- Where in the Bible does God state that He no longer accepts animal sacrifices ? 19.- Can you explain what is happening in 2 Samuel 24 ? 20.- Can you please explain John 3 verse 8 ? 21.- What is the seal of God ? To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.com/donate/297/29
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