We're expanding the mission to include more people in our podcast. UX is not really UX without including people from all walks of life. Inspired by some of the recent voices on twitter I've decided to create a community for us, all of us. Join Diversity in UX Matters today https://join.slack.com/t/diverseuxmatters/shared_invite/zt-xd0nwhg4-YUyi0qU5MweqjDVg3~aI3A…
This week I interviewed Joanna Peña-Bickley, a design technologist, known as the mother of Cognitive Experience Design and pioneer in Ai aided, generative design. She is propelled by a multidisciplinary acumen in research, design, tech and data modeling. Joanna has delivered world-class experiences that drive engagement and business results. She has built exceptional design organizations as an active leader in the design, cognitive, user experience and Ai aided, generative design fields. Joanna's team's achievements have been written up in books and periodicals such as: MIT Technology Review, Time, Forbes, Fortune, TechCrunch and The Wall Street Journal. Her drive to learn and invent has produced innovative work that has been internationally awarded, recognized and used by millions of customers.
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