Jarred and Kyle are back to go over more of the internet's weirdest and funniest news stories. This week the guys start with an apparent biblical smiting and end on a good old-fashioned Rum Runnas brand story involving stuff being inserted into a part of the body it doesn't belong. Stories this week include: A football player in Indonesia is struck by lightning and killed in the middle of the game. This is why you should definitely never play sports during a rain storm, but we honestly don't know the odds that this would happen with the sheer amount of taller and most likely metal objects that are all around sports stadiums how did a lightning bolt pick one player out. This is one of the few instances where the chance of a higher power might be real...and apparently, they bet on the opposing team. An AUS man is in the hospital after attempting to get sexual gratification by shoving 3 (YES 3) batteries into his PENIS!!! We'll let the wave of pain fade from the male audience. We don't know why he did it or how he planned on getting it out, but this man shoved 3 BATTERIES IN HIS PENIS and then waited a whole 24 hours to go to the hospital! And then his penis started DYING!!!! Some people don't deserve to have a penis and the doctors agreed with that sentiment. We Read The Click Bait So You Don't Have To! Follow Us On: Website: www.rumrunnaspodcastnetwork.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RumRunnas Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/RumRunnas/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/Rumpod Support Us On: https://www.patreon.com/Rumrunnas/ *Watch nearly Unedited Video Versions of this Episode available to Patrons Featured Stories / Sources: If there's a God, They bet on the Other Team / the Hindustan Times: https://www.hindustantimes.com/trending/footballer-dies-after-being-hit-by-lightning-in-indonesia-harrowing-incident-captured-on-camera-101707743854587.html?fbclid=IwAR3YuTni4E5n-2buq81ZvTJNLUJDoQhMs6C0vvaO2tlyPTSAwY2CHP4bLuQ_aem_AfX1xXrxqg5wAL6GTTO87M59n33chj9TORJPs78rHRf36C5WrdsSA8hnwAm9cnWYYDY Don't Stick Those In There!!! / NDTV World: https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/australia-doctors-remove-batteries-from-mans-penis-after-he-shoved-them-in-for-sexual-gratification-5073715/amp/1 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices