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iTunes | Spotify | Google | Stitcher | Audible Kurt Willems has a conversation with Tara Beth Leach about her important new book, Radiant Church: Restoring the Credibility of Our Witness. Here's what Kurt said in his endorsement:
"No doubt about it, Christianity has a bad reputation problem in the USA. But that is not how it is supposed to be. The Scriptures offer us a vocation: to be people who bear the loving light of God. In Radiant Church, Tara Beth Leach does something radical: she looks to Jesus first, the light of the world in human flesh. Jesus calls us to know him and live like him in such a way that radical love should be what we are known for, not bigotry, hypocrisy, patriarchy, polarization, racism, political ideology, or any other negatively loaded label. Rather than watering down the Bible to make Christianity more palatable for our culture, she invites us to drink deeply of its story, to become people known for radiating God's beauty and goodness to our world. Read this prophetic book, and let's take up the abundant resources of Jesus together so we can put his vision of a Radiant Church on full display."
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