If your best friend had walking pneumonia and their worst day was only yesterday, you’d give them as long as they needed to recover, wouldn’t you? Or if a climber broke their arm, they'd get time to heal before scaling mountains again. So why don’t we give ourselves the same grace when we’re broken on the inside where nobody can see?
I’d cling to the side of a cliff myself if it meant my children would be happy, yet I shove myself if I’m not moving fast enough, healing fast enough, in recovery. Alcoholism is not a moral failing, and no matter how hard we shove ourselves, we cannot heal any faster. Alcoholism is a lifelong disease that requires daily spiritual maintenance to not WANT to drink.
I have high expectations of myself, pointing my aspirations higher so my trajectory destines me for happiness. But I haven’t always felt that I deserve happiness. After quite a few 24 hours of hard work in sobriety, I do believe I deserve to be happy. Finally! Now the work is in figuring out what makes me happy. I can only reach my fullest potential if I take care of my basic needs, be good to myself, and read AARP and drink tea if it strikes my fancy. I treat myself with the same kindness and compassion I would show to my best friend. Do you?
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#BeKindToYourself #SelfCareMatters #YouDeserveHappiness #RecoveryJourney #HealingTakesTime #MentalHealthAwareness #SobrietySuccess #DailySpiritualMaintenance #CompassionStartsWithYou #GraceNotPerfection