Special episode with DG and Kristen of the Sinsomnia podcast on the instincts in chakras. Link for the Chakra/Instinct Correlation Diagram to follow along in our conversation: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RBqzLoZ5X0JEqE_LlVlYVqOkzg61bL-c/view?usp=sharing
—(1:27) - The archetypal sexual instinct; destruction and creation —(6:05) - Self-Preservation concretizing out of fear, the shadow side of the sexual instinct in war —(9:09) - The 7 chakras and their overlap with the enneagram instinctual stackings —(17:11) - The significance in the numbers of leaves on the chakra lotus' —(24:42) - Tracking the instincts through the centers in the dream realm —(28:25) - Kristen links the chakras in a different way —(31:12) - The Sexual instinct in the Root, Sacral, and Solar Plexus chakras —(39:13) - The Social instinct within the Heart chakra —(42:31) - The Self-Preservation instinct overlapping the Throat and Third Eye chakras —(47:17) - David brings his wisdom; kundalini and the practice of alchemy —(54:30) - Social blind deadness and Vampires
Get the new intro Enneagram Audio Course from Josh & John: https://www.theenneagramschool.com/intro-enneagram-course
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Alexandra’s astrology-enneagram readings and trash tv gossip: https://www.saturnruled9.com
Buy John’s instinct book: https://www.amazon.com/dp/0578784971/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_VZ3VZVEG0M1RY42AWN2T
You’re a bread person if you only have one copy of DG’s Trifix Booklet: https://www.enneagrammer.com/store/trifix-venn-booklet-david-gray
Call the BHE hotline with your questions at (323) 696-0647. Or you can also email bhepodcast@gmail.com or DM us with a pre-recorded voice message