• 7.2 | Texas Terror: True Tales of the Strangeness in the Lone Star State
    Feb 24 2025
    🔥👀 Get 2x the episodes! Become a member! 🔗👉 https://bit.ly/7-2-exp Well friends, We've been on the road exploring the righteous roadways of big Sky Country, and we wanted to bring you a long for the ride! (in a manner of speaking). In an effort of communion, we're filling the Hole this evening with True, Terrifying Tales from our Texas listeners!

    Join us as we breakdown stories of Witchcraft in Trailer Homes, Ancient Monkey Men, Drowned Girl Regression Resurrection, and so much more!

    06:09 | A Girl Steps In | Sharon |1996-1997
    14:10 | Ancient Monkey Man | ThatTexasGal | 1998
    22:37 | Bear the Dog and the Female Reaper | Ben Soto
    29:12 | White Beaked Freak of Highway 290 | 2019
    35:39 | Kitty Comes Home | Christy | 2021
    41:55 | Expansion Preview
    44:42 | Timber Wolf Pup | Michelle
    48:08 | Parking Space of Doom | Sharon
    54:29 | The Witching Trailer | Lena | 1998
    1:06:36 | Lindsay’s Stinger!
    1:08:32 | Thank Yous

    🔥Get Expansion Episode
    7.2 EXP: Alien Abduction Survival Guide and Strange Accounts

    🎃 Also checkout: Halloween Head Comics!

    📕 Full Show Notes
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    1 hr and 18 mins
  • 7.1 | Infrared Gargoyles, Ouija Board Escapes and CIA Animal Spies
    Feb 10 2025
    🚨🔥🔥 Join us for our Season 7 Youtube Premiere - Monday 9pm EST and say hi in the chat!! 👀. 🔗 👉 https://bit.ly/youtube-belief-hole

    In the shadow of war, soldiers aren't always fighting a flesh-and-blood enemy. Extreme environments can often invite unusual things..

    From Ouija board summonings in Okinawa that release entities into our world, to monstrous, infrared sky-gargoyles seen only through experimental military tech, this episode is a payload of incredible, true tales!

    Also, CIA sponsored animal espionage?! What?! That's right, From weaponized rabbits and eavesdropping pigeons to Cold War cats wired for surveillance, military black projects have long sought to turn the natural world into asset!

    And then, of course, we return to Glimmer Man.. a shadowy presence stalking the corridors of the world’s largest naval air stationI, is it a specter of the past, or a bleeding-edge experiment in battlefield invisibility?!

    Join us, as we gear up and go behind enemy lines of the bizarre!

    👊 Sponsor: Factor 🌮
    Get started at factormeals.com/beliefhole50off and use code beliethole5off to get 50% off your first box plus free shipping!

    🔥 Expansion Episode:
    7.1 EXP | Haunted Austin: Murder Under the Moontower! Cattle Creeps and Goblins of 6th Street 🔗 👉 https://expansion.beliefhole.com/7-1-exp-haunted-austin-murder-under-the-moontower-cattle-creeps-and-goblins-of-6th-street-2/

    📕 Full Show Notes

    ⏰ Timestamps
    03:44 | Strange phenomena drawn to military activity and special access strangeness
    06:44 | Coming Up: Invisible Entities in the Baracks, Ouija Board Summonings in Okinawa, Foxfire saviors in the lowlands and Monstrous Infrared Sky Entities and Clandestine animal espionage!
    08:24 | Fox Fire in the Lowlands | Clint
    21:17 | Beware the Bunnies! Rabbit Ears of the CIA | Anonymous
    28:42 | Animal Espionage: Acoustic Kitty and other ‘animal partner’ CIA Programs
    33:43 | Operation Glimmer: Ghosts in the Barracks | Ray
    42:30 | Government testing or Paranormal Poltergeist | Clip
    47:18 | Episode Sponsor: FACTOR
    49:04 | Glimmerman Tech Update - Cutting-edge cloaking technology
    58:58 | Warning from an Old Friend | Something
    1:07:55 | Demon Goggles of Vietnam | Clif High
    1:16:19 | It Came From the Board
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    1 hr and 36 mins
  • New Jersey Drones, UFOs and USO Analysis - Hudson Canyon Theory and Sky Creatures Above!
    Jan 23 2025
    Join us now, in digging into the previously unreleased ( FULL ) conversation with our friend, UFO witness, and anomaly enthusiast Bryan King, regarding drones, UFOs, Sky Creatures, the Hudson Canyon Theory, and all the remaining unknown craziness in our skies

    Attention!: There are alot of compelling visuals, so be sure to check out the video on YouTube:

    🔥🔗 Join the Expansion for Member's-Only Episodes
    New Jersey, and now the US and beyond, have experienced an epidemic of unidentified drones flooding the skies. Is this just a distraction? Or is there a deeper reality? In our last episode we explored how NY and NJ have been a hotspots of UFO and USO activity for decades; here is the combined full conversation in its entirety!


    George Knapp analyzes 'drone-a-palooza,' the swarm of unidentified objects creating buzz nationwide

    FBI investigates mysterious large drones circling over New Jersey

    Joe Asks Ex Navy Pilot About Mysterious Drone Sightings

    2013 Aguadilla Puerto Rico UAP/USO

    UFO caught on cam: Leaked video shows 'Jellyfish' UAP allegedly flying over US military base in Iraq

    Alien looking creature transforming near Ocean floor at over 3700 feet.Video from ROV

    Elon Musk's Starlink satellite stunning view from India and China Border 🛰️📡

    Starlink Satellite over my house

    Alien Investigation - Documentary Series
    Netflix - George Knapp

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    1 hr and 35 mins
  • 6.21 | Hidden UFOs of New Jersey: Hudson Canyon Theory and Drones on the Water
    Dec 31 2024
    Join us in investigating freaky UFO Encounters, drone activity, and other phenomena around NJ!

    🔥🔗 Join the Expansion for Member's-Only Episodes

    The Hudson River has a haunted past. A history of strange spectacles in the sky: unsettling encounters with UFOs and unearthly craft that drift silent in the air just above its waves, and terrorizing the lands along its shore.

    But do they come from the stars or from the depths of our own ocean?

    Just 100 miles off the coast of New Jersey, beyond the bay- carved by the river’s ancient flow, is the Hudson Canyon - a craggy cavernous shadowy gash plunging to depths of 10,000 feet into the darkness of the sea.

    What might be hiding there, beneath the surface?

    Join us as we venture from the Hudson Valley to the the New Jersey shoreline, exploring the history of famous AND FORGOTTEN cases of UFO sightings in the area, and diving into a theory Chris has been cooking up about the Hudson Canyon concealing a secret underwater 'alien' base- and the Hudson River, in turn, their submarine highway! 😬

    🔥🔗 Get this Expansion Episode
    6.21 EXP | Stonehenge Apartments UFO Landing and More New Jersey UFO Lore

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    🔥 Check Out: Scared All The Time Podcast

    👊 Sponser: Miracle Made:
    Upgrade your sleep with Miracle Made! Go to TryMiracle.com/BELIEFHOLE and use the code BELIEFHOLE to claim your FREE 3 PIECE TOWEL SET and SAVE over 40% OFF!

    👊 Sponsor: Zbiotics:
    ZBiotics: Remember to use the code BELIEFHOLE at checkout for 15%off (Link Below) 100% money back guarantee https://zbiotics.com/beliefhole

    00:30 | Episode Trailer
    06:11 | New Jersey UFO Hotspot
    11:40 | Hudson Canyon Theory
    17:39 | A Colonial UFO Sighting | 1790
    22:25 | 19th Century UFO in New York State
    27:19 | Episode Sponsor: MiracleMade Sheets
    29:04 | John Lennon’s UFO Sighting
    33:25 | Mae Pang’s Corroborating UFO Account
    36:36 | Expansion Preview
    41:11 | Joe Rogan Experience with Joey Diaz | Hudson County, NJ
    47:35 | Lifetime of UFO Accounts | Daniel | Starting in 1960’s
    1:03:37 | Cultural beginnings of the UFO | 1950’s Tictac UFO sighting
    1:14:52 | Hudson Canyon-The Perfect UFO Hiding Place?
    1:17:25 | Welcome Bryan to the Hole
    1:22:36 | Episode Sponsor: Zbiotics
    1:24:22 | Podcast Shoutout: Scared All The Time
    1:26:10 | What’s happening in the sky? Drones or Extraterrestrial?
    1:30:25 | George Knapp News Clip
    1:32:10 | George Knapp News Clip
    1:46:24 | Chris and Jeremy’s UFO Sighting
    1:56:29 | Thank Yous

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    2 hrs and 6 mins
  • 6.20 | High Strangeness in the Borrego Triangle with Derek Hayes and David Flora
    Dec 16 2024
    Watch the Video Premiere of this Episode Monday 9pm EST - and join us in the Live Chat! 🙌 🔗 - https://youtu.be/ybZxZRNGPvI In our haunted world, there exists special places. Landscapes of stark beauty that inexplicably call out to us to explore their desolate and haunting, which are not only treacherous to traverse, but are breeding grounds the unexplained. Many of these places are infamous, but one in particular has only recently been identified... the Borrego Triangle. Join us, as we invite Derek Hayes and David Flora to sift through the stories explore the adventurous making of their documentary: Shadows in the Desert: High Strangeness in the Borrego Triangle. 🔥 Check Out: Shadows in the Desert: High Strangeness in the Borrego Triangle Amazon: https://amzn.to/3ZV83mY Apple TV: https://apple.co/4gEf4OH Tubi: https://bit.ly/4fktx17 👀 Check Out Derek and David's Podcasts: Monsters Among Us: https://www.monstersamonguspodcast.com Blurry Photos http://www.blurryphotos.org/podcast ⏰ Timestamps 00:30 | Episode Trailer 03:24 | The Anza Borrego Desert Environment 05:39 | The Borrego Sandman | Murders at Deadman’s Hole 12:57 | Trailer: High Strangeness in the Borrego Triangle 15:07 | Interview with Derek Hayes and Dave Flora 15:11 | Recommended Podcasts: Monsters Among Us and Blurry Photos 24:09 | Eyewitnesses Bigfoot (sandman) Accounts from the Documentar 31:12 | Authenticity and Humor in the Hunt for the Truth 35:36 | The Dangers of Working in Remote Regions in the Borrego 39:43 | Expansion Preview: Winter Horror: Strange Encounters in the Snow 44:01 | Strange Pictographs and Petroglyphs in the Anza Borrego Desert 47:41 | Jeremy’s Dark Watchers Discovery 49:45 | Where and How a Sandman (bigfoot) might hide and survive in the Borrego |Migration through Southern California Bigfoot Hotspots? Fontana Raceway Mountain Devils and the Yukaman-Joshua Tree Connection 54:00 | The Interdimensional Bigfoot Suggestion and Time Slip Creatures Sightings 57:54 | Deadman’s Hole and Military Bases 59:30 | 19th Century Sandman Reports and the April Fool’s Question 1:01:33 | Black Helicopters and Military Surveillance 1:09:09 | Sponsor: Miracle Made Sheets 1:10:58 | Sponsor: Miracle Made Sheets 1:13:40 | Bryan And Dina Similar Report from Upper Michigan 1:14:33 | Sky Whales, The Living Sky and Sky Creatures (Gargantuan Gliders) 1:18:08 | Healthy Skepticism and Anomaly Residue Discussion 1:25:55 | Authenticity in High Strangeness Filmmaking Vs Fakery 1:29:06 | Sponsor: Mint Mobile 1:32:54 | Interview Wrap Up 1:33:57 | Back with Jon 1:36:45 | Expansion Episode Clip: 5.9 EXP Desert Monster Invasion and Interdimensional Accounts Borrego Sandman Being Dropped from UFOs? 1:42:25 | Unusual… Bigfoot Abduction 1:48:07 | Outtakes 🔥 Join the Expansion for 2X the episodes - Member's-Only Episodes https://expansion.beliefhole.com/ 👊 Thanks to our Sponsors: Miracle Made: Upgrade your sleep with Miracle Made! Go to TryMiracle.com/BELIEFHOLE and use the code BELIEFHOLE to claim your FREE 3 PIECE TOWEL SET and SAVE over 40% OFF! Mint Mobile: Cut your wireless bill to 15 bucks a month! https://www.mintmobile.com/beliefhole 👀 Belief Hole Merch! 📕 Full Show Notes: https://beliefhole.com/6-20-high-strangeness-in-the-borrego-triangle-with-derek-hayes-and-david-flora
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    1 hr and 50 mins
  • 6.19 | Graveyard Shift: True Workplace Horror Stories
    Dec 2 2024
    From police chase phantoms that vanish in the snow, to disembodied hands beckoning in Ski resort crawlspaces- Join us, on this episode of belief hole, as we clock in for the graveyard shift to share True terrifying tales of encounters with the unseen things that never clock out!

    👊 Thanks to our Sponsors:

    • ZBiotics: Remember to use the code BELIEFHOLE at checkout for 15%off (Link Below) 100% money back guarantee https://zbiotics.com/beliefhole

    • Miracle Made: Upgrade your sleep with Miracle Made! Go to TryMiracle.com/BELIEFHOLE and use the code BELIEFHOLE to claim your FREE 3 PIECE TOWEL SET and SAVE over 40% OFF!
    00:00 | Episode Trailer
    05:41 | Supernatural Home Invader (When the trail goes cold) | Josh | Canal Fulton, OH | 2015
    15:22 | This House is Clean | Bryan K | Ann Arbor, MI
    21:36 | Channel Changer | Rachel | Scotland Nursing Home
    29:13 | 30 to Afterlife | Nathan Keister | First encounter 2013, second 2019 | MD
    33:40 | Episode Sponsor: Z-Biotics Pre-Alcohol
    35:54 | Member Episode Expansion Preview: Pirate Ghosts and Curses Treasure
    43:41 | Bribe from The Man in Room 217 | Jay Crow | Brighton, Brisbane Australia | 1996
    51:41 | Episode Sponsor: Miracle Made Sheets
    54:35 | Taxi (Do Automated Cars Dream Human Ghosts?) | Anonymous | Phoenix, AZ
    1:02:25 | The Hand in the Hole | Disembodied Hand | The Colorado mountains | Probably February 2020 |Middle of the day
    1:07:12 | Pool of Spirits | Lorie Parmalee | Winter of 2021 | Clifton Park, New York
    1:12:15 | It Whistled While I Worked | Felipe

    Full Show Notes

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    1 hr and 21 mins
  • 6.18 | Our Haunted Planet - True Paranormal Encounters from Around the World
    Nov 18 2024
    🔥 Youtube Video Premiering Now! 12am EST. Join us in the chat! https://youtu.be/Lr3ER7fGgbo 😶‍🌫️

    👊 Thanks to our Sponsor: Miracle Made:
    Upgrade your sleep with Miracle Made! Go to TryMiracle.com/BELIEFHOLE and use the code BELIEFHOLE to claim your FREE 3 PIECE TOWEL SET and SAVE over 40% OFF!

    👊 Thanks to our Sponsor: Mint Mobile:
    Cut your wireless bill to 15 bucks a month! https://www.mintmobile.com/beliefhole

    📕 Full Show Notes:

    00:00 | Episode Trailer
    09:57 | | Supernatural Stowaway (Haunted Plane Flight) | Anonymous
    17:52 | | Condemned Land (Haunted House) | Anonymous | PEI (Prince Edward Island), Canada Late 90's
    31:23 | Episode Sponsor: Mircale Made Sheets
    33:59 | Occupied (Hospital Bathroom Ghost) | Alice | Cambridge | 1980s
    38:42 | Heartbreaker’s Hitchhiker | Rob | UK
    44:34 | The Harbinger Car | Joe | UK | June 2009
    52:31 | Episode Sponsor: Mint Mobile
    54:25 | Expansion Preview
    1:00:11 | Albanian Spirits at the Crossroads | Matt | Albania
    1:12:37 | The Gorebridge Glitch | Gorebridge, Scotland
    1:22:05 | A Maternal Curse (Ongoing for generations) | Hana |Svitavy, Czech Republic, Central Europe
    1:30:21 | The TV People | South Africa
    1:40:24 | Thank You Announcement
    Show More Show Less
    1 hr and 39 mins
  • 6.17 | The Paranormal Ranger: Skinwalkers and Bigfoot of the Navajo Reservation
    Nov 4 2024
    🔥 Watch the Video Episode
    🔗 https://youtu.be/78GGYq8Zlss Since time immemorial, the land of the Navajo Nation has harbored secrets. Stories of strange visitors and shapeshifting witches passed down through generations, drift through the sagebrush, around towering sandstone, and beneath an endless sky. And some nights, canyons whisper a dark magic. Evil in a single word- Yenaldooshi. This is a land of haunting beauty and a cradle to the supernatural.

    Join us, on this episode of Belief Hole, as we explore true encounters with the unknown, as told by the Navajo Ranger who dedicated his life to uncovering the truth behind them. Stanley Milford Jr. The Paranormal Ranger.

    00:00 | Paranormal Ranger and The Special Projects Unit and Its Mission
    04:39 | Stanley's Bedroom Encounter
    12:03 | Analyzing the Encounter: Sleep Paralysis or Real Abduction?
    18:15 | Ghosts on the Navajo Reservation
    24:06 | Investigating the Window Rock Haunting
    28:04 | Paranormal Investigation and the Falling Coins Mystery
    34:25 | Multi-Dimensional Theories
    43:25 | Return to the Old Man and the UFO
    44:07 | Introduction to Haas Lors
    44:59 | The Mysterious Satan Butte
    46:42 | Haas's UFO Encounter
    54:24 | Skinwalker Stories
    1:06:57 | The Curse and the Medicine Man
    1:16:12 | Concluding Thoughts and Reflections

    🔥 Join the Expansion! Get 6.16 EXP | More Reservation Horror!

    👊 Thanks to our Sponsor: Miracle Made:
    Upgrade your sleep with Miracle Made! Go to TryMiracle.com/BELIEFHOLE and use the code BELIEFHOLE to claim your FREE 3 PIECE TOWEL SET and SAVE over 40% OFF!

    👊 Sponsors: ZBiotics
    Remember to use the code BELIEFHOLE at checkout for 15%off (Link Below)
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    1 hr and 36 mins