• Exodus (Extra Nuggets Preview)
    Sep 11 2024

    Remember how “Father Abraham had many sons and many sons had father Abraham..”? Well, that family started in Genesis, the first book of the Bible. So, in Exodus, the second book of the Bible, we see that Abraham’s many sons had turned into lots and lots of families that turned into a whole entire nation! And that nation or big group of people is called Israel. The people of Israel were called the Israelites and they found themselves in a bad spot. They were slaves in Egypt, which meant they were treated so badly. But, God had a plan. He wouldn’t leave His people in this bad spot for long.

    There’s so much in the book of Exodus! But more than anything we see that God WANTS to be with His people. He was with them and provided perfect food and shelter and was a guide for them each day!

    And that takes us to our special verse for the book of Exodus. Let’s read it together. You can repeat after me. “I will take you to be my own people. I will be your God.” Exodus 6:7a

    Let’s talk about some questions together. You can pause after each question to discuss and remember...don’t overthink it. The point is to get conversation started!

    1. Can you name the 10 commandments? That story is a part of this book of the Bible so let’s see how many we can remember!

    2. Why do you think God wanted to give rules or commandments for how His people should live?

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    8 mins
  • The Bible
    Aug 20 2024

    *Click the banner in Apple Podcasts to order Extra Nuggets!*

    The Bible is the most amazing book ever to exist. It’s unlike any other book! I bet you probably have a Bible or 2 in your house but do you know just how special it is? Let’s see if you know these facts about the Bible…

    Did you know the Bible is like it’s own little library since it’s made up of lots of different books written by different authors?

    That’s right, there’s 66 different books written by over 40 different people!

    But, the Bible has one MAIN author who wrote all of it through those 40 different human authors…and that’s the Holy Spirit. It’s the Holy Spirit who told the human authors what to write down and how to say it. And it’s the Holy Spirit who has protected and preserved these words for thousands of years so that we can read them today!

    In fact, the oldest book of the Bible was written over 3 thousand 500 years ago. And books don’t just happen to stick around for that long unless it’s by some miracle. And the Bible IS a miracle, not only because we have it but because it’s what we call the inspired word of God. And the word of God is described as a sword. That’s pretty cool, right? We can think of God’s word as a way that we can get to know God better and learn about who He is and what He’s like and how He acts and the things He says. Stuff like that. But we can also use God’s word to fight. Well, at least, that’s what Jesus did. Remember when Jesus fought with Satan when Satan was trying to tempt him? Jesus fought back to Satan’s tricks with God’s words – the words in the Bible. And we are to do the same today! We should know the Bible so well that we can use it whenever Satan tries to trick US!

    You know, sometimes, God seems hard to understand or difficult to figure out and wrap our head around because He’s so different from us as humans. I mean, God is GOD and there’s no one else like Him. SO we don’t have many other ways of understanding Him or getting to know Him OTHER than reading the Bible. It’s like a letter He left for you to read about Him. He wants you to know Him and not some made up version of what you THINK he might be like..He wants you to know the REAL Him even the unexpected things about Him or the things that are hard to understand or even the mysterious things about Him. The Bible begins to reveal all sides of God to us if we take the time to read it!

    And it’s because of how awesome the Bible is that I want us to start walking through each book of the Bible together. The plan is to complete the Old Testament this school year. I want us to talk about what each book is about, talk about a few of the cool stories found there and then talk about how it fits in this bigger story that God is writing. I want us to learn how different books show us different aspects of WHO God is and what we can learn from it. We are going to be doing this for subscribers only so I’d love for you to join us as we journey together through the awesome books of the Bible. You can click the banner in Apple podcasts to sign up for just a few dollars.

    But before we sign off, listen to this verse. 2 Timothy 3:16 and 17 says, “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.”

    The Bible is God breathed….just imagine that. Isn’t that amazing that the words we read in our Bibles are directly from God just like your breath comes out of your body? I sure hope you’ll join us as we go through the books on Extra Nuggets, but more than anything, I pray you fall in love with reading your Bible. I pray you love it so much that you can tell others about what a special book it is to you in your life. And I pray that by reading it you come to love the Lord more and more.

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    7 mins
  • Good Gifts
    Aug 12 2024

    Alright, parents! I want you to think about how many times you’ve bought a devotional book to do with your kids and you had the best intentions.. yall were going to do it every night at bedtime or at breakfast. And it was going to be this lovely time of blissful discipleship. But alas, life happened and that book ended up on the shelf and that dream of family devotionals …well it’s honestly on the shelf with those well intended books. I’m serious I probably have at LEAST 5 of those books in my house right now.

    And it’s not for lack of trying! It’s just that life is busy, seasons change, and honestly some days I’m just tired and don’t feel like doing it.

    Well, despite how many kids devotional books you’ve bought in the past, this podcast is here to help you accomplish your family discipleship goals in the easiest way possible. Even if you’re the best at family discipleship and you’re rocking a family bible study every day, I’m sure there are some days you just don’t have it and could use some back up. THAT’S what Backseat Bible Nuggets is here for! AND if we think of it like the easiest most convenient devotional ever, then it's a nobrainer that you’d sign up for Extra Nuggets, our new subscription plan. If you become a subscriber then you’ll have access to more content over the next year. So, go ahead and click the Extra Nuggets banner in Apple podcasts and get started! Your overloaded bookshelf will thank you later!

    What’s the best gift you’ve ever been given? Maybe it was a birthday present or something you got for Christmas. Maybe it was a surprise treat you weren’t even expecting or maybe the best gift you’ve been given was getting to do something cool, like go on a trip or do some sort of special experience.

    My guess is that you’ve been given a lot in your life and that you’ve been blessed in lots of different ways. I know for me, it would be hard for me to think about the BEST gift I’ve ever been given since I’ve received lots of great gifts over my lifetime! But I remember when I was younger and how I really really really wanted to bird for a pet. I had already tried cats, dogs, turtles, fish and hamsters for pets, but never a bird and I just thought it would be amazing. So I talked about it constantly to my parents and family. Everyone knew I wanted this bird.

    I dreamed about what the cage would look like. I planned where it would go in my room. I brainstormed what I’d name the bird. I thought through all the details of owning a bird. I was so excited about having a bird. And would you know, the day came where my parents actually got me the bird?! I couldn’t believe it. I remember walking down the stairs in my house and seeing this big sheet covering something that looked sorta like a cage and there were tweets coming come underneath. All of my dreaming and wishing and hoping had actually come true! I was so excited.

    Now, what I want you to know is that my parents aren’t the biggest animal lovers. It’s not like they shared my same desire for birds. And looking back, I bet they weren’t thrilled about bringing another animal to live inside their house. So, why did they get me the bird? Why does someone get another person a gift? What would lead them to do that? Well, love! My parents loved me enough to know that I really wanted that bird and they felt compelled to get the bird because of their love for me.

    This is how our Heavenly Father works too! The Lord knows you and knows what you love and He LOVES to give His children good gifts. In fact, Matthew 7:11 says, “Even though you are evil, you know how to give good gifts to your children. How much more will your Father who is in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!”

    In other words, if humans, who are sinful, understand the concept of loving someone so much that they want to give gifts out of love, how much more does our Father in&

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    8 mins
  • Talking to Kids About Politics
    Jul 19 2024

    Need a resource to help you talk to your kids about politics from a Biblical world view this election season? SUBSCRIBE here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/backseat-bible-nuggets/id1573752728

    All content is party neutral and focuses on topics like being citizens of God's kingdom first, setting our minds on things above, and even what it looks like to respect government authority.

    Backseat Bible Nuggets is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual advice to help you grow into the parent you want to be visit www.ChristianParenting.org

    Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/backseat-bible-nuggets/donations

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    4 mins
  • Season Opener - Deuteronomy 6:7
    Jul 18 2024

    Backseat Bible Nuggets is BACK! We are excited to get back to the routine with you as school gears back up. There are a lot of new things in store for this season including a Backseat Bible Nuggets SUBSCRIPTION for extra episodes! Click here to find out more: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/backseat-bible-nuggets/id1573752728

    Backseat Bible Nuggets is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual advice to help you grow into the parent you want to be visit www.ChristianParenting.org

    Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/backseat-bible-nuggets/donations
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    6 mins
  • Pause
    Feb 7 2024

    This is the 100th episode of Backseat Bible Nuggets podcast! Woohoo!

    This fun project that started 2.5 years ago aimed to help parents have Christ centered conversations with their kids in the middle of the busy and hectic schedules of life. And the Lord has been faithful to the idea that He gave me. HE has made this podcast grow. HE has planted seeds in the hearts of our children through it. HE has grown our confidence as parents to remind us that WE are equipped by His Spirit living in us to lead our kids to Jesus in daily conversations.

    Surely, He has done great things! To God be the Glory!

    It’s also equally true that this podcast has never taken a break. Lots of podcasts break for certain seasons, but this one kept right on trucking. At one point we slowed the pace, but never a pause.

    Well my friends, that day has come. It’s time for Backseat Bible Nuggets to take a break and pause. Why? Well, because I’m learning the importance of rest and Sabbath. I’ve been a bit confused about resting in the past and while I knew it was Biblical, I guess I saw it as optional and something we COULD do on an as needed basis. This is in fact, not the case though!

    Isaiah 40:28 says God doesn’t grow tired or weary. If this is the case, which it is, they why does God, from the beginning of time, show us what it means to have a rhythm of rest built in to our life? If sabbath rest is optional they why is it such a main point of Genesis 2:1-3 where it says that God rested from all of His work? Because He was tired? Well, no….not possible. And if God doesn’t grow tired or weary as Isaiah tells us, then why do we see Jesus set a rhythm of retreat back to His Father? Why does Jesus often slip away from the crowd for a few moments? I think these examples point to the importance, the essential fact of needed rest. Not the option of it.

    So, friends, that’s what Backseat Bible Nuggets is going to do for now. Rest. It doesn’t mean I’ll take a nap every day, although I wouldn’t complain! But it does mean there won’t be new episodes for a while. Good news is that you now have 100 episodes to listen to, along with other great resources.

    Even better news is that by this point, I hope and pray you’re seeing how the simplest most mundane daily occurrence is an opportunity to talk to your kids about Jesus. YOU can do it! YOU are the parent to your specific kids for a reason. YOU can speak to them best. YOU can minister to their hearts most successfully. Will you commit to do it? Will you daily ground yourself in God’s word so that you naturally overflow the gospel to your kids? It starts with you!

    You’ve got this Mama! It’s gonna be great, Dad. And to the grandparents listening, we need your wisdom more than ever! I love yall and can’t wait to catch up soon. But for now, I’m going to take a rest.

    Backseat Bible Nuggets is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual advice to help you grow into the parent you want to be visit www.ChristianParenting.org

    Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/backseat-bible-nuggets/donations
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    5 mins
  • Safe and Secure
    Jan 24 2024

    John 10:28 talks about someone snatching something out of another person’s hands. Now, I’m just curious if you’ve ever snatched someone from someone before? Maybe your sibling had a toy that you wanted and you just grabbed it. How well did that go? It never goes well in our house when that happens. And let me guess, you hate it when someone else snatches something out of your hands, right? No one likes having something taken from them when it was theirs to begin with. And as parents we teach this lesson to our kids. Maybe you’ve already learned it!

    Well since we know that having something snatched from us isn’t the most enjoyable, Jesus clearly tells us that nothing can be snatched out of His hands. And guess what’s in His hands? His children! He holds those who believe in Him in His hands. Those must be some BIG BIG hands!

    John 10:28 is where Jesus says, “I give them eternal life, and they will never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand.”

    So that’s saying that Jesus is the one who gives us eternal life when we believe in Him. And because we have eternal life, we won’t ever die. Okay. But the second part of that verse is where Jesus says that once you believe in Him, you’re in His hand, and nothing can snatch you out.

    Like you can’t fall out. You can’t jump out. You can’t get lost and wander out. And this is a huge deal because He’s talking spiritually. Meaning once we give our heart to Jesus, nothing changes that. It’ll always be safe and secure in His hands. Isn’t that awesome. It brings such confidence and comfort to know that He has me forever and ever and I’m protected in His hands as His child.

    Let’s talk about some questions today. Remember, don’t overthink it! The point is to get conversation flowing.

    1. Who are the people in God’s hands?

    2. Who would try to snatch anything out of God’s hands?

    3. If you have given your heart to Jesus, how does it feel to hear that nothing can snatch you out of His hands?

    Let’s practice our verse one last time before we go. You can repeat after me. “I give them eternal life, and they will never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand.” John 10:28

    Backseat Bible Nuggets is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual advice to help you grow into the parent you want to be visit www.ChristianParenting.org

    There is a lot of amazing content out there, so Christian Parenting did all the sorting and filtering for you and put together a resource to help you navigate it all.

    Discipleship Simplified is a digital guide that includes some of the best articles, podcasts, and videos on topics like:

    · Faith at home

    · Reading the bible

    · Theology

    · Prayer

    You will also find conversation guides and discussion starters. Even scripts to use with your kids.

    You can go to www.cpgive.org to download your copy for just $5!

    Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/backseat-bible-nuggets/donations
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    5 mins
  • Forgiveness
    Jan 10 2024

    Our family loves to play Monopoly, especially my 9 year old. And if you’ve ever played this game you know that there are times where you have to go to a spot on the gameboard that is the jail. And when you’re in jail, in the game, you lose your turn until you’re free from jail. In order to get out of jail, you need to draw a card that says “Get Out of Jail Free.” This is the best card because it gets you back in the game and moving along with the other players.

    This game of monopoly shows us something spiritually. We can think of our sin, that all humans are born with, as a type of jail. Our sin can keep us trapped, in a sense. We can’t get out on our own. And it ultimately keeps us separated from God.

    If we were playing monopoly we would keep hoping and hoping we would draw one of those cards to get us out! And guess what? When Jesus came, He came to get us out of that sin jail. He came as the Son of God. He came to live the perfect human life. And He came to die for our sins – to offer us forgiveness from our sins. THEN He came BACK to life, winning over sin and death and showing that He will forever and always be the winner of LIFE – both today and for always.

    Jesus did all of this so that we could have forgiveness from our sins, which is like our “Get Out of Jail Free” card. It’s through the forgiveness of our sins that we can have a relationship with Jesus both today and then forever in heaven with Him. But instead of waiting and just trying to get lucky by drawing the right card, in a sense, Jesus offers this forgiveness to everyone who accepts it. Isn’t that amazing? It’s a free gift that gets you out of that sin jail! Have you ever heard better news!?

    Psalm 86:5 says, “You are forgiving and good, O Lord, abounding in love to all who call on you.”

    Let’s talk about some questions today. Remember, don’t overthink it! The point is to get conversation flowing.

    1. How do you respond when you think about Jesus’ forgiving your sins?

    2. If Jesus is willing to forgive your sins, how do you think He wants you to treat others?

    Let’s practice our verse one last time before we go. You can repeat after me. “You are forgiving and good, O Lord, - abounding in love - to all who call on you.” Psalm 86:5

    Backseat Bible Nuggets is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual advice to help you grow into the parent you want to be visit www.ChristianParenting.org

    Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/backseat-bible-nuggets/donations
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    5 mins