A credit card with an annual fee is worth it because it offers higher rewards and if you can make the best usage to get those benefits. But sometimes, credit cards with zero joining or annual fees would be better in terms of long-term value.
With each lifetime-free credit card, we have also suggested an alternative card with similar but better features and charges a nominal annual fee, to help you choose the best credit card. If you make smart use of these benefits, they would outweigh the nominal fee you pay.
For more detailed information visit: https://www.slideserve.com/kartik7/lifetime-free-credit-cards
Here are some of the best lifetime free credit cards:
- Amazon PAY ICICI credit card benefits in Co-branded Benefits
- IDFC First Select Credit Card benefits in Rewards and Online Shopping
- HSBC Visa Platinum Credit Card benefits in Movies and Rewards
- Bank of Baroda Prime Credit Card benefits in Cashback
- RBL Insignia Preferred Banking World Credit Card benefits in Premium Privileges
If lifetime free Credit Cards come without charges, how do banks earn money from the service? A major portion of Credit Card revenue for banks comes from merchant fees – when you buy a product using a Credit Card, a percentage of its value goes to the card-issuing bank.
So, yes, a Credit Card can be free if you use it smartly.